Please don't post a picture of yourself as an avatar.

Indeed, I've reversed the images that people post of themself. I haven't found any results yet. But if I do I'll PM the user instead of posting to their wall. So for example, if the user's name is Bradly Schaffer, I'll PM them the same message along with "I know your name is Bradly S*****er, if I can find your name by searching google, so can an anti-zoo!"
Don't mean to aimlessly bump a 3 year old comment, but this can also be applicable to usernames. A fellow zoo guy I met on Reddit had the same username on there as he did on several social media sites, so I told him about it and got him to change his usernames so that his Reddit name couldn't be traced back to him. Of course I didn't go so far as to tell him his whole name. But that info was already in the socials!
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I don't know what I think should happen about this topic. I hate the walking dick profile pics and block most of them and wish could never see them but then again I'll never know whether the member is .. well, a dick by the profile pic and would have a shitload of idiots blasting their cocks into my face.

Now that I've thought about it some more, I think it's better to keep the pics.
I have several times written a PM about Avatars shoving face, names a.s.o.
And usually got a thankful reply.
A remark :
The Avatar is shown as a circle, but the original photo can be seen by clicking on it twice, and I wrote once, because there was a name shown in this square.
Yep, and if someone has locked down their profile (for whatever reason) that doesn't stop things, either (although the board will only give you the "User restricts who may view..." message when you click) - it takes nothing more than "right click on the avatar image --> Copy Image Address", then new window (or tab, if you prefer) paste, and presto - there's the version you see as an avatar. Or paste, then look for the "/m/" in the url you just pasted and change the "/m/" to "/o/", and hit return - you're now looking at the raw image that was uploaded and circle-masked to become the avatar image.

Example, using your avatar, humananimal:
right click --> copy Image Address gives me this:
Pasting it into a new window or tab will give the image seen next to your post.
Pasting then changing the "/m/" to "/o/" before hitting return to load it shows the full, raw, "as you uploaded it" version without the circular mask.

Hit one a while back (probably mid 2021?) where the gal had cropped things to show just her boobs in the circle. I wanted a "closer look" (the larger version that the board will show) so I clicked. Her profile was locked down. OK, no problem - Doing the right-click/copy/paste/m-becomes-o thing revealed a full-length nude, including full, clear face shot, with an envelope that was obviously "incoming mail" laying on the table next to her, with typed name and address slightly fuzzy, but easily readable, in the shot. Warned her via PM, and she gave me a response that boiled down to "I like it as is, go fuck yourself".

I haven't seen her logged on since. Hopefully, she didn't get busted, but... <shrug> Who knows?
Hit one a while back (probably mid 2021?) where the gal had cropped things to show just her boobs in the circle. I wanted a "closer look" (the larger version that the board will show) so I clicked. Her profile was locked down. OK, no problem - Doing the right-click/copy/paste/m-becomes-o thing revealed a full-length nude, including full, clear face shot, with an envelope that was obviously "incoming mail" laying on the table next to her, with typed name and address slightly fuzzy, but easily readable, in the shot. Warned her via PM, and she gave me a response that boiled down to "I like it as is, go fuck yourself".

I haven't seen her logged on since. Hopefully, she didn't get busted, but... <shrug> Who knows?
I've warned too many people who get belligerent about it, which is real stupid, or they thank me, but without making any changes.
Some say they aren't worried about it. I don't run around hunting fakes, but that does tend to tell me it is not them.
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I've warned too many people who get belligerent about it, which is real stupid, or they thank me, but without making any changes.
Some say they aren't worried about it. I don't run around hunting fakes, that does tend to tell me it is not them.
Same here. WAY too many belligerent, hostile responses. So, I've adopted the not my problem attitude about it.

I'd like to warn you that you might ruin your life, but, too many assholes before you told me to go fuck myself, so, I guess you're shit out of luck.

And, at the end of the day, the truth is, if you're this stupid, losing you won't be a big trauma to anyone concerned, here or in wider humanity.
Same here. WAY too many belligerent, hostile responses. So, I've adopted the not my problem attitude about it.

I'd like to warn you that you might ruin your life, but, too many assholes before you told me to go fuck myself, so, I guess you're shit out of luck.

And, at the end of the day, the truth is, if you're this stupid, losing you won't be a big trauma to anyone concerned, here or in wider humanity.
I just have the info in a text file and just copy and paste at the appropriate times. But yeah it's a bit like a slot machine you pull the handle and you're probably going to lose, but every so often you get a win and help someone who simply didn't think about what they were doing. But unlike that slot machine I'd always prefer to try and fail than not try in the first place, if they don't listen, it's no skin off my nose. Taking the proverbial equine to the river is all you can do, you can't make them quench their thirst.
I just have the info in a text file and just copy and paste at the appropriate times.
Same. On my computer I have it saved into Windows Sticky Notes, while on my phone I have it saved on a Notes application. The exact message I have saved is:

"Hello, if that is an actual picture of your face that you are using for an avatar, I would replace it immediately. There are stalkers on here that collect information to out zoos. If you have a drivers license, state issued ID, or a passport, law enforcement can use facial recognition software to identify you. Your picture could be putting your own safety at risk."

