Neutered male dogs and retained sexual interest poll

How did neutering affect your male dog's sexual desires?

  • No or minor effect on sexual desire.

    Votes: 17 13.0%
  • Some effect on sexual desire.

    Votes: 36 27.5%
  • Major effect on sexual desire

    Votes: 28 21.4%
  • Complete or nearly complete end of sexual desire.

    Votes: 50 38.2%

  • Total voters


This is for people who have had male dogs who were neutered after becoming adults.
Did he lose all interest, some interest, or was he largely unaffected?

I'm not aware of any reliable data on the subject, so hoping we can get a rough idea by polling the community to see what anecdotal experiences people have had.
Please vote only if you have direct experience, no voting based on the reports of a friend, etc.
On-topic comments by all welcome.
My own experience is a single male dog who was neutered at around 3 for health concerns and retained sexual desire for many years after well into his senior years; still alive and still horny.
The main thing everyone needs to know is that if the sex organs have been removed the body still requires those sex hormones to function properly. Whether male or female, their body will start to tax the adrenal gland for sex hormones. So they will still have those hormones but it'll be significantly less, which means that they may still be interested in sex, but it's never a definite given. The adrenal gland is only supposed to substitute any deficiencies that the ovaries/testicles fail to produce. In the long haul taxing the adrenal glands for these hormones can lead to medical issues later in life, which is why I'd only recommend spaying/neutering for medical emergencies only.
I have never owned a desex male dog so have not voted, however I have spend time with a significant number in the last 30 years of my professional life. And basically I've seen every option in the pole being a valid response.

It has far more to do with the age and sexual experience before neutering occurs in determining the likely outcome afterwards. In most dogs the initiating of sexual behavior is the biggest thing to be lowered in all but the most sexually active males, which I would imagine is where a lot of dogs would fit who have a zoo human in their life.

However a good percentage of castrated males will still be enthusiastic and enjoy well performed manual or oral stimulation of their penis, as they clearly show signs of taking pleasure from the act. However very few showed any interest in mounting.

So I guess from my own experience I would say they think less about sexual stuff after being desexed, but still can be very much into it once the idea is put in their head. draw from this what you will.

And given the demographic of this site I want to make it very clear I'm not promoting engaging in sexual activity with neutered animals, I have a lot of experience with dogs and reading their body language, thus have also stopped immediately more than a few times if the dog looks unsure or even slightly uncomfortable at me touching their sheath. Because it goes without saying that no activity should ever be pursued if the dog does not show signs they are enjoying themselves and willing for you to continue, and that goes equally for those that still have their balls as well.
The main thing everyone needs to know is that if the sex organs have been removed the body still requires those sex hormones to function properly. Whether male or female, their body will start to tax the adrenal gland for sex hormones. So they will still have those hormones but it'll be significantly less, which means that they may still be interested in sex, but it's never a definite given. The adrenal gland is only supposed to substitute any deficiencies that the ovaries/testicles fail to produce. In the long haul taxing the adrenal glands for these hormones can lead to medical issues later in life, which is why I'd only recommend spaying/neutering for medical emergencies only.
Personally I like to say that they are not just "sex" hormones but "growth and maintenance" hormones. Which fits more the roll they play
Every hormone in every living thing is a utilitarian. Not unitary. So at least in my mind it sucks such is even perpetuated.
However I’ve noticed some dogs to retain desire. I’ve seen it more in small breeds then larger ones.
I have engaged in various types of sexual activity with neutered male dogs over the past 50+ years, mostly in my mis-spent youth. They were castrated at ages ranging anywhere from 8 WEEKS to 14 years. The majority were done at between 6 months and 3 years. I had sex with some of them both "before" and "after."

I've found that nearly all neutered boys have some amount of interest and ability. It doesn't seem to make too much difference how long ago it was done, a bit more with how old they were when they were cut. If they had some sort of previous experience, that makes a HUGE difference! Most will hump at least a little, knot up and orgasm. Neutered dogs normally don't stay knotted more than a few minutes, but many are ready for another go after a short rest.

