Would you be roommates with other zoophilias

Roommates with other zoos

  • Yes

    Votes: 411 92.6%
  • No

    Votes: 33 7.4%

  • Total voters
I chose yes but there would have to be qualifications that the person would have to meet before I lived with them. Obviously I would have to talk with them and get to know the person. They would need to be a true zoo, not just a fetishist. They would also have to prove that they are careful with how open they are with their sexuality, and that they are not someone who is going to be careless and get caught putting my partners and me in danger. And last they would need to be someone I could trust to leave alone with my partner and not have sex with them without my knowledge. I am not really one for sharing, although that may be different if I lived with someone who spent as much time with her as I did and built a good relationship with her, and she showed that she wanted to engage in those activities with that person, and they were STD free. But if they were doing it behind my back I would not be okay with that.
I have a lot of zoo friends and I've only known of one pair that living together as roommates has worked out for them long term. It seem to always devolve into trust issues about who might be doing who's dog. I'm not saying it couldn't work out for any particular person, I've just seen it fail several times vs the one success.
I have a lot of zoo friends and I've only known of one pair that living together as roommates has worked out for them long term. It seem to always devolve into trust issues about who might be doing who's dog. I'm not saying it couldn't work out for any particular person, I've just seen it fail several times vs the one success.
its about trust and willingness to grow as roommates
I yes said because I already have a zoo roomate. I've known him for over 5 years, I consider him a close trusted and one of my best friends. We don't need to hide nothing from each other. I take care of his dogs as if they were my own and give them the same attention and love, plus he gives me full access for any fun whenever I and the dogs are up for it.

Though when I get my own dog I wouldn't room with another zoo outside our tight group of friends. I feel like it's becoming harder to find good trustworthy zoos who won't go behind your back to chase some tail for the their own benefit.
I chose yes but there would have to be qualifications that the person would have to meet before I lived with them. Obviously I would have to talk with them and get to know the person. They would need to be a true zoo, not just a fetishist. They would also have to prove that they are careful with how open they are with their sexuality, and that they are not someone who is going to be careless and get caught putting my partners and me in danger. And last they would need to be someone I could trust to leave alone with my partner and not have sex with them without my knowledge. I am not really one for sharing, although that may be different if I lived with someone who spent as much time with her as I did and built a good relationship with her, and she showed that she wanted to engage in those activities with that person, and they were STD free. But if they were doing it behind my back I would not be okay with that.
Couldn't have said it better👍
I yes said because I already have a zoo roomate. I've known him for over 5 years, I consider him a close trusted and one of my best friends. We don't need to hide nothing from each other. I take care of his dogs as if they were my own and give them the same attention and love, plus he gives me full access for any fun whenever I and the dogs are up for it.

Though when I get my own dog I wouldn't room with another zoo outside our tight group of friends. I feel like it's becoming harder to find good trustworthy zoos who won't go behind your back to chase some tail for the their own benefit.
I've noticed the same thing which is why I stayed away from the online zoo communities for years. Too many bad encounters with heartless tail-chasers, fetishists and really gross individuals kinda temporarily yeeted my desire for seeking out zoo connections.
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I have a lot of zoo friends and I've only known of one pair that living together as roommates has worked out for them long term. It seem to always devolve into trust issues about who might be doing who's dog. I'm not saying it couldn't work out for any particular person, I've just seen it fail several times vs the one success.
It could be more workable if everyone had their own partner. It would certainly be an even better chance of success if nobody cared as long as everything was consensual. Then everyone is happy. Theoretically.
Tbh regardless of if they are a zoo or not, it all depends on how compatable really. It is just one aspect of many about the person you're rooming with and it would honestly suck if you only just chose to room because the only thing you have in common is being zoo, it can be a good initiator though but having all eggs in the basket can be difficult so diversifying will help a bunch ^^
Hopefully i made sense? i am a little sleepy typing this, my bad xP
I would love love love to have a zoofurry as a roomate. Right off the bat we've already got so much in common you know? lol But unfortunately with the current social and political climate not just surrounding zoo but everything else too, I don't know. I don't see my next move being into a zoo friendly household as much as I'd like it. The whole weeding out bad zoos on top of weeding out problem people and incompatible people I think might just further complicate the already complicated and time consuming process of finding a good roomate match.
Yea I think that would be awesome. Finally give me someone in person to talk about zoo with. Share experiences and just bond over the fact we are mutual zoos