How Active Are You?


Zooville Settler
Ladies and Gentleman!

I've mostly seen our lovely ladies say they are generally accustomed to opening themselves to their four-legged partner the majority of the time they show they are wanting. I've seen men with Male dogs answer about the same. But as far as men to female dogs, we know how our girls can be when in heat. Honestly at the current age of 30 I have about 3 times a day in me and that's spaced out, and that's if I want to orgasm as well. Anything beyond that, it's fingers, or she gets the half chub gummy worm which is more than enough for most breeds. I digress.

Question is, how is your libido in comparison to your partners? And is there ever a time where you actually do say outright no due to just NOT being in the mood. Like you have every means to, privacy, time, nothing else going on, etc but it's just a no. Not a getting licked to get in the mood. Not engaging with them to get in the mood. Just no. And how did your partner react to that? Lastly, has anyone found their libido to be higher than their partner? High libido Ladies who have high libido males have you found the combination to work well or no?

Wanted to hear some thoughts.
To elaborate because I know most men my age read 3 times a day and are like wtf? lol If I do have a clear schedule and get that kind of action in, Keep in mind, this is also sharing intimacy with my wife. So for me in answering my own question, there are times where I do tell my girl a firm "no" and softly slap the side of her tummy 3 times for her to get the message to go do something else. This is then followed up with me getting followed or like any move I make she'll pop up and come towards my legs hitting me with her tail for the rest of the day, which usually results in a night time fingering because I'm a softie.
also in my 30s, i can usually go two or three times a day. well three or four, but i don't count masturbating. rubbing one out just before sleep is sort of a habit of mine.
i have a girl and two boys (one is sadly neutered). when she's in heat, i go to "just a finger/hand, sorry" pretty fast. around ten times a day (around four for the intact boy, around six for her) might sound like a dream and it is for a day or two, it gets tiring real fast tho. especially when you get home from work already pretty busted and instead of "hi" you get "would you look at that pussy? i will literally keep flagging until you get the message" accompanied by ultra horny boy who either wants to mount her or tries to push his sheath into your hand, because sometimes she's too busy flagging you to notice him and he's twice her size.

i never said no, i'm always happy to oblige. even if only by using my hand/fingers. their happiness comes first.
My dog usually demands sex about 3 times a day. A bit more when the heat season hits. I generally help him out but that is because I absolutely adore his penis and love making him feel good. :D I actually almost never ejaculate myself when having sex with him, I do that later over porn.
The only time I refuse him by ignoring him is at night when I want to sleep but he thinks otherwise.
His response is usually vocal disagreement, mounting attempts... until he gives up. But any movement at that point immediately makes him repeat the cycle.
also in my 30s, i can usually go two or three times a day. well three or four, but i don't count masturbating. rubbing one out just before sleep is sort of a habit of mine.
i have a girl and two boys (one is sadly neutered). when she's in heat, i go to "just a finger/hand, sorry" pretty fast. around ten times a day (around four for the intact boy, around six for her) might sound like a dream and it is for a day or two, it gets tiring real fast tho. especially when you get home from work already pretty busted and instead of "hi" you get "would you look at that pussy? i will literally keep flagging until you get the message" accompanied by ultra horny boy who either wants to mount her or tries to push his sheath into your hand, because sometimes she's too busy flagging you to notice him and he's twice her size.

i never said no, i'm always happy to oblige. even if only by using my hand/fingers. their happiness comes first.
It's definitely as you said brother. You come home from a long day at work "Hey! Here's some pussy!" And then constant flagging...whining lol I feel you on that.
When I had a dog that I was active with, it was a few years ago, I have hade quite matching libido with my canine partner. We were not really limited by how often either of us feels like it, but mostly by alone time we get, which was not much, as that was while I was still living with parents. We managed to maintain it basically once-a-day activity. But on good days, when eg we were all day alone with nothing else to do, it was no problem for either of us to go for it 3-4 times a day. That seemed to satisfy both of ours needs for a bit. He never had second thoughts, from young adult till his older age, he remained active and wanting, it was me, who had to refuse him due to his health issues, as I didn't want him to exhaust/hurt himself. It were good times while it lasted, rest in peace my dear boy.