Interest varies. Some will hump like there's no tomorrow and later try to get you to do it again. Others are like, "Yeah, sure. Stroke it, suck it, whatever. Wake me when you're done." I've had a very few "Touch me there again and you're gonna die!" types. Some have been a bit skittish at first, but then kind of got into it later. Some were eager and humpy at first, but once they knotted up and started to orgasm, it seemed to frighten them and they ran off. I have experienced all of the above with intact dogs as well.

There is one common denominator: I have never seen a dog who has been neutered for more than a month or so ejaculate. A very small number would produce a few small droplets or maybe one quick squirt, that's it. I have read many times that they can and do ejaculate, but have only rarely observed it, even with dogs who were snipped only days earlier.

Two of my own (neutered) dogs tended to ejaculate streams of pee when they came, especially if they had a full bladder. One was on some rather strong medication for seizures, and the other was quite elderly. The volume of urine was similar to the amount of semen one might expect from an intact dog of similar size.

Of all the castrated dogs in my experience, there were perhaps 3 who seemed to be totally impotent. Two of those were neutered a small pups and one was done around 8-10 years. However, I had caught all of that group (individually) "off their turf," which might have something to do with their lack of performance. I have had encounters with intact males in the same circumstances with similar results.

The few who I had been active with "before" were still quite willing and eager and would often initiate sex. One dog, though, who I had never touched previously, got quite excited when I met him in the woods. He rode my leg a bit and tried mounting me when I got down on the ground with him. He was pretty well knotted in his sheath when I explored him a bit and gleefully face-fucked me several times. During another session, he became on of the very few dogs who I ever had mount and tie me. This boy was snipped at about a year when he was pulled from the pound and was probably 8 or so when he joined me on that hike. As a rescued dog, it's anybody's guess what experiences he might have had in his past life, perhaps he'd been with a Human before.

One of my own secondhand dogs that I adopted as an adult had been neutered as a small pup and had a pencil dick. Even so, he would get knotty during a belly rub. With some experimentation, I found that he loved oral. He would hump briskly, have a strong orgasm and hold a knot for 10 minutes or so. After the first few times, he would frequently initiate sex play and try to "herd" me to our special spot when he was in the mood. His penis would get much thicker when erect and had a clean, mild, somewhat creamy taste to it. He was very pleasant to suck. We did this many hundreds of times in the 10 years I had him. I lost him to hemangio-sarcoma, an aggressive cancer that attacks the blood vessels on the major organs. This seems to be a tale often told with early-neutered male dogs.

There were a few (both intact and neutered) who were uninterested, unwilling or seemed frightened by the whole thing. I respected that and left them alone. My current dog (yes, a neutered rescue) has a nice, big, suckable penis, but he only permits me to touch it on rare occasions. A session with him usually consists of a hand job and MAYBE a quick taste. He is a mix of several Northern breeds, I've read they can be like that.

Sex with neutered male dogs is basically a crapshoot. Many love it, a few hate it, still others are just a bit skittish or they're just indifferent. You just have to feel them out (or maybe feel them up?) Some who say "No!" at first, might come to enjoy it later. Or not. Sometimes you'll encounter one with "morning wood," or rolling in a sunny spot, feeling good about himself and showing off that fact with a cute little knot and a bit of pink, or overly excited while greeting you. Give him a little squeeze around and behind that knot and see what happens. If he's cool with it, enjoy. If he seems scared or annoyed, stop. Maybe try again another time. Neutered boys might mount you, but more likely won't. The can't provide you with a mouthful of cum, but I enjoy sucking them anyway. Figure out what they like and what they're capable of, and you just might be able to work around that empty sack.

Play nice, be gentle, treat him with love and respect whatever the outcome.
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Half a century ago, an 82 kg Malamute was quite willing to mount me and knot although neutered. I'm not quite certain of when he had been castrated. On the other hand, to my knowledge he did not dash off to chase other dogs in heat.
My stud still gets boners and tries to hump my bitch constantly he is also more receptive to receiving anal especially when I got his throbbing red rocket in my hand he is also a lot more receptive to blowjobs
My pet Lab use to be to be the horniest dog until he got fixed. His sex drive was high for about 3 years unil he completely lost interest
My male was neutered at about 3 years old, he's six now but he has DEFINITELY has a diminished sex drive. He still asks for it sometimes, he does mount and can knot BUT it's very very short lived and obviously he can't actually cum.
My old male dog(RIP) was neutered at about 3 years old when we got another dog. He was mostly unaffected. He still had a lot of energy when it came to mounting and sex. Ofc no cum but we still had fun…
jesus christ, neutering is such a widely accepted but fucked up thing... if it were more socially acceptable to pleasure our animals, maybe we wouldnt have to rip out perfdctly functioning and required organs.

