What is your dream fantasy toy? Fleshlights/Dildos

I've always wanted to get wolf knot dildo for myself, and a horse one, I've seen how big they are, and I kinda need it
A dildo that:

1. Has an expandable knot
2. Has a vibrator for your clit
3. Can emit heat (either through ingesting hot water, or through a heating element) to recreate the feeling of a dog's knot
4. Can "pulse" to recreate the feeling of a dick throbbing
5. Can erupt out hot fake cum - preferably in concert with the throbbing sensation and in bursts to create the feeling of a dog breeding you
6. Would be great if the hot cum could be stored inside heavy swinging balls instead of an injection tube - could work with injecting the cum into the balls and the heating element of the dildo could raise the temp of the fake sperm in the balls just as it raises it throughout the dildo
this sounds literally perfect.
Hej wszystkim👋

Mam nadzieję, że u Was wszystko w porządku i że spędzicie wspaniały tydzień!

Obecnie opracowujemy całą gamę wibratorów/świateł cielesnych z motywem zoo, ale pomyślałem, że dobrym pomysłem byłoby zapytać, jakie byłyby wymarzone marzenia każdego z nas? Obecnie jesteśmy na końcowym etapie opracowywania klaczy i suk, ale byłoby wspaniale, gdyby każdy mógł podzielić się swoimi najciemniejszymi fantazjami, abyśmy mogli przekierować nasze wysiłki na zaspokojenie tych fantazji, które wydają się najbardziej pożądane?

Nic nie jest zabronione, więc jeśli masz bardzo konkretną fantazję - podziel się nią! Jeśli wystarczająca liczba osób zareaguje/wykaże poparcie dla Twojej sugestii fantasy, z przyjemnością stworzymy coś wokół tego i dodamy to do naszego asortymentu produktów. Chcemy stworzyć dość duży asortyment (10x wibratory i 10x bodylight), więc im więcej pomysłów, tym lepiej - nie wahaj się opublikować więcej niż jednego pomysłu, jeśli masz problem z wybraniem swojej ulubionej sugestii!

Uwaga: @admin – Jeśli ten wątek jest niedozwolony, prosimy o jego usunięcie. Nie chcę tu łamać żadnych zasad, ale chcę tylko mieć pewność, że spełnimy jak najwięcej fantazji społeczności zooville!

Uwaga nr 2: Nie będziemy udostępniać adresu URL naszej witryny w tym wątku, ponieważ nie taki jest cel tego posta... to nie jest reklama... na tym etapie są to wyłącznie badania, ponieważ chcemy przekierować nasz projekt wysiłki, aby stworzyć możliwie najlepsze portfolio produktów dla większości fantazji. Jednakże wkrótce będziemy sponsorem ZV, więc będzie można nas znaleźć, gdy reklama pojawi się na forum.

Z niecierpliwością czekamy na Twoje najmroczniejsze fantazje i mamy nadzieję, że będziemy w stanie stworzyć wymarzoną zabawkę!


Full octopus body flashlight
We've actually been working through a wholesale order which has pushed our schedule back a little... with that being said I am hoping to get the doe model released mid April which will then be followed by cow, boar, dragon and feline from May - August.

Male versions of these masturbators will also follow suit shortly after and then we will be going back to our dildo collection which we haven't actually released yet. Currently there are two canine options and one dragon but we are actually thinking of scrapping these and going for even more realism/life cast if we can make it possible...
So you are saying that may to august will be expensive?
We've actually been working through a wholesale order which has pushed our schedule back a little... with that being said I am hoping to get the doe model released mid April which will then be followed by cow, boar, dragon and feline from May - August.

Male versions of these masturbators will also follow suit shortly after and then we will be going back to our dildo collection which we haven't actually released yet. Currently there are two canine options and one dragon but we are actually thinking of scrapping these and going for even more realism/life cast if we can make it possible...
Any updates on the doe model I'm dying to see what it looks like
I’m not the first to say this, but plz pretty plz, do dolphin and ostrich dildos and fleshlights. We want the sex toys for the creatures we can’t access. Anyone can get a doggo, but dolphin is something special.
A dragon sex doll would be awesome. I know you guys are working on a dragon fleshlight, but I mean a full body sex doll (not necessarily life size, that would probably be way too expensive). With a penetrable mouth, and in the back either an anus + slit, or just a cloaca. Sex dolls of other animals would be cool too.

And if sex dolls aren't within the realm of possibility, muzzle fleshlights would be cool. Either just the snout, or the whole head of a horse, dragon, bear, or other animals would be cool.
A goat one might be quiet interesting... and we have seen quite a lot of interest in marine based toys so this is definitely something we need to shortlist as well!

Just sharing some concept art from our canine model which I thought you might appreciate - we're going for extreme realism with the faux fur which will also be fully custom in colour. Hoping to introduce multiple fur styles as well so you can mimic your favour canine to fuck 😈 internal structures are also based on the real thing via veterinary diagrams so this should be fun once we get it test poured!
Any updates on your feline and doe?
Any updates on your feline and doe?

Hey Cookies! We're currently on a mini 'holiday' whilst we train up new staff members. The doe model will be released upon our return date with feline following shortly behind! We've struggled to released our dildo collection due to limited staff members but we're hoping with our return we can start releasing new toys regularly rather than every member just being in production roles 24/7! We'll be back around mid June!
hear me out here. I say a new to me tractor. bouncing across rough ground with a worn seat cushion is vibration bliss 😂🤣 but if I can get @UR20Z to let me sit in his lap we might plow more than the field 🤔😝
Hey Cookies! We're currently on a mini 'holiday' whilst we train up new staff members. The doe model will be released upon our return date with feline following shortly behind! We've struggled to released our dildo collection due to limited staff members but we're hoping with our return we can start releasing new toys regularly rather than every member just being in production roles 24/7! We'll be back around mid June!
Thats awesome. Hope you enjoy the mini holiday! And I also hope you can figure out your production of dildos. Anyway enjoy the time off.
Should I wear a collar and fluffy ears? I date in and out of species
Well, if we're playing dress-up, a halter (not a halter-top, a halter) and a pony tail (as opposed to a ponytail - spaces are sometimes as important as letters, donchaknow...) would be more my style...
I have always wanted to see a toy set of spot hyenas but male and female i am sure it is not easy to do cause of their unique biology but I find hyena girls so hot.
Thats awesome. Hope you enjoy the mini holiday! And I also hope you can figure out your production of dildos. Anyway enjoy the time off.

Thank you very much! In regards to dildos, we have another 'life cast' model being released as well upon our return. We're also introducing more customization elements on all toys moving forwards .e.g. clit colour, anal highlight, labia/vulva highlights .etc. The only thing we are struggling with is internal colourization as this would involve us recreating all silicone casts due to the way we initially set things up... we'll get there though as we aim to achieve maximum realism across all products!