dog health

  1. bruhmoment64

    How do you lot feed your doggo partners? Meal planning, what foods to encourage/avoid etc.

    It seems to me that the general consensus is that dog food or kibble or whatever is pretty terrible when it comes to nutrition and the long term health of our beloved partners. Personally, I’d like to prepare my partners meals for them (I love cooking either way and I imagine I’d get to spend...
  2. bruhmoment64

    [Canine Health] Ovary Sparing Spay (OSS) for our female doggo partners

    I want to preface this by saying that I am a complete noob and very new to this whole thing. I intend on first spending my time learning and educating myself as best I can with all the resources available before taking the plunge and finding a partner for myself. This is a big decision for me...