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General tips and guidelines for meet-up safety.


The Floofy Administrator
Staff member
As some of you are probably aware, I've decided to post some general guidelines for meet-up safety in the personals section. Does this cover every single aspect? It does not. But for the sake of length and general human attention span considerations, I've gone ahead and posted what I believe are some basic/generally good safety advice to follow if you are intending on meeting up with someone you've meet online. It's always best to keep yourself safe from those who wish to do us harm, such as anti-zoos and police officers. LET ME KNOW DOWN BELOW IF I'M MISSING ANYTHING. Below, is what I have posted...


General tips and guidelines for meet-up safety.

1) Never use your actual name when you are first meeting up with someone. I generally dissuade the use of just your first name as well, because in the wrong hands this can lead to being exposed or even worse. Use you Forum Username or a nickname instead. Such as “RedRocket69”, “CookieLover”, or “HorseLover4”

2) Get to know the person before you agree to any meet-ups. Looking at a person’s post history on the forum is not enough when regarding your safety. Personally, I would advise talking with the person for 1 year or more before any meet-ups were to happen. But I would highly not recommenced anything less than 6 months. Get to know this person through chatting with them. If they exhibit ANY “red flags” do not meet up with this person. If their offer sounds too good to be true, it usually is. If you catch inconsistencies or lies, consider that a big RED FLAG! *NOTE* It’s also best to chat in PM here, or IM on ZooVille’s beast.chat service. (Click Here for ZooVille's IM chat)

3) Before you meet-up with someone, tell a trusted friend exactly where you plan to meet up. If you do not have any close local zoophile friends you can confidentiality trust. Tell a close friend that you are going on a blind date and would like for them to send you a text message every 30 minutes to an hour just to make sure you are okay.

4) NO SEX at all, and DO NOT bring your animal love partners to a first time meet-up, even if sex with said animal partners isn’t even in the question. This is a good way to get your animals seized or yourself busted by an under cover police officer. If the person turns out to be a sadist, bringing your animal partners along may lead to their injury. Also, do not have sex in the first place. You don’t know if this person has a Sexually Transmitted Disease. DO NOT LET YOUR DICK OR VAGINA DO THE THINKING! You also do not want them to lure you to somewhere private. Which leads me to my next point…

5) Always meet in public for the first time. Do not agree to meet this person in a motel and especially at your private residential address. Meet up at Malls, Restaurants, Parks, or any other public spaces. In this case you want there to be witnesses to your very existence. You also do not want to put yourself in a situation where you cannot escape if needed. DO NOT TALK ABOUT ZOOPHILIA IN PUBLIC PLACES! I would even be careful using "code words" with the person you're meeting up with. Even in a public place, I would recommended carrying a weapon, at least a knife. (I would look up local laws in your area first.)

6) Do not let your licence plate on your motor vehicle be known. Generally, you should take a Taxi or Uber. But if you cannot manage that, or both services are not available in your area, try to bike or walk to your destination. If you cannot manage any of that, park your car a few blocks over where you intend to meet-up, get out, and walk. A license plate on a motor vehicle is a form of identification. A law enforcement officer would be able to run your plates in a computer and find out exactly who you are.

7) NO DRUGS AND NO ALCOHOL! You do not want to put yourself in a situation where you are mentally/physically impaired. You’ll want to make sure that you keep a sharp intact mind. Otherwise, mistakes can be made. Mistakes that could haunt you for the rest of your life. Not only that, but elicit drugs are illegal in most places. Taking illegal drugs in front of the person you plan to meet-up with, could end up being a cop’s wet dream, if they turn out to be a cop.

8) Trust your GUT FEELING. If you start getting second thoughts about meeting up, or you have a nagging feeling in the back of your head that this is probably not going to end well. Or that you feel you do not trust this person enough but you’ve agreed to a meet-up on impulse. Trust what your gut has to say. In these type of situations it’s best not to write off these concerns as “general anxiety.” Your gut often knows more than your conscience mind lets on.

