What are your companions' favourite activities?

looks like my dog's favorite activity is jumping inside tall grass, lol
everytime i went with him to a place that had tall grass (taller than him) he always entered it and started running while jumping around, you could only see his head from times to times above the grass, and it was super cute
Squeaker toys and food. But the big one is meeting a dog she has never met. Absolutely demanding to meet them even if they are coming off threatening lol.
We go out to the beach two or three times a day. It's our morning/night routine and they go absolutely ballistic when we're about to head out for our adventures.
Regular off-road camping trips to our local lakes or road trips across the mountains to the Prairies are also a staple activity.
Sticks and the hose! If we don’t spray him with water he will carry the sprayer and hose around in his mouth until he gets tangled up!