Is it possible for a girl to have sex with a wolf?


Is it possible for a girl to have sex with a wolf? If the answer is no, what is the reason?
Is it possible for a girl to have sex with a wolf? If the answer is no, what is the reason?
Theres a fairly long thread on the subject. Generally, a lone wolf raised away from the genuine pack milieu is not really a wolf OR a dog. A Real Wolf in a proper pack hierarchy is not a loner, and since his job is survival of the pack he'd be more likely to eat a human, than "Do" one. They have no reason to do anything else. Use the Search engine to find the thread.
99.99...% the same as a medium/large dog.
A male wolf with a woman, a female wolf with a man, a male wolf with a man, it doesn't matter.

The answer to "no" is that wolves avoid humans under natural conditions, so sex would only be possible with zoo specimens, even there only people who build close friendships with wolves (e.g. caretakers) would be able to do so.

It doesn't have a bigger knot, it doesn't cum more, it doesn't penetrate the uterus, it doesn't fertilize an egg.
I sure hope that it is!
And, if I ever meet a wolf, I am going to test if it is.

So, if you ever hear on the news that someone got killed and eaten by wolves in Scandinavia, the test proved that it was not possible.
I would just like to mention that wolf packs don't form hierarchies unless placed into captivity. There is extensive research on wolf social behavior and its quite interesting but sadly people still think pack "alphas" are a thing. 😔
Excuse me? Id like to point out that wolves in captivity can not BE a pack unless they already were part of the same one. Packs have a context. Wolves are aware of it, even if people are not. Putting several wolves into captivity will not cause them to form a pack, even if they're related. They aren't dogs, but they arent really wolves at that point either.
Wild-State wolves are pack creatures. They work cooperatively to raise the Alpha male and Alpha bitch's offspring....the lesser creatures of the group do not breed. I think you have a bad definition of "Hierarchies" , since the word is supposed to mean "a defined Social Order, from highest to lowest.
Excuse me? Id like to point out that wolves in captivity can not BE a pack unless they already were part of the same one. Packs have a context. Wolves are aware of it, even if people are not. Putting several wolves into captivity will not cause them to form a pack, even if they're related. They aren't dogs, but they arent really wolves at that point either.
Wild-State wolves are pack creatures. They work cooperatively to raise the Alpha male and Alpha bitch's offspring....the lesser creatures of the group do not breed. I think you have a bad definition of "Hierarchies" , since the word is supposed to mean "a defined Social Order, from highest to lowest.
Femboy is correct. Wolf "packs" in the wild are typically just families, and the only reason there is usually only one breeding pair is because the parents aren't going to fuck their kids. There are no "alphas" and "lesser creatures", just parents and their offspring. The notion of alphas was indeed formed based on the study of captive wolves, which do not behave as normal wolves in the wild. It's very easy to find lots of reliable sources that will confirm this:

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Wolf "packs" in the wild are typically just families
The richer the food and the less danger in the territory, the gentler the system in the pack. The less food and the more danger, increases. Captivity is not a normal situation, which is why they organize themselves into aggressive packs and alphabet stuff.

When I go to a dog place with my dogs, they often ask who is the leader of the pack, how much they fight with each other. And they don't understand when I say there is no pack leader.
I'm sure it's possible, but very dangerous and not very probable. I'd personally be too scared to try even though it would be my biggest fantasy come true lol. 🥺