How do you view dogs in public after you have broken the seal?

I haven’t broken the seal(will be next week), but yah, ever since I got interested in zoo I potentially look at them differently. Since most dogs these days are fixed, when one has unmistakable balls hanging…yah, the mind wonders a bit.

But as far as neutered dogs, I really don’t look at them differently than prior. Unless it is just got a fat ass sheath and then I think damn…I bet he would have an enormous cock if he still had his balls.
Sometimes I find other dogs attractive but most of the time I just want to treat them like any other dog. If there owners are okay with me meeting them I love to get down on their level and give them lots of pets and attention and meet them.
I will have to be honest and say, hell yeah I look at them differently. Often times it seems that if my boys are around, the new one knows that I am the knott receptacle?!🤐🥰
And I don't have a problem with that at all. Then depending on the owner I wonder what it would be like to take the dogs big ol knot then have the owner slam up in side of me as soon as his dog pulls out! Now I went and made myself all insatiable again. Looks like it's time to do some recording....
I literally just saw a girl (maybe around 20) with a male great dane on the street while I was parking my car and this is why I was hoping to find this thread here...

I instantly had various ideas occurring to my mind of what she might be doing with him when alone and I also asked myself why else a girl would have such a huge dog whose "manliness" was clearly visible (his big sheath could not be unseen)...

This whole zoo-thing has preoccupied my mind but I can't help it lol
You'll be okay after you accept it as just being yourself.
I’ve always just admired their beauty if I think they’re beautiful. The second thing I do or first if they’re not cute is avert my eyes to their belly area to try and tell if they’re a boy or a girl. Not for any reason other than just knowing. Usually I’ll ask if I can pet their dog somewhere in there, and ask its name, especially if it’s good looking.

The only things that I think I’ve done differently is I’ve subconsciously noticed a lot more balls. They certainly attract my eye more than they used to, I swear this many dogs never used to be intact. Maybe I just never noticed it before or maybe I’ve just been around more intact dogs since. Also, when I do notice an intact boy, I always can’t help but wonder if they’re ever able to empty their balls. Which subsequently leads to the thought of does that person ever help them empty their balls.
I would probably be dead if it weren't for dogs. I've had some pretty bad days in my life and my dogs have always been there for me.
I do wonder now that I know more about zoo stuff if they are having sex when I see a female walking her intact male
Pretty much the same, unless theres a bitch in heat (instantly hard), or a male with big nuts/dong (admiration and jealousy).
Sometimes in my mind I'll just say "smash" and then move on, just like I used to do with girls in high school. I just acknowledge that I think they're attractive but know that I won't be making any kind of connection with them. In this and many other things, it's best not to complicate it with thinking too much.
Mhhm uhhhh lol I mean when I notice a female dog like a retriever or Shepard and I see there pussys I gotta sit u get so hard just imaging getting to rub there bellies and slowly run there puffy lips
Silly confession: one time I nearly drove my car into a stop sign because I was staring at an incredibly sexy GSD. In my defense, the dog was really hot.

But yeah, I'm constantly ogling attractive dogs I see out and about. I don't even hide it, really.