If you had three wishes, what would they be??

Some natural mechanism to regulate world population to a sustainable level that leaves lots of room for low density population.

intentional Stupidity to be painful and lying even more so

death to not suck, when it is time it just quietly happens in ones sleep, suppose that'd tie into #1
1) A wife who loves cooking, cleaning, sewing, renasance fairs, swimming and loves sex with me and animals.
2) All the Bitcoin in lost and abandoned wallets is transferred to my wallet and these transfers are verified as legitimate on the Blockchain.

3) permanent prime of life youth for me and the wife. Me at mid thirties her, well whatever age she wants. I'm sure immortality will eventually get old but my God the projects I could start and the projects I could drag home if I knew I would have forever to finish them.
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Aww thanks! I said 27 because by then you are taken halfway seriously by other people. You're not seen as being immature but if you do something immature people are like, 'well, do it while you're still young.' And my body was at its peak then lol.
Ah, I misunderstood, I assumed you were 27. I guess I have something to look forward to though, being taken more seriously that is, good news!
1) I wish for stupidity to be painful in direct proportion to the level of stupid exhibited, up to and including being fatal.
2) I wish all warning labels, safety covers, protective structures, guards, interlocks, and similar "let's promote the level of stupidity in the human race by protecting idiots from the consequences of their own idiotic actions" devices cease to exist, allowing idiots to easily remove themselves from the gene-pool as rapidly as possible.
3) I wish all politicians currently in office to be instantly transported, exactly as they stand at this precise moment, whether that be stark naked, or fully dressed, with no possessions or supplies other than what they have in their hands at this very instant, to the surface of Mars.
100 Billion Dollars "THat should be enough to live comfortably"
A Farm in a rural area, with all my favorite Hand selected animals.
A Group of Strong Men, To happily do all the hard labor on above mentioned Farm, For minimum wage.

YES , That would be all 🙃
2) I wish all warning labels, safety covers, protective structures, guards, interlocks, and similar "let's promote the level of stupidity in the human race by protecting idiots from the consequences of their own idiotic actions" devices cease to exist, allowing idiots to easily remove themselves from the gene-pool as rapidly as possible.

Some moron put his eye out trying to open a can with a knife.
As a result - that's it... 👇

1. ¡Me gustaría hablar todos los idiomas del mundo!
2. Acabar con las religiones con reglas dañinas y humillantes y con líderes que siguen cualquier tipo de extremismo.
3. Crear un país independiente (aprobado por la ONU, la UE y otros países) para las personas que participan en zoológicos y otras minorías sexuales.
Por supuesto que ningún régimen, la gente puede votar por el presidente del zoológico y el gobierno del zoológico.😉

1.) Unlimited supply of alcohol.

2.) Own every single record/demo that has ever existed.

3.) Annihilation of humanity.
1. For every person to make a minimum livable income.
2. End all fascism.
3. A gorgeous robot boyfriend (like the ones from Westworld) that does everything I need and want.
100 Billion Dollars "THat should be enough to live comfortably"
A Farm in a rural area, with all my favorite Hand selected animals.
A Group of Strong Men, To happily do all the hard labor on above mentioned Farm, For minimum wage.

YES , That would be all 🙃
You have $100 billion

But you won't pay the workers that are doing all your hard work anything more than minimum wage????

Fuck that shit. The only hard work I would do is digging a shallow grave to put your cheapskate ass in.
-Better mental health for everyone on this planet
-More fairness in taxes and other expenses (rent, electricity etc, food/groceries/necessities are the same, depends on your income/fortune) (considering the difference between "the poor" and "the rich") (the lesser fortunate people should pay less in general taxes, and the more fortunate should pay more, reather based on income, if that makes sense)
-No more fucking warfare (war, school shootings, gang rivalry etc)
(You aren't allowed to ask for more wishes)

1) that the pain would stop

2) wish I was shorter

3) lots and lots of money
1) My wife would be ok with a closed triade with another woman
2) I had multiple successful business that provided the ability to start other businesses and to be able to travel when and were I wanted
3) Be able to provide and help my family and good friends with whatever they needed or wanted.
You have $100 billion But you won't pay the workers that are doing all your hard work anything more than minimum wage???? Fuck that shit. The only hard work I would do is digging a shallow grave to put your cheapskate ass in.
i can’t believe he said a group of strong men and it wasn’t for sex reasons tbh
I’d wish to meet and fall in love with a gorgeous zoo guy
I’d wish for the good health for everyone I loved
And I’d wish for myself and everyone in my family to be rich