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ZooVille Title/Ranking System

It upgraded my status, however I am still unable to "Like, etc..." any thoughts @UR20Z ?
That should, unless I misremember, be enabled from jump. Click on the like/thumb in a post and give a "plain thumbs up" like. Hover on it, then click on the menu that'll pop up, and you can pick from about 6 optional kinds of response - thumb, smiley, etc, like I've done to your last few posts to illustrate the concept :)
That should, unless I misremember, be enabled from jump. Click on the like/thumb in a post and give a "plain thumbs up" like. Hover on it, then click on the menu that'll pop up, and you can pick from about 6 optional kinds of response - thumb, smiley, etc, like I've done to your last few posts to illustrate the concept :)
It showed up after awhile, again delayed, but I have full rights now. Thanks again for the tips! :)
Esta es una pregunta que nos hacen MUY a menudo aquí, y no es como si fuera un secreto oscuro que se supone que nadie debe saber. Así que pensé en comenzar este hilo para que cada vez que alguien tenga curiosidad sobre el sistema de clasificación/título de ZooVille, pueda ser referenciado.

Su rango se basa en el recuento de publicaciones la mayor parte del tiempo, las excepciones se enumerarán debajo de la tabla.

Número de publicaciones:
Colono de ZooVille​
Ciudadano de ZooVille​
Estimado ciudadano de ZV​
Ciudadano preciado de ZV​
Ciudadano supremo de ZV​

*Diversión y juegos, publicaciones de perfil y publicaciones de Creo en cualquier grupo en la pestaña de grupos: NO cuentan para el recuento de publicaciones.

  • Si dona $ 50 o más en BTC, recibirá el título "Filántropo de ZooVille". Para obtener más información al respecto (haga clic aquí)
  • Pronto, planeamos otorgar un estado de "Buceador de contenedores" a 3 personas al año si publicas principalmente en la sección de incendios de contenedores. Para más información al respecto (Click Aquí)
  • Privilegios de moderador y administrador. Podemos establecer nuestro propio título personalizado, si así lo deseamos. Sin embargo, "Moderador" y "Administrador" son los títulos predeterminados para los miembros del personal aquí, según nuestro rol.
Que yo sepa, no hay nada más allá del rango/título de Ciudadano Supremo de ZV.

Si desea ascender en los rangos, publique... publique... ¡publique! ¡Tu rango es una cosa, pero tienes que ganarte tus Me gusta! A menos que solo vuelvas a publicar material pornográfico de otras personas. Jajaja
Gracias por todo
Same, good to come back and refer to it. I've been around this (and other *ahem* places) forever. From Lurker to VIP, and most everything in between. It's nice having a system, and - while it can be gamed - it's a tiny bit of feedback showing at least some level of individual contributions. Thanks for the thoughtfulness.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to send images or other media via PM. I’m wondering if it’s perhaps tied to the ranking system, like perhaps I’ll gain access once I’m a settler?
No post count requirements to be able to post media on the open forums, but if you want to send media through PM to have to be at least a Settler, which is 150 posts.
Ahh, and here’s my answer. I knew I should read through all messages before posting my question. Thanks for the insight though!
I have to admit, I got confused in the beginning, I wish I had read this post earlier, it makes so much more sense.
The system only counts 1 message per day, is that normal?
If you only make one post a day, yes. There are times when things - for lack of a better word - "lag". Sign out, then sign back in, and GENERALLY that fixes things (assuming you've got enough posts)
If you only make one post a day, yes. There are times when things - for lack of a better word - "lag". Sign out, then sign back in, and GENERALLY that fixes things (assuming you've got enough posts)
Only current posts are fixed, but it doesn't matter. Thanks a lot!
Alright I don't mean to fuck up the thred but fuck me, Idk why we can't just go back to each state being its own sovernd state under its own rules, no big money greedy government, Read the real covid relief bill and youl see what I mean when I say government spending must come to a stop. The only thing voting Democrat will eventually accomplish is one world order. When that gets here don't matter wtf you are gay, straight, furry, human, beast, a flea on my dogs ass, all those freedoms you love and want so much will be gone. But if you hate freedom and love paying 3,4,5, dallors a gallon for gas then something is 100% completely fuckerd up in your noggin either way you look we never did need big corporate governments and 200 years later they have turned us into fuckin slave dummies that believe anything you see on the web and can't make a fuckin thing that has an ounce of craftsmanship. I by a new 2021 truck and they can't even drive them why oh right it needs a chip duh fuck 🙄 carb gas go was pretty good gig, I mean I'm still driving a 54 year old truck daily driver. I'd like to see that 80k GMC Denali truck do that or that f150 super snake.
Too centralized. Back to counties. With counts
This is a question that gets asked VERY often on here, and it's not like it's some obscure secret that nobody is supposed to know about. So I figured I'd start this thread so that anytime anyone is curious about ZooVille's ranking/title system, it can be referenced.

Your rank is based off of post count the majority of the time, exceptions will be listed below the table.

Posts Count:
ZooVille Settler​
Citizen of ZooVille​
Esteemed Citizen of ZV​
Prized Citizen of ZV​
Supreme Citizen of ZV​

*Fun & Games, Profile posts, and I believe posts in any Groups in the groups tab: DO NOT count towards your post count.

  • If you donate $50 or more in BTC you will receive the title "ZooVille Philanthropist" For more information about that (Click Here)
  • Soon, we plan to have a "Dumpster Diver" status given to 3 people 1 person a year if you primarily post in the dumpster fire section. For more information about that (Click Here)
  • Moderator and Administrator privileges. We are able to set our own custom title, if we so choose. However, "Moderator" and "Administrator" are the default titles for staff members here depending on our role.
  • Update: We've also added a "Neighborhood Watcher" moderator role. Which are moderators with a couple less capabilities than a regular moderator.
As far as I'm aware, there's nothing past the rank/title of Supreme Citizen of ZV.

If you wish to move up in the ranks get to post... post... posting! Your rank is one thing, but your likes have to be earned! Unless you just repost other people's pornographic material. Lol
So trying to get back in the game again after a hiatus and loss of account here years ago... Thank you...
That's a lot to be active on a regular basis.
Only kinda-sorta... Some manage to do it with bushels of posts that are about as involved as hitting the reply button, then randomly swatting the keyboard a few times before hitting the post button.
Only kinda-sorta... Some manage to do it with bushels of posts that are about as involved as hitting the reply button, then randomly swatting the keyboard a few times before hitting the post button.
I see your point