
Not me personally, but there ARE kennel sluts here on this site, I've talked to a few, and talked to several more who harbor the fantasy of being a kennel slut. Trust me, if you have the dogs and aren't too fuckin creepy, you can find a kennel slut around here somewhere, lol.
Not me personally, but there ARE kennel sluts here on this site, I've talked to a few, and talked to several more who harbor the fantasy of being a kennel slut. Trust me, if you have the dogs and aren't too fuckin creepy, you can find a kennel slut around here somewhere, lol.
Sounds fantastic lol, unfortunately I've only got the one dog at the moment
Well, even there, you're a MILE ahead of most of the people on here scaring the shit out of all the females on the site, most of whom could barely pick a dog out of a lineup. I'm constantly amazed at the sheer amount of "K9 guys" who don't own, and have never owned a single dog.
I think it's just a fantasy for most people to be honest, I don't think a lot of people would actually go through with it, a lot of women are like that as well, talk a big game but when it comes down to it they don't really wanna go there lol
I agree totally. BUT, at the same time, there ARE real folks here. I've met some of them. The trick, of course, is figuring out the real from the full of shit, right? lol
this days, i have from time to time the oportunity to be with 5 dogs at the same time. 2 males, and 3 females. and one of them is crazy about licking my cock. the others participate from moments, and its very nice to have 3 or 4 tonges licking me at the same time. im going slow for the moment, but the pleasure is awesome
Not sure it counts but I had 3 dogs to play with a long time ago, and would usually service one after the other. On a couple occasions though I was able to suck one while I "sat" on anothers rod; or get mounted and blow another.