Why arent vascectamies more common??? Do they still retain sexual desire when snipped but kept balls???
jesus christ, neutering is such a widely accepted but fucked up thing... if it were more socially acceptable to pleasure our animals, maybe we wouldnt have to rip out perfdctly functioning and required organs.

Why arent vascectamies more common??? Do they still retain sexual desire when snipped but kept balls???
A vasectomy is purely disconnecting (cutting or blocking) the pipework that leads from the testicles to the rest of the males equipment and thus the outside world. So sperm can't be ejaculated. It has no other effect on any of the dogs hormone or other bodily functions including their sex drive. The sperm is just reabsorbed into the body rather than heading off to make puppies. It should without question be done in 99% of all situations where a dog is being desexed to prevent pregnancy. In cases where the testicles are injured or develop cancer then removal might still be required, but outside of that, there is no good reason why you should be performing a procedure that screws up natural hormone levels; through the removing of the engine room (Testicles or Ovaries) And I mention ovaries, because Tubal Ligation is also pretty much the same thing for females, it prevents the egg getting to the womb so sperm can't inseminate it.

So if Vasectomy and Tubal Ligation maintain the dogs natural bodily functions why isn't it the preferred procedure? Maybe it's harder to do you might ask. Well no, with nothing being removed it is far less invasive and much faster to be performed.

So why rip out body parts then? There are two main reasons neither are for the benefit of the dog: 1) Because that's the way it's always been done and people don't like change. 2) After the scrotum has healed (Which is much faster with a Vasectomy due to a smaller incision being required.) there is no way to tell if it has been done or not, short of giving the dog an orgasm to see what comes out. (or you could check there ear to see if they have the desexed tattoo indicating the procedure has been done, what ever is easiest for you ;) ) Where as if the balls are gone, it's obvious to people that they are sterile because required bits are visibly missing.
This is for people who have had male dogs who were neutered after becoming adults.
Did he lose all interest, some interest, or was he largely unaffected?

I'm not aware of any reliable data on the subject, so hoping we can get a rough idea by polling the community to see what anecdotal experiences people have had.
Please vote only if you have direct experience, no voting based on the reports of a friend, etc.
On-topic comments by all welcome.
I've rescued quite a few dogs from being neutered.
A vasectomy is purely disconnecting (cutting or blocking) the pipework that leads from the testicles to the rest of the males equipment and thus the outside world. So sperm can't be ejaculated. It has no other effect on any of the dogs hormone or other bodily functions including their sex drive. The sperm is just reabsorbed into the body rather than heading off to make puppies. It should without question be done in 99% of all situations where a dog is being desexed to prevent pregnancy. In cases where the testicles are injured or develop cancer then removal might still be required, but outside of that, there is no good reason why you should be performing a procedure that screws up natural hormone levels; through the removing of the engine room (Testicles or Ovaries) And I mention ovaries, because Tubal Ligation is also pretty much the same thing for females, it prevents the egg getting to the womb so sperm can't inseminate it.

So if Vasectomy and Tubal Ligation maintain the dogs natural bodily functions why isn't it the preferred procedure? Maybe it's harder to do you might ask. Well no, with nothing being removed it is far less invasive and much faster to be performed.

