How do I find a beast girlfriend?

You don't need to know someone as a friend to follow them. I know of you from past posts and followed you because of our small discussion and for pettiness.

The difference is I pointed out your grammar bc I know it annoys pea-brained people like you. Meanwhile, I admit that my grammar has been sub-par.

DP, So technically you're right. But at the same time, DPs work directly with Producers, editors, and Directors on the story.

Oh boy, someone put on his big-boy pants but forgot how social media works. Well, that isn't surprising considering you didn't know what one is. So I'll let you see if I understand
@zetaoptimis So you send me a message in messenger being a smart ass and close the conversation to reply hey? Real mature big guy ;)

What annoys me, is piss head lil liars on here that think it’s ok to be a total shitty person. I hope you get banned soon
It´s a very difficult project and can turn also into a wicked game if you are´nt careful enough. I know times in my life when I thought I was going insane....
Today there are many other possibilities but it hasn't necessarily gotten any easier, I think so. There are too many wrong tracks and too many wrong turns.
I really sincerely hope that it will be easier in the future by managing to open up society more and more to this topic.

On the lifetime so far there was a large part that was solely concerned with looking for and finding a beast girlfriend. I can't waste my life time anymore like i did in the past.

I finally want to find my peace.
I want to be balanced.

I will be strong and I will not be defeated.
What is to come comes to me.

someday, I´m sure ;)


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I looked at this thread and read it through .
Just a couple of observations it is very difficult for single men to break into or find active females. most practising women are either in a relationship with an existing partner male / female or are exclusive .
Those that are not are either just starting out or in fact returning to the fold unsure of themselves and ultra cautious.

Going onto a site even one as civilised as this and talking about there desires is a courageous act in itself,
often seen by males as an invitation to turn on the afterburner in there desperate attempt to organise either a face to face conversation or a meet after a few crass posts with no attempt at building rapport, and then wonder why there ghosted after a few posts

They have no idea of that woman's circumstances her Humour education her social position her politics , as there not interested and it shows
often far to often they create a persona that bears no relationship to there actual appearance and circumstances , that action alone just beggars belief ,
do you think she turning up to meet a 30 year old and is confronted with a rather grubby overweight 50 year old and not surprisingly she then walks away , leaving them to wonder why there left sitting alone at the appointed time .
Did he think she was just going to shrug her shoulders and fall into his arms.

DIck pics what is it that makes guys believe that after 2or3 brief posts were going to be so impressed that were so overwhelmed by lust that were going to come rushing to them , the fact that they dont have a dog a superfluous fact.

I must say when i get a pic of a guy sat in a ripped lazyboy with bèer cans strewn round and his cock out I'm overwhelmed by desire
To kick him in the nuts

Turned into a bit of a rant

Thats enough man bashing i will get onto women tomorrow
I must say when i get a pic of a guy sat in a ripped lazyboy with bèer cans strewn round and his cock out I'm overwhelmed by desire
To kick him in the nuts
What she said! ^^^^^^^^^

Some 98% of initial messages are either a disgusting volley of vulgar sex demands, lists of sex acts I can perform for the guy's satisfaction, or just "hey" or "hru". The first are self-centered narcissistic demands, the latter people too uninterested in spending time being interesting, so just complete fails.

This isn't rocket science. Put some effort into forming a relationship based on the proverbial "us", not you, or your dick.

And ask if I/women consent to receiving sexual messages. Or what our preferences are. Telling me you want me to find a dog to fuck you ass then knot me is a instant hard pass. Like most mature women -- not all, but most --I've learned to be interpersonally avoidant of bisexual men. And I won't ever do ass-to-anything -- it's disgusting. I've had salmonella poisoning (from tainted water). It sucked. Never, ever, doing anything with any type of risk of that. Duh.

It is what it is, the "bi male thing" is the reason most of the actually interesting men I've found/talked to here who can't find a female partner.

