
Welcome to the circus. There may be too many clowns running around but it's an enjoyable place to hang out, meet new friends and to chat with people worldwide who share your interests.
Welcome to the circus. There may be too many clowns running around but it's an enjoyable place to hang out, meet new friends and to chat with people worldwide who share your interests.
Can never have to many clowns.
But i suspect i use a different name for the ppl that you call clowns, and of those 1 is already to many :)

Anyway welcome Ananda(I hope that's an alias, not your real name. Internet security 101)
Can never have to many clowns.
But i suspect i use a different name for the ppl that you call clowns, and of those 1 is already to many :)

Anyway welcome Ananda(I hope that's an alias, not your real name. Internet security 101)
Can never have to many clowns.
But i suspect i use a different name for the ppl that you call clowns, and of those 1 is already to many :)

Anyway welcome Ananda(I hope that's an alias, not your real name. Internet security 101)
I'm thinking of a line from the song Stuck In The Middle With You; "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, Here I am, Stuck in the middle with you".