So why rip out body parts then? There are two main reasons neither are for the benefit of the dog: 1) Because that's the way it's always been done and people don't like change. 2) After the scrotum has healed (Which is much faster with a Vasectomy due to a smaller incision being required.) there is no way to tell if it has been done or not, short of giving the dog an orgasm to see what comes out. (or you could check there ear to see if they have the desexed tattoo indicating the procedure has been done, what ever is easiest for you ;) ) Where as if the balls are gone, it's obvious to people that they are sterile because required bits are visibly missing.
Then if you have experience, does a vascenctamy just stop specifically sperm explusion? like 95% of the volume is what... salene or salty like liquid and lets be honest, thats a big part of the fun.

i cant imagine all of that is stored in the balls 🤣

I will 100% consider a vascectamy for future pups because its a win win all around. Plus, I quite like seeing dog balls down there 😍
Then if you have experience, does a vascenctamy just stop specifically sperm explusion? like 95% of the volume is what... salene or salty like liquid and lets be honest, thats a big part of the fun.

i cant imagine all of that is stored in the balls 🤣

I will 100% consider a vascectamy for future pups because its a win win all around. Plus, I quite like seeing dog balls down there 😍
Testicles make sperm, other glands (prostate and urethral glands) make the rest of the stuff that goes into making semen. So yes there should still be liquid coming out of the tap. In the dogs brain all signals are still the same going to the torpedo tubes when the order to fire is given, it's just the war heads that bust through the eggs defenses to make a pup are no longer included.

And yes a nice set swinging in the breeze can be quite hypnotizing. :gsd_wink:
Testicles make sperm, other glands (prostate and urethral glands) make the rest of the stuff that goes into making semen. So yes there should still be liquid coming out of the tap. In the dogs brain all signals are still the same going to the torpedo tubes when the order to fire is given, it's just the war heads that bust through the eggs defenses to make a pup are no longer included.

And yes a nice set swinging in the breeze can be quite hypnotizing. :gsd_wink:
Boy I never been so excited for my next pup!
I have not been with a dog who has had a vasectomy, that I know of. From what I've read, though, they still ejaculate as much as ever. It looks and tastes the same and you would need a microscope to tell the difference. It can be a bit of a challenge to find a Vet who will do it.
Where do neutered dog testicles even go? Is there like a dumpster out back full of them?
Where do neutered dog testicles even go? Is there like a dumpster out back full of them?
It's classed as bio-waste so depending on where the vet is located it will be sent off for disposal or simply incinerated out back along with other bodily stuff from operations or whatever. Why do ask? Looking for a new set of unique ear rings. :gsd_laughing: Sorry that was a terrible joke.
I have not been with a dog who has had a vasectomy, that I know of. From what I've read, though, they still ejaculate as much as ever. It looks and tastes the same and you would need a microscope to tell the difference. It can be a bit of a challenge to find a Vet who will do it.
There would have to be a little less fluid in the sperm rich portion, but dogs being like most mammals, that's only going to be 3-7 squirts. Out of the 100-200(+) pulses in the case of a dog to expel fluids from the penis durring the entire process. So I agree you won't notice any real difference in quantity.
I've had no choice to neutered my little guy. At a very young age 4ish (rescue and not sure 100% of the age), he had testicular cancer. Reading information here, i'm happy to see that there may be hope for us even after the surgery. I've read your comment and thanks for the info, we'll go slow and see how it goes
I've had no choice to neutered my little guy. At a very young age 4ish (rescue and not sure 100% of the age), he had testicular cancer. Reading information here, i'm happy to see that there may be hope for us even after the surgery. I've read your comment and thanks for the info, we'll go slow and see how it goes
I completely understand I had to do it to one of my dogs not too long ago but a pups well-being is more important
It hasn't been too long since Red had to have his testicles completely removed, but I couldn't get him to stop humping things at first. That's not really his typical behavior, even though he is very sexually active. He would not leave me alone one night after it happened, and even though I tried to get him to leave me alone for quite some time, it got to the point where I though he might hurt himself for how hard he was trying, so I just let him do it. He still had staples in, but he did get a full knot, it was actually really good. He seemed pretty content after that, almost like he had something to prove. About a week and a half after that (no staples, healing well) he decided to mount me again while I tried some stuff with the others. It started off well, he did penetrate, but then about halfway through the knot inflating it just stopped. I looked back at him and he seemed a little lost. He pulled out about 35-50 seconds in, but was very happy to be licking/part of the action once dismounted. I'm wondering which way it will go, but I wouldn't be surprised if he became less active.
I have engaged in various types of sexual activity with neutered male dogs over the past 50+ years, mostly in my mis-spent youth. They were castrated at ages ranging anywhere from 8 WEEKS to 14 years. The majority were done at between 6 months and 3 years. I had sex with some of them both "before" and "after."