**Remember to have fun but especially stay safe while doing so. I get that some of your are eager to meet people that share your unique zoophilic sexual orientation. But you want to do so as safely as possible and not let this eagerness be the downfall of your very life as you know it.**

Edit: A shout-out has to go to @Alpha Cat as he was the one that brought the need for these guidelines to my attention.

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Thanks for this. Speaking of which dont forget i pmed you :) idk if your notifications can be silenced where u dont get a ringtone on ur phone.
Having met a few people from similar forums, generally concur.

My additional points are:

Meet at public place and tell them no zoo talk. If they can't do that they're probably a bit of a worry.

Not sure about weapons. Maybe it is a cultural thing or maybe it is because I'm a bloke, but that seems like an escalation problem.

Do get to know someone but 6 or 12 months is a bit extreme. Nothing wrong per se with waiting a long time as it will ensure that you know more information, but I don't think it needs to be that long. Besides people can be very different online to in person so even after a year they can be drastically different to expectation. Don't rush, but if you stick to all the other sensible ideas put forward whenever you feel comfortable I think it's fine. But don't get pushed into it if you aren't comfortable.

Just my 2 cents. Worth not much more than that
Not sure about weapons. Maybe it is a cultural thing or maybe it is because I'm a bloke, but that seems like an escalation problem.
Well, the trick with weapons is that you do not flash said weapon. As far as the other person is concerned, you are actually "unarmed." Mainly, it's for if shit ends up hitting the fan and you're left with no choice but to defend yourself. Of course you'll never want to end up in such a situation, but like a scout, you should always be prepared.

I know when I met up with zoos in the past for the first time, I carried but concealed a 3 inch blade. Luckily, I've never needed to even let the other person know I'm carrying one. But I've only met up with 3 zoos, and one of them was a mutual friend of another trusted zoo.
I agree, always use a rental or Uber/cab is huge. Keep track of your wallet on you at all times, do not leave it out of site. Establish before hand what each other is wearing to avoid awkward confusions. Do not let anyone see your ID/DL or photo it. If in a public place and paying for something do not let anyone see the name on your cards if possible always pay in cash. Avoid being photographed of your face or identifiable marks/tats. You can say what you do, don’t go into detail or mention your employer or place of business.Of course keep track of your phone, always. You are a ghost. Be safe!
I agree, always use a rental or Uber/cab is huge. Keep track of your wallet on you at all times, do not leave it out of site. Establish before hand what each other is wearing to avoid awkward confusions. Do not let anyone see your ID/DL or photo it. If in a public place and paying for something do not let anyone see the name on your cards if possible always pay in cash. Avoid being photographed of your face or identifiable marks/tats. You can say what you do, don’t go into detail or mention your employer or place of business.Of course keep track of your phone, always. You are a ghost. Be safe!
Definitely agree! The only thing I would be careful about is using rental cars. If the person you are meeting up with does turn out to be an Law Enforcement Officer, usually those rental cars plate numbers can be traced back to you. As you need a valid drivers license and credit card to rent most, if not all, vehicles. But that wouldn't be a problem either as long as the person you are meeting up with doesn't see those plate numbers.
Definitely agree! The only thing I would be careful about is using rental cars. If the person you are meeting up with does turn out to be an Law Enforcement Officer, usually those rental cars plate numbers can be traced back to you. As you need a valid drivers license and credit card to rent most, if not all, vehicles. But that wouldn't be a problem either as long as the person you are meeting up with doesn't see those plate numbers.
Yup, Agree. That’s why as you mentioned park away from the meeting place, even go as far as not letting them see you get in or out of the vehicle and make sure they don’t follow. Uber would be best choice overall.I just don’t like using my own car.
Yup, Agree. That’s why as you mentioned park away from the meeting place, even go as far as not letting them see you get in or out of the vehicle and make sure they don’t follow. Uber would be best choice overall.I just don’t like using my own car.
Youre all complicating life with things that dont have to be. If you're setting up a meet, you should already know the person well enough via chatting on the phone or a messenger service. If LE is what you fear, they dont have WEEKS to make a case; in most places this type of investigation would be a single cop on overtime. His ability to develop a case is limited. They arent going to pay for a hundred hours of fat time to bust one miscreant whose worst offense is to community standards of decency. Dont assign yourself THAT much importance. You're not James Bond, nor are you being followed by him. The budget isnt unlimited. The threat( from you) isnt worth that kind of attention. Wait it out. If you should be talking to LE, after a week, he'll be pushing; after two weeks he'll be moving on to greener pastures, OR trying to account to his boss for the wasted time.
I would not mind meeting someone on the site because I have seen a lot of porn and that where I am at is not a crime, nor is meeting people who think the same as me, but I agree with strawberry you have be careful meeting someone on any type of social platform today.
well needed preparations are a must for sure.
But I wouldn't mind meeting people either. Be it for a nice coffee somewhere or after a while and some trust building maybe even have some fun together 😉
For the car option.

