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  1. Wilderness

    Crossover in Furry/pup play community and zoos

    I have been noticing a fair few furries on here and people wearing pup masks. Do you think there is much of a crossover between pup players, furries, and zoos? Would love to hear your opinions.
  2. Scott664

    Looking to connect with zoofurs

    As the title suggests, I’m wanting to connect with and follow more zoos who are also furs. I love furries and want to connect with some!
  3. Redfurry

    Looking for furry friends

    I’m new around here, I’ve been a furry for like 3 years and I wanted to get more furry friends that like zoo just like me So if you wanna talk just reply ^W^
  4. Honk14

    Fursuit zoos?

    Is there any zoo that wear fursuits I'd like to meet some furries ^^