For me to spend time looking at hairy man ass? He'd have to be an EXCEPTIONAL person in every other area, a quality human who invests time building functioning relationships, not just me but with everyone around him. The one who never lies about sneaking out to get dick, and isn't hiding behind me as an avacodo to get more dick.

That rare guy? Then "it's on" and fuck yeah I'll fly with you to Nogales and help you put on an actual Donkey/mangina show. Make the myth a reality ;-)

I mention that to get the point across -- I, like many women here, am fucking twisted. I'm into zoo. Gangbangs, most fun things. But it doesn't mean I'm into YOUR kinks, and I sure as shit don't want you pressing your dick desires at me before I know or like you.
Probably because its difficult to prove you aren't a lazy fat loser with poor habits. Or maybe those are the only type of men that dont give a fuck enough to put themselves out there. Nothing to lose, that sort of thing. This makes it difficult for both males and females that are "desirable", because the default is often way less than that.

I could post about all of the hobbies I partake in, or my BMI, or height, but any of that will be taken as bragging or making the less desirable feel worse. Which leads to spite and a need to shut down someone better than them at something. Its a double edged sword, and it seems no matter which type of person you are, as a zoo it is impossible to truley and safely express yourself. One could link their tinder bio, complete with fancy (and accurate) pictures, a bio that makes them seem desirable, and hobbies that match. But once you add the whole zoo factor, it kinda erodes the whole thing. And it introduces incredible risk.
Put yourself out there. Be yourself and eventually someone as real or unreal as you will come around. I believe good people get good things if they try. It sucks when a good person finds and gets tricked by a shitty one. If you're a shitty person, you're probably shit out of luck 😅😁
Mhm I have realized I need someone who can support me with what I like sexually and anything less eats away at me kinda.

I’m going to keep putting myself out there and see how it goes
If You are still looking for a date and dont mind someone from Fraser Valley, lets chat ;)
hi, male here- looking for female to chat with to get to know... and if im posting in the wrong post its cuz im still new=) Good reads here by the way, informative stuff.
Good morning all,

It took me three days to read through the entire thread. I'm a male who has been actively interested with zoos since my teens and that was 30 years ago.

The search for a beast girlfriend is something that I've been on, in all this time. I'm from India. For a country of 1.25 billion people you would think there would be a few pet friendly people out there. But, as a nation we are so incredibly repressed and conservative that even meeting up on regular dating sites is a big thing, leave alone finding a pet friendly partner.

I hope there are a few fellow Indians reading this. Maybe we could connect together and see where it goes.

I've three dogs, so I've got that part about getting a dog down. And big ones at that. Lol!

Hoping to meet a pet friendly person still.
I was thinking of ordering one online or just growing one out of the ground 🤔

Honestly i'd love to find a lovely lady that would be interested in exploring this side of ourselves and interact in such a way, whilst also being supportive and having a loving and passionate relationship even outside of this side, but i dont think thats something that i will find in my side of the woods, one can gope though
You know. I just saw this and I wanted to say something as a personal worry I have.

I am no stranger to dating but once I TRUELY realized I was into zoophilia it kind of dawned on me in a sense. I couldn't really date NORMAL people as of fear of what I like being leaked to them and they tell the cops. But at the same funny as it is....I'm worried about having a zoophile as a mate as well. I think its mainly because I worry about the person in question wanting the access to fuck animals more then loving me. I don't know how many people share this sort of.....worry lets put it. But it sure is making me think twice about dating.....
You know. I just saw this and I wanted to say something as a personal worry I have.