Long enough to covey all the relevant information, but short enough that it doesn't go over the profile post character limit. The only time I ever change anything about the warning is when I know the person is non-American. Then I'll simply change "state issued ID" to "government issued ID".

But yeah it's a bit like a slot machine you pull the handle and you're probably going to lose, but every so often you get a win and help someone who simply didn't think about what they were doing.
Pretty much I get 5 responses from people when I post this on their profile:

1) "Thank you."
2) "Ok" or "Sure"
3) No response at all
4) They simply just delete the message off of their wall.
5) "I'm not concerned."

Although if we're talking rarity, number 5 is surprisingly the least common response with that message. With the copy/paste method it literally takes like 8 seconds. All I can do is warn them with sound information and advice. But just as you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can lead a man to information, but you can't make him think.
Yep, and if someone has locked down their profile (for whatever reason) that doesn't stop things, either (although the board will only give you the "User restricts who may view..." message when you click) - it takes nothing more than "right click on the avatar image --> Copy Image Address", then new window (or tab, if you prefer) paste, and presto - there's the version you see as an avatar. Or paste, then look for the "/m/" in the url you just pasted and change the "/m/" to "/o/", and hit return - you're now looking at the raw image that was uploaded and circle-masked to become the avatar image.

Example, using your avatar, humananimal:
right click --> copy Image Address gives me this:
Pasting it into a new window or tab will give the image seen next to your post.
Pasting then changing the "/m/" to "/o/" before hitting return to load it shows the full, raw, "as you uploaded it" version without the circular mask.

Hit one a while back (probably mid 2021?) where the gal had cropped things to show just her boobs in the circle. I wanted a "closer look" (the larger version that the board will show) so I clicked. Her profile was locked down. OK, no problem - Doing the right-click/copy/paste/m-becomes-o thing revealed a full-length nude, including full, clear face shot, with an envelope that was obviously "incoming mail" laying on the table next to her, with typed name and address slightly fuzzy, but easily readable, in the shot. Warned her via PM, and she gave me a response that boiled down to "I like it as is, go fuck yourself".

I haven't seen her logged on since. Hopefully, she didn't get busted, but... <shrug> Who knows?
What you should have said was:
Oh hey ms (actual name here), it's nice to see that you are doing well and living at (insert address from envelope here) then pull up google maps and hopefully her car is parked somewhere visable or perhaps there is a pickup near by where can say, "i hope your (insert model and color here) is treating you well" or "i hope your neighbors (whatever the fuck truck) is not a super loud and obnoxious like the ones we have here". And finalize it with "i got all of this from your avatar.... Can you guess where?"
I just have the info in a text file and just copy and paste at the appropriate times. But yeah it's a bit like a slot machine you pull the handle and you're probably going to lose, but every so often you get a win and help someone who simply didn't think about what they were doing. But unlike that slot machine I'd always prefer to try and fail than not try in the first place, if they don't listen, it's no skin off my nose. Taking the proverbial equine to the river is all you can do, you can't make them quench their thirst.
Oh, I absolutely have had people respond in awesome ways, most genuinely not aware of the danger (somehow) or not at all aware they were showing a full face, in the way UR said above. And others too, who appeared to have simply not thought it all thru and grateful to get a heads up.

Unfortunately, I've had far more of the nasty shitass responses that make me just not give a flying fuck what people do as long as they don't crash my train when they do theirs.

As they say, one bad apple.
I have this profile photo because i see this when i see myself in the mirror. Its my selfie😂.
Jokes aside.
It's true you can have problems for publicate photos about you or your animals. There are anti-zoo people in everywhere, here too. And also, like invited, can be anyone. Maybe your neighbor, your brother...

You must be carefully.
Oh, I absolutely have had people respond in awesome ways, most genuinely not aware of the danger (somehow) or not at all aware they were showing a full face, in the way UR said above. And others too, who appeared to have simply not thought it all thru and grateful to get a heads up.

Unfortunately, I've had far more of the nasty shitass responses that make me just not give a flying fuck what people do as long as they don't crash my train when they do theirs.

As they say, one bad apple.
Well I guess we all have to draw our "I don't care" line somewhere I'm not saying your wrong, if it's right for you. We've both been members here long enough to have seen the good the bad and the OH GAWD MY EYES! So I get where your coming from.
Yes I could send such a reply, but then wouldn't that be regarded as doxing, even if I wouldn't post it on the forum but in a DM only?
Definitely private message. That shit should never be posted on forum. Also, they are the ones with their name and address posted for the whole world to see. On mobile, all i have to do is click on avatar, then click on avatar and continue clicking on avatar until the core image shows up.
Remember to remove EXIF information before you upload a video or picture!
Nowadays almost all cameras add some information about the camera / video recorder and the settings, called EXIF data.
So I always wipe them before saving on my harddrive. I use the app ‘EXIF Wiever’
BUT phones also add GPS data, so you can pinpoint the house or where on a field you where.
I recently warned a guy in southern Europe because his video contained GPS data showing where he was filming.
The GPS is not switched off in fly-mode !!
If anyone has any doubts about how serious this is just look at the case of Cannibal Cupcake or the soldier and his wife in NC. It's not worth ruining your life for something as silly as an avatar.
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What you should have said was:
Oh hey ms (actual name here), it's nice to see that you are doing well and living at (insert address from envelope here) then pull up google maps and hopefully her car is parked somewhere visable or perhaps there is a pickup near by where can say, "i hope your (insert model and color here) is treating you well" or "i hope your neighbors (whatever the fuck truck) is not a super loud and obnoxious like the ones we have here". And finalize it with "i got all of this from your avatar.... Can you guess where?"
That'd be too much like stalking, methinks...

