Thinking about hiring an escort?


Zooville Settler
Hello All,

I've been thinking about hiring an escort to get my families curiousty off my back. I wouldn't want to have sex with this woman by any means, im actually pretty small so its an anxiety trigger for me...but in order to get my extremely nosy family off my back of why I havent been with anyone for the past 5 years, it'll be helpful. I'm getting tired of the "it's been long enough" comments.

It's not a bash on anyone, I get human needs and preferences are a thing, and I'm just not it.

Question is, is it ok to resort to sex work for this? I'm confused and unsure, amd some guidance would be appreciated.


Well, first off - sure, that's fine.
It's an acceptable way to get your family off your back, and an escort would probably appreciate an easy night like that. It's what they do, though you should fully explain the situation and context so they can comfortably try to meet your expectations.

But, some unsolicited advice: deceit won't fix the problem that exists here. If your family is placing stress on you to meet their standards, and you show them a lie that suggests that their strategy is working - then they'll just keep doing it.

Basically, it sounds like the impact of your scheme will be to reinforce their belief that they can bully you hard enough to get what they want. It'll just get worse from there.

I'm just a lizard on the internet, so feel free to do what you want, but the truly correct response to their pressure would be to reject their pressure and do what you want to do. Compromising your lifestyle for your family is falling for their trap, and it might be best to seek a way free from their influence.
Not sure if I'm qualified to give out advice like this, but, While hiring an escort might temporarily alleviate the pressure from your family, you gotta consider the long term affects of that and whether that aligns with your values and/or comfort. If hiring an escort feels uncomfortable or goes against your values, it's okay to explore other options. Consider addressing the issue with your family directly. You can explain your boundaries and reasons for not pursuing relationships without resorting to hiring an escort. Open communication might help them understand and respect your choices better. Explore options that benefit your mental health and well-being.
I think the previous two summed it up quite well and I agree with them completely.
My mother has an occasional habit of asking me to change certain things and I have found it helpful to determine why she is asking me to change something so that I can better assure her that it is not a problem.
For example, one of her particular concerns that I have noticed is how others will react to certain appearance-related decisions that I make. I always assure her that I have no trouble making friends and that people in the city care far less about my appearance, and sometimes actually like the way that I look.

Some of the typical worries from parents regarding whether or not you’re in a relationship is either the state of your happiness OR whether or not they’re going to get grandchildren. It usually depends on whether they’re the caring type or the selfish type. If you assure them that you are happier without a relationship at this time in your life it may help. If they’re concerned about grandchildren I would probably tell them that it’s pretty selfish to be more concerned about your ability to provide an heir than it is to care if you’re happy.
Yes you can go that way, but really what has it got to with them, you are you, do what makes you, happy. I have lost people l thought we're friends due to family busy bodies.