I am no stranger to dating but once I TRUELY realized I was into zoophilia it kind of dawned on me in a sense. I couldn't really date NORMAL people as of fear of what I like being leaked to them and they tell the cops. But at the same funny as it is....I'm worried about having a zoophile as a mate as well. I think its mainly because I worry about the person in question wanting the access to fuck animals more then loving me. I don't know how many people share this sort of.....worry lets put it. But it sure is making me think twice about dating.....
I'll just say this having a zoo partner while yes they will enjoy their zoo fantasies, your will be able to enjoy them as well. And having a partner with the same/similar fantasies helps to enhance bedroom time as you act out mating with eachother in a more primal manner. When it comes to zoo interactions its more like a threesome with someone you can guarantee she wont leave you for and vis versa. It's actually more of a bonding experience between the two of you having someone so special to share such a taboo connection with and makes the interactions between the two of you even better, as the two of you mate knowing what each other like.
Hey guys Ive never been honest with any women ive been with about my bestiality fetish. Ive never participated but i really love to watch! I just started dating a sub and im thinking about bringing it up to her but i dont know how to do it in such a way that it wouldnt freak her out...i not positive she would be down but theres a good chance. Im a 39yo male in north Houston, TX around kingwood/humble. Is there any dating sites for zoo? I know the 'Whisper' app but its not what im looking for. Anyways, definitely feel free to DM me. Im ultimately just trying to connect with others who have the same interests. hmu :giggle:
Update to my comment from April 2020.

I have fallen hard for this man. We talked a lottttt in 2020 but he was across the country and it was during COVID, so there wasn't much we could do. It was odd since I never stay up nights to talk to complete strangers, but there was something different about him. Maybe it was the fact that we could truly be ourselves with one another.

We finally met in person exactly a year ago and have been crazy in love with one another since. We introduced each other to our respective families and friends, and everyone in our lives is very supportive of our relationship. When my closest friends asked how we met, I told them the truth and outed myself as zoo. They didn't judge me at all, which made me feel like I picked the right people to be in my life.

I have this thread to thank. If it weren't for this thread, I probably would have never reached out to anyone here and wouldn't have found this happiness. Thank you.

(Just want to note that your experience may vary. He and I deliberately work on our relationship and treat each other well on purpose. We trust and respect one another, are patient with one another, and always apologize if we did something to hurt the other. It definitely helps that we aren't hiding anything. In the end, it's all worth it and we are planning to be in each other's lives for a very long time.)
I am very happy for you both! I cannot imagine how it must have felt meeting for the first time. Going through life keeping secrets is a recipe for disaster and it is heartwarming to see you both found each other where you can be open and honest -- Congratulations! ❤️
I am very happy for you both! I cannot imagine how it must have felt meeting for the first time. Going through life keeping secrets is a recipe for disaster and it is heartwarming to see you both found each other where you can be open and honest -- Congratulations! ❤️
Thank you! Truly, this is the best relationship I have ever been in. We have opened up to each other in many ways and have developed a strong bond as a result. It could be a recipe for disaster... or life-changing love. Especially when you and this person understand how rare it is to find someone you can be completely yourself with.
So basically like the title says...

I really want a girlfriend who is into at least dogs. Either already doing things or wants to.

How do I find a girl like this without embarrassing myself?
All of us dream of finding a zoo partner. Realistic thought is probably finding someone and then introducing them. Into zoo
So basically like the title says...

I really want a girlfriend who is into at least dogs. Either already doing things or wants to.

How do I find a girl like this without embarrassing myself?
This needs hard work. You have to believe that it is possible. It took many, many years but I we know it is possible
All of us dream of finding a zoo partner. Realistic thought is probably finding someone and then introducing them. Into zoo
More unrealistic, bud.Given the mundane world's opinions on this, and the absolute disgust they hold for us , you'll have better luck here in the forum...patience and good manners will get you where you want to go, without risking the slammer
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So basically like the title says...

I really want a girlfriend who is into at least dogs. Either already doing things or wants to.

How do I find a girl like this without embarrassing myself?
Like praying to god or find someone ona forum ig
I think there are two ways you can go about it. Either you specifically look for a woman who is already into this, or you introduce it to your girlfriend once you have been together for a while. The latter will probably give you more success than the former.

Also, as harsh as it sounds, I would like to give some advice to the user Pillar. Do not wait around to get lucky, you have to go out there and get it yourself.
Things don't just fall into your lap from above, like my mother used to say. ?
yes agree 100% go out and find it