But if I'd thought about it, yeah, that would've been (for someone with enough smarts to care) a rather effective convincer.
One of my friends from the kink community took a selfie taken in her kitchen wearing a custom corset she had made by a local artisan. In the background, under a magnet on her fridge, was a utility bill she stuck there as a reminder to pay it. It had her name, address, and account number.

And she paid for that mistake dearly - a creep from fetlife she rejected used that information to find out more information, and showed up at her job a couple days later and made a scene which ultimately got her fired and him arrested.

Not good.
Just to be clear, I "liked" that because I agree, not good........and the more negative ones seem to count against the poster (?)

And I've heard similar things from people I've known over the years, though none that close.

All I can say is for any creepers reading what you said there and thinking how cool that would be to freak someone out, just ask yourself how cool it will be for me, looking down at you with a bullet through your head, or for you, having that bullet through your head.

I have personally never understood how stalking doesn't have a much higher mortality rate than it does (for the stalker, plenty high enough for victim).

Let me catch you in my house........
Yes it does in a way, should I change my profile pic then?
If the image looks like you then yes, change it. Even if made with AI, posting the image here means that any user of this forum - regardless of their intentions - will know what you more or less look like. And, if you have used this same image elsewhere, then a simple reverse image search could give some results if the match between you and the AI-generated image is high enough.
Yes it does in a way, should I change my profile pic then?
If the image looks like you then yes, change it. Even if made with AI, posting the image here means that any user of this forum - regardless of their intentions - will know what you more or less look like. And, if you have used this same image elsewhere, then a simple reverse image search could give some results if the match between you and the AI-generated image is high enough.
Sorry, I'm late to reply, but yes, I 100% agree. There are far too many malicious people out there who, for whatever reason, get off on ruining people's lives. Even if some people think they're doing the "right thing" and have "good" intentions it doesn't make your life any less ruined. There have even been cases of blackmail. In those cases the person gave the blackmailer what they wanted (personalized zoo videos) so they wouldn't out them, then they outed them anyway using the videos as further evidence.
I'm not trying to scare you or anyone else, but despite anyone's reason for living this lifestyle it's still a serious crime in the eyes of the law. Plus, no one wants to be a social pariah. Just be careful.
Just to be clear, I "liked" that because I agree, not good........and the more negative ones seem to count against the poster (?)

And I've heard similar things from people I've known over the years, though none that close.

All I can say is for any creepers reading what you said there and thinking how cool that would be to freak someone out, just ask yourself how cool it will be for me, looking down at you with a bullet through your head, or for you, having that bullet through your head.

I have personally never understood how stalking doesn't have a much higher mortality rate than it does (for the stalker, plenty high enough for victim).

Let me catch you in my house........
The reason is that stalkers choose victim they can scare and ‘overpower’.
If the victim did not feel week the stalker probably would be beaten up or even shot.
The reason is that stalkers choose victim they can scare and ‘overpower’.
If the victim did not feel week the stalker probably would be beaten up or even shot.
I'm well aware. I just don't understand people who allow themselves to be "weak and scared", it's just not a mindset I really can comprehend, no matter how much I "get" the concept, I can't identify with it.

I can feel fear. But, what I can't do is cower from it. I might very well be afraid of person X, but, one way or another, only one of us is coming out of this one upright, I'm committed to the fact that only one of us is walking away here, let's get busy finding out which one.

Stalkers are essentially chump ass bullies.
There are people with few mental force, each one is different in personality or moral strength, self-esteem...
We must understand them.

Even so, i am agree with you.
Stalkers are a motherfucker people who his live is wretched, limited, poor about moral, socialyty, they lack empathy and they have no soul.
Mostly they are psychopath for not having empathy with people. And they argue that they defend animals.
They are also hypocrites because they are the ones who hit and do the most damage to their pets.
For example, I have seen dogs using an electric collar as a punishment and not as a re-educator.
With horses I have seen both sernets and spurs misused, leaving animals with marks for life. All for not knowing how to use them...
With horses I have seen both sernets and spurs misused, leaving animals with marks for life. All for not knowing how to use them...
Spurs I understand. But in my 50+ years of being on, under, behind, around, and generally amongst horses and the associated gear that goes with 'em, I've never so much as heard of a "sernet". What's that? Typo? Mistranslation? Something else?