Favorite type of liquor?

Trappist beers, mead or single-malt whisk(e)y.

No shortage of the former in Belgium with our rich beer culture. My personal favorites are Westvleteren, Rochefort and Chimay.

Mead is rising in popularity but still pretty hard to find locally. Luckily you can find anything online these days and I know a friend who brews small batches at home.

I like my whisk(e)ys light and fruity, not peated please ... and definitely not diluted with ice. Especially love the Japanese whiskys: Yamazaki, Hibiki, Nikka. But definitely don't mind Irish or Scottish distillery products either.
Vodka. I prefer the ones that aren’t mixed with flavors because they burn my stomach.
A few years ago after I graduated I was drinking a full 1.75l bottle of Old Crow Bourbon nearly everyday, good times...I've since slowed way down and now mostly stick to beer/wine but when I do drink hard stuff I like WT101 for bourbon or Stolichnya for Vodka , Kraken for Rum and espolon for tequilla. but I do experiment with other brands from time to time.