How do you lot feed your doggo partners? Meal planning, what foods to encourage/avoid etc.


It seems to me that the general consensus is that dog food or kibble or whatever is pretty terrible when it comes to nutrition and the long term health of our beloved partners. Personally, I’d like to prepare my partners meals for them (I love cooking either way and I imagine I’d get to spend quality time with my partner :3).

So what would you all recommend? I understand diets and whatnot can DRASTICALLY vary between breeds and all that so I’m not asking for a one size fits all answer. More so just asking for personal anecdotes and stories. Foods, recipes and all that. I’d also love to know what sorts of foods should generally be avoided.

I should learn a lot more about this myself. The best source of information is not anyone on this site. It will be veterinary resources. Tufts University (if I recall correctly) has the veterinary nutrition specialist program and they publish articles on how to best feed your dog. I really like DVM360 for medical information and maybe they have nutrition information there too.