I've found that nearly all neutered boys have some amount of interest and ability. It doesn't seem to make too much difference how long ago it was done, a bit more with how old they were when they were cut. If they had some sort of previous experience, that makes a HUGE difference! Most will hump at least a little, knot up and orgasm. Neutered dogs normally don't stay knotted more than a few minutes, but many are ready for another go after a short rest.

Interest varies. Some will hump like there's no tomorrow and later try to get you to do it again. Others are like, "Yeah, sure. Stroke it, suck it, whatever. Wake me when you're done." I've had a very few "Touch me there again and you're gonna die!" types. Some have been a bit skittish at first, but then kind of got into it later. Some were eager and humpy at first, but once they knotted up and started to orgasm, it seemed to frighten them and they ran off. I have experienced all of the above with intact dogs as well.

There is one common denominator: I have never seen a dog who has been neutered for more than a month or so ejaculate. A very small number would produce a few small droplets or maybe one quick squirt, that's it. I have read many times that they can and do ejaculate, but have only rarely observed it, even with dogs who were snipped only days earlier.

Two of my own (neutered) dogs tended to ejaculate streams of pee when they came, especially if they had a full bladder. One was on some rather strong medication for seizures, and the other was quite elderly. The volume of urine was similar to the amount of semen one might expect from an intact dog of similar size.

Of all the castrated dogs in my experience, there were perhaps 3 who seemed to be totally impotent. Two of those were neutered a small pups and one was done around 8-10 years. However, I had caught all of that group (individually) "off their turf," which might have something to do with their lack of performance. I have had encounters with intact males in the same circumstances with similar results.

The few who I had been active with "before" were still quite willing and eager and would often initiate sex. One dog, though, who I had never touched previously, got quite excited when I met him in the woods. He rode my leg a bit and tried mounting me when I got down on the ground with him. He was pretty well knotted in his sheath when I explored him a bit and gleefully face-fucked me several times. During another session, he became on of the very few dogs who I ever had mount and tie me. This boy was snipped at about a year when he was pulled from the pound and was probably 8 or so when he joined me on that hike. As a rescued dog, it's anybody's guess what experiences he might have had in his past life, perhaps he'd been with a Human before.

One of my own secondhand dogs that I adopted as an adult had been neutered as a small pup and had a pencil dick. Even so, he would get knotty during a belly rub. With some experimentation, I found that he loved oral. He would hump briskly, have a strong orgasm and hold a knot for 10 minutes or so. After the first few times, he would frequently initiate sex play and try to "herd" me to our special spot when he was in the mood. His penis would get much thicker when erect and had a clean, mild, somewhat creamy taste to it. He was very pleasant to suck. We did this many hundreds of times in the 10 years I had him. I lost him to hemangio-sarcoma, an aggressive cancer that attacks the blood vessels on the major organs. This seems to be a tale often told with early-neutered male dogs.

There were a few (both intact and neutered) who were uninterested, unwilling or seemed frightened by the whole thing. I respected that and left them alone. My current dog (yes, a neutered rescue) has a nice, big, suckable penis, but he only permits me to touch it on rare occasions. A session with him usually consists of a hand job and MAYBE a quick taste. He is a mix of several Northern breeds, I've read they can be like that.

Sex with neutered male dogs is basically a crapshoot. Many love it, a few hate it, still others are just a bit skittish or they're just indifferent. You just have to feel them out (or maybe feel them up?) Some who say "No!" at first, might come to enjoy it later. Or not. Sometimes you'll encounter one with "morning wood," or rolling in a sunny spot, feeling good about himself and showing off that fact with a cute little knot and a bit of pink, or overly excited while greeting you. Give him a little squeeze around and behind that knot and see what happens. If he's cool with it, enjoy. If he seems scared or annoyed, stop. Maybe try again another time. Neutered boys might mount you, but more likely won't. The can't provide you with a mouthful of cum, but I enjoy sucking them anyway. Figure out what they like and what they're capable of, and you just might be able to work around that empty sack.

Play nice, be gentle, treat him with love and respect whatever the outcome.
This is great information. Thanks!