Why do zoo sites keep being lost?


Citizen of Zooville
There have been so many zoo websites over the years that have been lost. I can think of 4 lost websites: Beast Forum, Zoophile's Forum, the zoo section of *****.net, and the zoo sub-reddits on Reddit. Actually, all of these sites have been lost recently (within the past 3 years). What is going on? Is this just a coincidence, or is it normal for zoo sites to be lost?

There are probably other sites that have been lost as well. For example, I don't know if "Zoophile's Destiny" or ZooBB are still active.

Edit: removed the "Zoo Writer's Guild" from my list -- they still exist (at zoowg.org)
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Haters gotta hate. Calling them "social justice warriors" doesn't change the fact that they are finding pleasure in others' pain. Worse are the profiteers. They use the emotional impact to make money. Having recently lost Gay from their list of scapegoats, they're focusing on us as the next best. Most businesses simply avoid the controversy because they can't make enough off of us to justify the risk.
Does anyone know why Beast Forum was shut down? Also, does anyone know what happened to the Zoo Writer's Guild (zoowg.net)?
Try it as zoowg.org and see what happens

Just tried it and the link works. So I guess the Zoo Writer's Guild still exists. Still don't know why the others (like Beast Forum) were shut down.

I do know the reason the zoo sub-reddits on Reddit were banned is because people with power on Reddit claim that anything having to do with zoo is "violent content" (a nonsense reason). They say that zoo content violates their "violent content" policy, yet sub-reddits about the killing of animals (like hunting) are allowed.
In the modern world, money is the most powerful force. Look at the amount of money being made off of other social sites. Reddit wants a cut. The people that control the money (credit card processors) have agreed to ban all things Zoo under pressure from the above named "social justice warriors". So Zoo has to go. Everything else is an excuse.
Sadly, yes it does. There's also the notion that any sexual contact with an animal is abuse and unwanted by said animal. Those here would argue, but most others believe that stereotype, regardless of the truth.
Many reasons. One is always money of course.
We all know why BF tanked. It was just a matter of time. Sometimes its because the owner is done with the upkeep.
ZooBB along with Zoophile's Destiny has been dead since about 2013.
*****'s zoo board went down with the site because from what I've heard was about a shooting that had talks originating from *****'s site.
BF was shut down because of money issues, right? Or was there some other reason why it got shut down?
Money issues was the stated reason. More likely was the fact that it had turned into a stagnant swamp thanks to lousy management.
Conectiveity is a burden of sorts ..like any underground group . much like how certain world events or media coverage can influence new policies or public opinion. No one from the outside ever knew about this until the Mr. Hands story broke . . . they face many attacks from any number of hacker groups as well as activists . . . That's why its so important to follow security protocol .. Anyone can make an account .. Which is good but it always comes with any number of risk factors ...

But hey I think its worth it . peace
Just tried it and the link works. So I guess the Zoo Writer's Guild still exists. Still don't know why the others (like Beast Forum) were shut down.

It cost a lot to have a site like BF (+GB +BL +whatever) running. The credit card managers, paypal, etc. decided to block payment to animal sex sites. So it cut off the money to BF. No money No BF
I really think BF was closed more due to poor management than anything. I've hosted sites before (though not forums), and it doesn't cost a lot. At all. Shit, BF had garbage hosting compared to here too and with the crazy VIP restrictions, I'd be willing to bet that who owned BF was using the site funds as means to support themself, which is not how a forum manager should work. It isn't a full-time job to manage a website that also has mods. Yeah, you could spend 8 hours a day doing it, but you'd be wasting a ton of time. Forums are a hobby, not a practical career...

Personally, I'm a student paying my own way, so I just can't donate more than a few dollars. But so many people here DO work full time, so how is funding even an issue?
Just doesn't seem like the zoo community cares much about maintaining said community, honestly. Based on a long time being on BF...
you seem to have no clue how much storage space and bandwidth it takes for a site as big as BF was, and BF only existed to make an income for the russian mob, when the money dried up POOF site gone
Most the old big sites were forced to shut by the mob that owned bf ... other sites like those mentioned here involved owners dieing or not able to pay the server bills
Funding and teamwork is what fails zoo forums. We hope to address those two issue directly here on ZV to be around along time.

This. There's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes and it's sometimes a a tightrope act trying to juggle all the technical issues, not to mention the human ones. Every change pisses off some people and pleases others, you never know when you've done it right and when you've done it wrong, you often don't see the effect until the userbase starts to drop.

Add on top of that the usual money issues of keeping a site going, staff burnout, legal concerns, and the ever present haters trying to fuck things up it's a miracle zoo sites exist at all.
Add on top of that the usual money issues of keeping a site going, staff burnout, legal concerns, and the ever present haters trying to fuck things up it's a miracle zoo sites exist at all.

If zoo sex were more accepted, do you think there would be fewer instances of zoo websites disappearing?
I just deleted from here a massive text-wall that was grievous even for me. I am trying to cure myself of that, and I am going to find somewhere else that I can post the same ideas that is more appropriate, maybe a private message or something.

I am going to jump in and just say,

1) Beast Forum is gone because Beast Forum was a dumpster fire, and thank the Goddess it is gone, and

2) money.

I will find somewhere much more opportune to put that text-wall.
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Why are Amazon and the like not lost?

Now negate the answers to that.

That's EASY to answer actually.

Commercial Sales Points are corporate funded, Period. Top notch hardware, service contracts.
98% of ALL Zoo Content Sites, are funded normally by a single individual, and not a rich one.
So when shit goes to hell, like being laid off work or loosing finances, these sites have no other option
than to close the doors.
A lot of "Site Operators" are also under the constant threat of legal litigation.
So since they cannot afford "Corporate Lawyers" to defend them. they fold.

I hope this clears up some points for you.