Building a zoo lifestyle


Greetings all,

I've been at the stage in my zoo journey where I'm figuring out how to get myself into circumstances where I can form long term relationships with partners that I can care for correctly. I've always maintained that I'd only get animals when I can give them the time and attention they deserve.

How I imagine this playing out is eventually getting a farm/smallholding, ideally with a human partner to help divide the responsibilities. Surely many zoo's share similar ideals? The challenges are obviously always financial, and of course time.

I've made amazing friends in the zoo community, some who have managed to get themselves into a lifestyle I admire. I'd like to explore for more ways to direct life towards that lifestyle.
Are there any zoo homesteads that have gone through the journey?

I enjoy talking about the idea and feel like it's a good way to manifest opportunities.

Most of us stop at 1-2 because of space and time, but if I had plenty of both I’d probably have 3-4 big dogs.
Perhaps as I get more experience with my pack I'll consider growing, but again only when I'm confident I can give them the best care possible