What's stopping you?

What's the obstacle to you pursuing your sexuality and living your best life?

  • Internal struggle/Denial

    Votes: 50 16.7%
  • Living arrangements (family, roommates, etc.)

    Votes: 159 53.2%
  • Unavailability of partners

    Votes: 169 56.5%
  • Significant other

    Votes: 51 17.1%
  • Other (feel free to elaborate below)

    Votes: 46 15.4%

  • Total voters
I live with my mom and dad and we live in an apartment. They are old fashioned and I would probably be disowned if they ever caught me.
I’m also still not sure if I do want to do this, I’m a virgin and I don’t know if I should lose it to a dog of all things. Plus it’s would just be kind of scary to be doing it for the first time and not knowing what to do to get him to stop if it ever happened.
Hi Poppey
Honestly very few parents would understand the emotional rollacoaster you are going in through. Unless they were zoo themselves.
If you can get alone time with your dog, to test boundaries with each other. that will go along way too knowing if this lifestyle is for you.
I know the idea of losing your virginity can be daunting, let alone with a dog.
But trust me, you could do a lot worse than losing it to a pet you deeply care about. Then some random you meet one night who pushed you into it.

Read as many stories and how too's you can, so you go in to this with the best knowledge.
One of the things that occurred to me before I did anything with a dog, was "you can't unfuck a dog".

That being said, I took things slowly, a little at a time and gave myself and the dog a couple of days in between things to let things soak in and process in my mind.

It's been a long time since I went "all the way", and no regrets ever.

Whatever you do, realize that there is a difference between right and wrong for you and where the rest of the world is concerned. What I mean by that is don't let the world tell you what's right or wrong for you. Decide that for yourself.

My right and wrong is decided by any negative impact on anyone or anything involved would be considered wrong.

Anyone not involved does not get a say. Of course parents catching something like this would try to claim a negative impact on themselves, but as far as I'm concerned, the only impact is in their heads from knowing. therefore don't let them know..

Best of luck to you, and I tend to agree with the other person that said it would be better than some street stranger..
If i wanted to bond with a Tuna (or marlin, or tarpon, i think i'd need a boat first.

Colloquially known as a "money sink". At least i can swim...

Or, i can stick to land and then.... I'd have to own a pretty nice piece of property to own coyotes (woo, something sexual!) or wild turkeys.
Guess ill be settling down with a dog.
There are a lot of reasons for not being able to pursue your sexuality (I should know, I've been victim to most of them) and I'm curious. For those zoos who aren't active, what's stopping you?
Don't have the ability, no male dogs or anything like that here
I live with my family and there’s usually at least one other person home. Plus I only have female dogs and I really want a male dog to be active with. I’m just waiting to be able to move out and get my own dog, who I’ll raise and if he eventually wants sex then I’ll become active. It’s okay if he doesn’t though, I love the companionship of animals in general.
Due to my current financial situation, I'm crashing with my parents, and although they do have a dog, he's old and has been neutered, and I'd rather have someone's expressed permission. And due to comments I've heard them make about some news articles, they're not supportive of this lifestyle at all...
Still dealing with a bit of internal struggle not so much that fact I'm a zoo, more I don't want to lose them to a world that doesn't understand. Why would I get a companion if there's a chance of losing them I wouldn't be able to deal with the heart break
I'm shy and introverted. I'd probably still be a virgin if it weren't for aggressive women pursuing me! I've always been my best when matched to an extroverted social butterfly.
I want to move back to the country, but my job makes it impossible, same with my education, it leaves me drained, i wish to return to my humble forest life with my girl who I am seperated from due to my living situation. (she isn't my partner but she is my best friend for my entire life)
My is not living on my own. I really want to own land that i can have livestock, live off the land. Would love to have a woman that I wouldnt have to hide this fetish of mine. Where she can knotted or suck the horses as long as i can fuck the bitches and mares!