Helt ny på denna sida och glatt översakad ?


Hej alla härliga djurälskare, jag är svensk en kille i 30 års åldern som med ljus och lykta efter forum som detta. Jag har en stor kärlek till tjejer som gillar sina hundar och djur sådana lite extra och det är något jag verkligen går igång på.
Dock har jag inte mer erfarenhet än av en kvinna som läser sin hund slicka henne medans hon sög mej ... Det e ju inte så att man frågar på krogen om hon gillar hundar hahaha så har inte kommit i kontakt med fler kvinnor av det Slaget ...
Jag finns i norra delar av västra götaland och kommer gärna i kontakt med kvinnor i Sverige son delar mitt intresse :)
Fascinating. :ROFLMAO: How exactly do you suppose people who use English in 99% of the forum are going to be able to read your post?
Language specific forums are accessible from the front page.
[QUOTE = "1212, post: 293788, member: 61500"]
Hi all lovely animal lovers, I am Swedish a guy in his 30s who with light and lantern after forums like this. I have a great love for girls who like their dogs and animals a little extra and that is something I really get started on.
However, I have no more experience than of a woman reading her dog licking her while she sucked me ... It is not the case that you ask at the pub if she likes dogs hahaha so have not come into contact with more women of that kind ...
I live in northern parts of western Götaland and am happy to get in touch with women in Sweden who share my interest :)
[/ Quote]

Simple! Google chrome has translation built in. Isn't it ..... hmmm helpful?

I guess you get the basic idea

Editted to add: Hmm. Also it seems the forum software rejects the quote since it doesn't jive with what it knows was said. Bummer
[QUOTE = "1212, post: 293788, member: 61500"]
Hi all lovely animal lovers, I am Swedish a guy in his 30s who with light and lantern after forums like this. I have a great love for girls who like their dogs and animals a little extra and that is something I really get started on.
However, I have no more experience than of a woman reading her dog licking her while she sucked me ... It is not the case that you ask at the pub if she likes dogs hahaha so have not come into contact with more women of that kind ...
I live in northern parts of western Götaland and am happy to get in touch with women in Sweden who share my interest :)
[/ Quote]

Simple! Google chrome has translation built in. Isn't it ..... hmmm helpful?

I guess you get the basic idea

Editted to add: Hmm. Also it seems the forum software rejects the quote since it doesn't jive with what it knows was said. Bummer
So basically another "zoo". But the point is. If you post on the forum in foreigh language, people will have to individually translate it. The author should do that once himself for others.
Hej alla härliga djurälskare, jag är svensk en kille i 30 års åldern...
Det finns en egen Sverige tråd om du vill skriva på svenska under: Forums / Beastiality Personal Ads & Meetup / Europe / Other / Sweden
[QUOTE = "Lethra, inlägg: 294203, medlem: 15554"]
Det finns en egen Sverige tråd om du vill skriva på svenska under: Forum / Beastiality Personliga annonser & Meetup / Europa / Övrigt / Sverige
Tack så mycket för tipset :)
[QUOTE = "pes, inlägg: 293831, medlem: 54411"]
Fascinerande. : ROFLMAO: Hur exakt antar du att personer som använder engelska i 99% av forumet kommer att kunna läsa ditt inlägg?
Språkspecifika forum är tillgängliga från första sidan.
M söker ju folk från Sverige, så dom jag söker förstår vad jag skriver ;)