
  1. RetriverD

    What do you prefer (couples)

    Take a look to this poll and give me your opinions
  2. JoostNL

    Experience thrill from a new guy

    Heey beautiful experimenting ladies! As a 28 year old Dutch male with a naughty fantasy, i am looking for someone to talk and discover my super secret fetish with. Preferrably a girl with the same mind, who is open to all the fun adventures with dogs. Love to hear something from you, Xx Joost
  3. JoostNL

    Dutch |Photos of our private collection [ couple ]

    Hiiii My girlfriend and I are new here! We would absolutely LOVE to talk with you about our passion: girls with dogs. Wanna see something hot? Here is a link for a post about our collection ^^ Lets...
  4. benjaminwonders

    Looking for friendships :)

    Hi, I'm Benjamin, 37 years old from Europe, i am new here and looking for friendships with girls who are into bestiality:)
  5. M

    I think my girlfriend may be a zoo

    Me and my girlfriend recently started role playing as doggie and mommy. I've been into zoo, of course, and I think maybe she is secretly into too. Yesterday We where having sex though the phonw and I was barking. She cums as hard as if we fucker irl. Recently as I roleplay as doggie, I lick her...
  6. Nakennerd

    Want to meet girlfriend and I am interested in horse and girls

    Hei verden av zooville hjelpe meg med å møte en jente til dags dato og reise til Russland for å møte og snakke om drømmen om å være en del av en familie som bor i et område hvor du kan finne en hest for å lage en flott fotografering med meg og du kan få den beste kjæresten noensinne. Jeg trenger...