If ya don't want to use any type of car at all, if public transportation (bus/metro) is available, use it.

We shouldn't been meeting folks within the first 30 days anyways.
Lots of great advice most of which I already follow already. The advice of leaving your car a good distance from your meeting place is a good one. I’d add that when leaving that meet, try to let your new friend leave first and know they’ve gone before leaving yourself and heading back to your car. This way you pretty much know you’re not being followed. This happened to me once without a very happy ending.

The other point I’d like to add is I never take my purse with me to a meet. I take only my license, my keys, my phone and a little cash with me. I can stuff those things in a pocket or a small hand held purse. The less I carry with me the better, just the bare essentials.

Lastly I always make sure I pick the meeting place and I have at least one way out if need be. Speaking as a woman who’s been stalked, harassed and once assaulted, you can’t be too careful these days.
Lots of great advice most of which I already follow already. The advice of leaving your car a good distance from your meeting place is a good one. I’d add that when leaving that meet, try to let your new friend leave first and know they’ve gone before leaving yourself and heading back to your car. This way you pretty much know you’re not being followed. This happened to me once without a very happy ending.

The other point I’d like to add is I never take my purse with me to a meet. I take only my license, my keys, my phone and a little cash with me. I can stuff those things in a pocket or a small hand held purse. The less I carry with me the better, just the bare essentials.

Lastly I always make sure I pick the meeting place and I have at least one way out if need be. Speaking as a woman who’s been stalked, harassed and once assaulted, you can’t be too careful these days.
While I understand the motivation, both being the one to choose the location and to not leave first are tips that work only for one person. You expect your contact to disregard your own advice. This makes these points somewhat weird as advice.
As some of you are probably aware, I've decided to post some general guidelines for meet-up safety in the personals section. Does this cover every single aspect? It does not. But for the sake of length and general human attention span considerations, I've gone ahead and posted what I believe are some basic/generally good safety advice to follow if you are intending on meeting up with someone you've meet online. It's always best to keep yourself safe from those who wish to do us harm, such as anti-zoos and police officers. LET ME KNOW DOWN BELOW IF I'M MISSING ANYTHING. Below, is what I have posted...


General tips and guidelines for meet-up safety.

1) Never use your actual name when you are first meeting up with someone. I generally dissuade the use of just your first name as well, because in the wrong hands this can lead to being exposed or even worse. Use you Forum Username or a nickname instead. Such as “RedRocket69”, “CookieLover”, or “HorseLover4”

2) Get to know the person before you agree to any meet-ups. Looking at a person’s post history on the forum is not enough when regarding your safety. Personally, I would advise talking with the person for 1 year or more before any meet-ups were to happen. But I would highly not recommenced anything less than 6 months. Get to know this person through chatting with them. If they exhibit ANY “red flags” do not meet up with this person. If their offer sounds too good to be true, it usually is. If you catch inconsistencies or lies, consider that a big RED FLAG! *NOTE* It’s also best to chat in PM here, or IM on ZooVille’s beast.chat service. (Click Here for ZooVille's IM chat)

3) Before you meet-up with someone, tell a trusted friend exactly where you plan to meet up. If you do not have any close local zoophile friends you can confidentiality trust. Tell a close friend that you are going on a blind date and would like for them to send you a text message every 30 minutes to an hour just to make sure you are okay.

