First time thought process



I have recently started a journey which I hope may eventually lead to me being able to experience being taken by a dog.

As there are plenty here who have already experienced this, I have a few questions.

  • How often, if ever, did you chicken out of an opportunity before going through with it
  • What did it feel like as you were first entered, and what went through your mind
  • As he was knotting, did you panic that he would not stop swelling
  • How did it affect you mentally immediately after the initial ecstacy of your orgasm
Any and all responses are appreciated, from both male and female zoos
I don't have any experience as pasive with males. But i can tell you that about chicken out of an opportunity it something pretty much common, you gotta always keep an eye on the whole enviroment and on privacy to avoid getting caught. And about feeling mental changes... your whole mind will open to it, not only by the orgasm, but by the whole experience itself, you'll maybe experience some "addictive" feel, but it's not an addiction , it's like when you discover something new you like and you kind of feel "obsesed" with it.
I have more experience with horses but have considered being with a male dog if the opportunity arises. My thinking is to have someone else there for support if the knotting lasts excessively long. It's one thing to be knotted, but I hate to imagine the knot being ripped out before it subsides.

I look forward to hearing input from others who have first-hand experience.
Many years ago I chickened out many times, with strays, you never know who might be watching from a distance. They might see you, but you can't see them.. Have to remember that...
It felt amazing, and wanted more of him.. He was a big lab, my first.
Wasn't even thinking of him knotting me as he swelled, it felt so good, just didn't think of anything else. Til he turn and jumped off, and with his weight going backwards that he pulled out. That hurt like hell. But if you use dildos to stretch yourself over time, that way when the knot pulls out, it will not hurt. I've been doing it now for so long, that it is is hard to find a dog that I can completely tie with. Not saying that I'm really big, just that finding huge ass dogs that enjoys sex and tying isn't common. Don't see huge ass Great Danes straying around looking for sex. LOL...
Can't really help you on the last one. Don't remember what happened with that. I know my one dog that licks out my ass, does a awesome job at getting me off. LOL... Love it when he does that..
How often, if ever, did you chicken out of an opportunity before going through with it
There was no clear "first time". I was in college when the internet was invented and this isn't a subject that you can research at your local public library. I had to try a lot of things to find the ones that worked.

What did it feel like as you were first entered, and what went through your mind
It hurt because he was large, very enthusiastic, and had several near misses before he got lucky. This, by the way, is how it usually works with dogs.

As he was knotting, did you panic that he would not stop swelling
No, I had plenty of other reasons to panic. This was where I learned about the void reflex. I was really enjoying being stretched and feeling pressure in all the right places when my body decided that it had had enough and started pushing. I clamped and pulled then another spasm would push. We went several rounds before the widest part of his knot centered in my sphincter and wouldn't go back in. One small twitch later and I was gasping and bleeding on the floor swearing that I would never do that again. The next day I kept him in for several minutes.

How did it affect you mentally immediately after the initial ecstacy of your orgasm
It took some practice to complete an orgasm. The contraction of an approaching orgasm would trigger the void reflex and bypass completion. When I finally did keep him in for the whole orgasm, I was tied tight for 15 more minutes with a strong desire to be somewhere else.

The dog that I did all this with was a 120 lb Doberman with a large orange sized knot and a very forceful personality. Once we were "fitted" to each other, I could keep him in with no trouble. He liked to stay on my back and drool on the back of my head and neck. I figured out how to move my hips a little to one side and hunch. This would rub his shaft up and down my stretched lip and could get me up to 3 orgasms per tie. He really liked my orgasms and would stay knotted longer when I orgasmed more. In other words, we had a great sex life for several years after that.
It isn't. I was just expecting a bit more commotion on this thread. Apologies if anyone got offended.
No, no offense. It's inevitable that most responses are from "males" because the proportion of male to female is so skewed. My view of the best way to change that is to stop making a big deal of it. Fear of attracting the wrong attention is the primary reason for that skew.

Besides, I identify sexually as a hetro mare.
No, no offense. It's inevitable that most responses are from "males" because the proportion of male to female is so skewed. My view of the best way to change that is to stop making a big deal of it. Fear of attracting the wrong attention is the primary reason for that skew.

Besides, I identify sexually as a hetro mare.

I was going to ask this but as a what was your thought process when you first thought "I want that cock in me" upon first seeing a dog cock
I never had exactly that thought. It started as him wanting to put his dick in me and me thinking "I wonder how far this can go?" The more I didn't fight him off, the more determined he got. I was virgin and mostly wondering what was so interesting that it deserved that kind of effort.
I was going to ask this but as a what was your thought process when you first thought "I want that cock in me" upon first seeing a dog cock

For me its about trying out what i've seen on video. If it was terrible then noone outside the porn industry would be doing it in their own home.

Ive seen girls curl their toes up as they are filled. I want to feel that on my prostate