Fantasy Book Suggestions


Just looking for suggestions on what I might read next. I like fantasy stories, and nothing that's particularly dark or grim. I like stories that make you FEEL good. I don't care if the main character is male or female, though I do prefer stories that aren't about aliens and sci-fi (though if you have a suggestions, I'm all ears).

Here's what I've read so far, in a vague order of how much I liked it, Most to Least

The Dresden Files - Jim Butcher
Mercy Thompson - Patricia Briggs
The Primal Hunter - Zogarth
Cradle - Will Wight
Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson
Stormlight Archives - Brandon Sanderson
Alpha and Omega - Patricia Briggs
Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson
Codex Alera - Jim Butcher
The Cinder Spires - Jim Butcher
Immortal Great Souls - Phil Tucker
The Dragon Jousters Series - Mercedes Lackey
Mage Wars Series - Mercedes Lackey
The Last Herald Mage Trilogy - Mercedes Lackey
Harry Potter - JK Rowling
Kingkiller Chronicle - Patrick Rothfuss
The Licanius Trilogy - James Islington
Dune/Dune Messiah/Children of Dune - Frank Herbert
Lord of the Rings - Tolkien
A Song of Ice and Fire - George RR Martin
The Traveler's Gate Series - Will Wight
Fall of Radiance - Blake Arthur Peel
Godslayer Chronicles by James Clemens (aka James Rollins) is good, BUT it's unfinished. Books 1 and 2 were published in '06 and we've yet to see a conclusion despite 18 years of claims it's "on the way". He's more focused on his thriller series Sigma Force.

Dragons of Requiem is 7 "trilogies" by Daniel Arenson. Unless you like super dark and gorey, for the most part I don't recommend them. The Dragon War trilogy is good, but the rest have issues. The first published, Song of Dragons, will give you a good idea what to expect and if you want to slog through the rest.
Eragon + the subsequent books - fantasy with dragons with a nice human - animal relationship.

His dark materials books Golden compass + the rest - fantasy with lots of animals and talking bears.
I've heard lots of the Eragon series, but I've just... never looked into it! Don't know why.

Godslayer Chronicles by James Clemens (aka James Rollins) is good, BUT it's unfinished. Books 1 and 2 were published in '06 and we've yet to see a conclusion despite 18 years of claims it's "on the way". He's more focused on his thriller series Sigma Force.

Dragons of Requiem is 7 "trilogies" by Daniel Arenson. Unless you like super dark and gorey, for the most part I don't recommend them. The Dragon War trilogy is good, but the rest have issues. The first published, Song of Dragons, will give you a good idea what to expect and if you want to slog through the rest.
I don't mind some dark themes to my books, but overall, I like it to make you feel good while reading. Not much for things that are TOO dark, though :p
I don't mind some dark themes to my books, but overall, I like it to make you feel good while reading. Not much for things that are TOO dark, though :p
The author seems to have an unhealthy obsession with maggots and rot and unnecessary squick, and goes out of his way to make sure every villain becomes as squick as possible.