What do you think of this zebra pussy?


I DO NOT provide a link to the store so you don't think it's an advertisement. It seems that this product is searched on Ali Express for the query “zebra masturbator”.

I have no idea what a zebra vagina looks like, I tried to find a photo, but these are either very small incomprehensible photos, or photos of African veterinarians, in which there are bloody scraps of flesh in place of the vagina.

In any case, it probably looks pretty horsey?

(And yes, it is quite small, both externally and internally)

Looks pretty decent for an ali express product, worth giving a shot
Some time ago (about a year or less), these stores began to mass produce various models of masturbators that look quite realistic. Dogs, deer, goats, horses, cows, who knows what, and all that.
The designs are pretty cool, but unfortunately they are all made on bases of two sizes and have approximately the same small size inside
Looks fun to use. I like how it has both a pussy and anus. As high quality as I've heard Bad Dragon is, I don't like how their horse pussy Fleshlight just has a fake decorative asshole.

Not sure if I trust a sex toy on Ali Express to be made of body safe materials though. Might wanna use a condom
There are a fair amount of zebra pussies when you google "zebra vagina". They are definitely equid pussies but they appear a bit soft and shapeless compared to a horse, not as defined....
Looks fun to use. I like how it has both a pussy and anus. As high quality as I've heard Bad Dragon is, I don't like how their horse pussy Fleshlight just has a fake decorative asshole.

Not sure if I trust a sex toy on Ali Express to be made of body safe materials though. Might wanna use a condom
They are definitely silicone. I don't know anything about whether silicone is dangerous or whether it can be tested at home, but from what I've heard, silicone lubricant in condoms is very harmful for silicone toys.
They are definitely silicone. I don't know anything about whether silicone is dangerous or whether it can be tested at home, but from what I've heard, silicone lubricant in condoms is very harmful for silicone toys.
So water based lube should be fine?
NÃO forneço link da loja para que você não pense que é uma propaganda. Parece que este produto é pesquisado no Ali Express pela consulta “masturbador zebra”.

Não tenho ideia de como é uma vagina de zebra, tentei encontrar uma foto, mas ou são fotos muito pequenas e incompreensíveis, ou fotos de veterinários africanos, nas quais há pedaços de carne ensanguentados no lugar da vagina.

De qualquer forma, provavelmente parece muito cavalo?

(E sim, é bem pequeno, tanto externa quanto internamente)
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View attachment 560219
PLooks delicious
If I ever buy a masturbator like that I'd want to be able to go balls deep in it. With that one only being 5.11 inches deep, it's not gonna happen. Lol 😂