So pretty much my wife has had a desire to explore sex with dog since years ago. Has had some oral experiences. And we are now at the place in our life she wants to explore this side of her fully.
So I'm here to find any and all information to help her achieve her goals. I'm Especially...
What vaccinations should you get or give your pet to avoid the risk of contracting any diseases? And also, what can be done to get rid of or at least minimize the risk of catching worms? (When it comes to sex!)
I'm a woman who has had a sexual attraction to male dogs for a long time, but am only now starting to let myself look at taking real action. While I don't have a boy I can bond with -Living with family- I am interested if there's any advice other woman can give in regards to expectations you...
any of users have any information about some std's that are possible to transsmit? is it safe to have play with dog? how does it looks from an eye of experienced users?