how does the zoo lifestyle affect family life


was just curious about other people's experience with family life and if you'd ever tell your kids about it
I do not see how that is relevant for someone who is zoo exclusive. That kind of implies that you are only into animals so having kids and a wife is sort of out of the picture.
yeah you're right about that, can you move posts to different threads?
disregarding this is in the wrong section, why would you tell your kids? not even telling your kids "mommy and daddy have sex" seems to be the norm. what would they do with additional "we like to include our dog too" information? to have something new tell at school maybe?
disregarding this is in the wrong section, why would you tell your kids? not even telling your kids "mommy and daddy have sex" seems to be the norm. what would they do with additional "we like to include our dog too" information? to have something new tell at school maybe?
I fail to see the reason to tell your offspring too at any age even after they are adult.
I do not discuss what my parents do in their bed with them at all just as they do not ask me about it.

If your kids are going to be zoo, they will discover it on their own. You should not make them zoos.
just wanted to see if people were open with family members, don't need focus on the kids part and just because most parents aren't open to talk to there children about sex doesn't mean that parents like that don't exist
What exactly would you gain from telling your family members that you include your dog in you sex?
right who said anything about a dog and maybe some people might want some form of acceptance? tell me this why are you here on this website?
So the idea behind this thread is to get acceptance from your family because you like zoo porn? Otherwise you have been getting answers that correctly suggest that sharing your sexual experience with your family members is not usually done especially not kids because your original post very much suggests that.
was just curious about other people's experience with family life and if you'd ever tell your kids about it
Pues un secreto simplemente te ve feliz como si tuvieras pareja y vives con normalidad, te sientes pleno y satisfecho 😏 no buscas nada más y compartes como nadie el día a día
I dunno about what OP actually meant, but I'd be curious to know in the sense of how you balance everything having a family requires while also having enough time to develop a relationship with an animal. I'm more horse focused though, so I guess with a dog it wouldn't be as big of an issue to make time.
With having to work 50+ hour work weeks and still living at home things are hard to balance. I happen to be in a lucky enough situation where I basically have the basement to myself. And I'm awake when everyone else is asleep so that also makes life a little easier. I always make time for my girl and my one tip is always be ready to pull out and if you have the option being a basement dweller make life easier. Also don't isolate yourself from family if you're in a similar situation stay involved with family activities and they will remain clueless. I'm always worried about leakage but for the most part she takes care of that. Don't want to end up in a goddess situation so keep sex in the bedroom at times when nobody will find out which can be hard to determine. That's why I mentioned the whole be ready thing and keep an ear out always no mater how long you think you have. It's a whole lot of careful planning common sense and vigilance and one slip will leave you up shit creak without a paddle.
was just curious about other people's experience with family life and if you'd ever tell your kids about it
I always get horny at feeding time but my wife thinks it's my pink gum-boots that are turning me on! :gsd_nervous:
What if the daughter was into it, sex with dogs, because she caught the mom doing it with the family dog? And then the mom told the dad? So basically the whole family knew what was going on… 🤔