Best dog food brand

Premium kibble for the boys, supplanted by healthy treats, and regular visits to the vet to keep them happy and healthy.
I am actually looking to get Rex some higher quality food now that he's a senior (7+). I've had him on Cavom senior for about half a year now and he eats it just as good as Cavom Complete (adult). What would a step up from Cavom be?
Meat content should be at least 30%, corn and wheat should not be included. Protein should not exceed 25%.
I'm so glad this is here as I was not sure where to post such a thing. I have chosen to feed my dog Visionary Keto Pet Foods. I get mine from delivery is free. After doing LOTS of research, I've discovered that dogs are not adapted to eat carbs. High carbs that are in most dry kibble causes inflammation and science shows that inflammation causes many health problems in mammals (dogs, humans, etc). This brand seems to be a fair compromise, for me anyway.
Is Pure Balance any good?
Anything with corn, soy and/or wheat is never a good idea. This is a good time to read the label. While some vets will say that grain is important for dogs, that view is based on a very limited study that was not conclusive. Further research indicates that peas, lentils, and perhaps potatoes/sweet potatoes, block the taurine that's naturally in meat in the food from being absorbed, thereby causing the heart problems that are reported for some dogs.

So, if the grains are rice, oats, barely, etc and not corn, soy or wheat, it's "OK"... as long as your dog doesn't get too much inflammation from the carbohydrates in these grains. Many dogs don't and many dogs do. I've decided to feed my girl a brand that has less than 1% carbs rather than "roll the dice" and see what happens down the road.

Hope this helps 🐕