4) NO SEX at all, and DO NOT bring your animal love partners to a first time meet-up, even if sex with said animal partners isn’t even in the question. This is a good way to get your animals seized or yourself busted by an under cover police officer. If the person turns out to be a sadist, bringing your animal partners along may lead to their injury. Also, do not have sex in the first place. You don’t know if this person has a Sexually Transmitted Disease. DO NOT LET YOUR DICK OR VAGINA DO THE THINKING! You also do not want them to lure you to somewhere private. Which leads me to my next point…

5) Always meet in public for the first time. Do not agree to meet this person in a motel and especially at your private residential address. Meet up at Malls, Restaurants, Parks, or any other public spaces. In this case you want there to be witnesses to your very existence. You also do not want to put yourself in a situation where you cannot escape if needed. DO NOT TALK ABOUT ZOOPHILIA IN PUBLIC PLACES! I would even be careful using "code words" with the person you're meeting up with. Even in a public place, I would recommended carrying a weapon, at least a knife. (I would look up local laws in your area first.)

6) Do not let your licence plate on your motor vehicle be known. Generally, you should take a Taxi or Uber. But if you cannot manage that, or both services are not available in your area, try to bike or walk to your destination. If you cannot manage any of that, park your car a few blocks over where you intend to meet-up, get out, and walk. A license plate on a motor vehicle is a form of identification. A law enforcement officer would be able to run your plates in a computer and find out exactly who you are.

7) NO DRUGS AND NO ALCOHOL! You do not want to put yourself in a situation where you are mentally/physically impaired. You’ll want to make sure that you keep a sharp intact mind. Otherwise, mistakes can be made. Mistakes that could haunt you for the rest of your life. Not only that, but elicit drugs are illegal in most places. Taking illegal drugs in front of the person you plan to meet-up with, could end up being a cop’s wet dream, if they turn out to be a cop.

8) Trust your GUT FEELING. If you start getting second thoughts about meeting up, or you have a nagging feeling in the back of your head that this is probably not going to end well. Or that you feel you do not trust this person enough but you’ve agreed to a meet-up on impulse. Trust what your gut has to say. In these type of situations it’s best not to write off these concerns as “general anxiety.” Your gut often knows more than your conscience mind lets on.

**Remember to have fun but especially stay safe while doing so. I get that some of your are eager to meet people that share your unique zoophilic sexual orientation. But you want to do so as safely as possible and not let this eagerness be the downfall of your very life as you know it.**

Edit: A shout-out has to go to @Alpha Cat as he was the one that brought the need for these guidelines to my attention.

Very interesting read thanks for the post :)
Lots of great advice most of which I already follow already. The advice of leaving your car a good distance from your meeting place is a good one. I’d add that when leaving that meet, try to let your new friend leave first and know they’ve gone before leaving yourself and heading back to your car. This way you pretty much know you’re not being followed. This happened to me once without a very happy ending.

The other point I’d like to add is I never take my purse with me to a meet. I take only my license, my keys, my phone and a little cash with me. I can stuff those things in a pocket or a small hand held purse. The less I carry with me the better, just the bare essentials.

Lastly I always make sure I pick the meeting place and I have at least one way out if need be. Speaking as a woman who’s been stalked, harassed and once assaulted, you can’t be too careful these days.
Are there any Facebook groups
What are some Facebook groups?
I couldn't tell you to be honest. I haven't seen any specific groups and would hate to join a group called dog balls or something on my personal account. That might cause trouble.. however I've seen a number of posts about in normal breed specific groups. It'll start with some like haha look at his balls and then everyone starts commenting with pictures of balls. Its glorious
I've twice responded to an internet add for a man who wanted to watch his dog with a woman. It was creepy both times, and I won't do it again. I also responded once to such an add from a couple, and that was fun. They watched while their dog gave me a good service, and we all got really horny from the experience.
My personal experience - chat, then talk, then very public meeting sans the boys. If things feel wrong at anytime - walk without explanation or appology. Ditto for whomever I may be meeting. She has to feel comfortable or this is just not ever going to work.