An educated article about zoophilia


Citizen of Zooville
As the title says this is an educated article I found that contains a bit of both sides argument. Thought you guys might enjoy the read.

It's worth reading atleast, there's arguments for both sides like you said. Maybe one day we don't have to hide the way we do...
I'm surprised that this article is 10 and a half years old. But regardless seeing this only showed that most anti zoos just look at it as abuse or rape and pretend animals can't consent. I've said this before, if an animal does not consent they'll show it. Depending on the dog, they'll either yelp or bite and horses will kick your ass to the wall. When they do consent the males will have hard-ons and try to mount you and the females will back into you. The thing is when zoos try to explain this the antis don't bother listening to this side.
I could hear arguments that animals shouldn't be fucked by humans, presenting yourself to an animal on the other hand is entirely another matter,

What i despise are people who eat meat, or castrate animals acting like they have some sort of high-ground, if zoo is rape, meat is murder.

We convince dogs to do many things for us,that are unnatural ie shitting in boxes.

We use treats to rewards them for getting to harms way for the police, and fire services, even in war.

We admonish them for having sexual desires with other happy animals.

And we lock them up in our homes and zoos, including creatures that are as intelligent as pre-schoolers.

Most animals don't have "rape", rape is a cultural phenomenon, stemming from the same of "betraying" your dominant male, and allowing your "honour" to be taken, in many pack animals, it doesn't exist, they rape each other as a sign of dominance, they don't feel guilty over sex, for animals that mate for life, may be another matter of course.

rape is aweful for humans, because guilt and self blame are ingrained in us as a survival mechanism, that doesn't exist with allot of animals.

We don't even know if many prey animals have emotions to feel things like shame.

If human standards apply to animals, they apply everywhere, which means we are being unfairly targeted.