Any interesting stories about how you ended up with your companion?


For example:
My companion Jiji (nonsexual, more of a father/daughter relationship) was a stray cat that at the time I had no interest in taking in. At the time I was a live-in caretaker for a widow, and she wanted me to feed the cat, and after some arguing I caved and went to set some food out. When I did, I heard an excited "meow!" and she ran PAST the food to rub all over my legs as if to say thank you before going to eat. when I came back the widow was all excited, she told me before when her or our neighbors tried to interact with the cat she would run and hide, but she ran right up to me. From that moment on Jiji was attached to me. Long story short (I have more stories if anyone is interested) she lives with me now, and I 100% feel like she chose me as her human. Hands down the most affectionate cat I've ever known.