Cleanliness After Receiving Anal Sex For Dogs

I was always curious if after receiving anal sex from a male dog. Are you supposed to clean the dogs penis of any fecal matter that my have gotten on there? And if so, what would be the best way to go about it.

Speaking from experience, I was only tied once, the knot was too small and came back out after he inflated. When it did I noticed that there was feces all over his shaft. I don’t have any means to clean myself out before intercourse, so worried about the dog, I opted to get a facecloth and clean it myself. Unfortunately, simple in idea, the dog was whining once I started cleaning, as it was sensitive even with my light touch. I consoled him while I cleaned and I was able to clean it enough that it was free of any feces.

Would be curious if anyone else has run into this predicament as well, and what they did 👍
1. Avoid having anal sex if you're not clean. Granted, shit happens sometimes. it's generally more pleasurable for both parties when you're clean.

2. Was the cloth you used soaking wet? You don't want to introduce dry things that could pull moisture away. In addition to a wet cloth, you can also try using a water spray bottle.

Ultimately, If there's not a big mess dogs can generally take care of it themselves via licking as they go flaccid.
1. Avoid having anal sex if you're not clean. Granted, shit happens sometimes. it's generally more pleasurable for both parties when you're clean.

2. Was the cloth you used soaking wet? You don't want to introduce dry things that could pull moisture away. In addition to a wet cloth, you can also try using a water spray bottle.

Ultimately, If there's not a big mess dogs can generally take care of it themselves via licking as they go flaccid.
Ah okay good to know, was kicking around the idea of using a garden hose to clean myself. Hard to do with neighbours though 🤷‍♂️

The cloth was not soaking wet, I had rung it out before hand so it was moist if anything. Probably should have had it soaking in hindsight though.

The mess was sufficient enough for me to warrant using a cloth to help him clean himself. Didn’t want him getting sick.
Here are some recommendations for anal enema. Forewarning it's kinda difficult to speak about without getting a little gross.

Get a shower enema. Or a normal portable one. Don't over clean. Try a couple rinses. If you're getting lots of solids good. If it turns watery take a break. Sometimes take a break anyway. Wait about an hour then try again.

Dont trust your butt as it can trap water and release it later when you mistake it for gas. Your butt can't tell the difference between gas and liquid.

When you do get back your enema don't push too hard. Changing posture like raising your legs can help. A stool or squatty potty can help.
Understand that not every day is gonna be a day you can get clean. If you persist and don't rest when you feel tired back there sex will be painful or at minimum uncomfortable if you manage to get clean. A good sign for me is when I get something mucusy out. It usually flags I'm almost clean.

With time you'll learn how your body works and it's very important to pay attention to your own cues. With time you may be able to tell when you're just not clean despite the water coming out clear.

If you you're water is coming out clear but you're unsure in those cases best to take a break and do some light moving for a while. Walking and stretching is good for moving your digestion along. If you're still coming out clean but still uncertain you can try a finger and do a sniff test. It is gross but effective. If you're willing to let a partner go back there it's the least you can do.

If youre having issue with loose bowel movements decrease spicy, greasy, and certain hard foods (avoid nuts at all costs). Increase your daily soluble fiber either through diet OR Metamucil (generic brand works fine just doesn't taste as good. I mix one spoonful with maybe 4 ounces of juice, cranberry works fine (mostly for flavor). Dont wait, drink immediately.Then follow it with a bottle of water. Instructions say to mix it into a full glass of water but that is awful and sludge. Easier to shotgun it.