Do male dogs calm down when having regular sex?

Your dog would be calm with you while clothed but when he sees you naked he is gonna want to play. Mine was like that, he always calmed down after knotting me until he was done. There were times when I was busy and he would actually come to me wanting sex and I would ignore him. My husband would get upset with me for ignoring my pit, and would remind me it was my responsibility to take care of his needs since I was his bottom. My husband is not really a zoo, but very zoo supportive. He will play and partake but I am more the zoo in our family.
your husband sounds like such a dream partner
Depends what you mean. Short term, after a successful mounting (to completion), he will be on alert for another few minutes afterwards (until his erection fully subsides). Then definitely calmer than normal. Happier. Sleepier. A lot like human males really. ;)
Long term, does regular sex make a male dog calmer than a dog who never gets any? I would say probably not.
Long term calmness, would have FAR more to do with whether his life in general - is he safe, well cared for, well fed, have companionship, praised, appreciated and loved. Sex is just a nice bonus on that list of things creating a happy life. Again.. a lot like human males.
A lot of the misbehavior in dogs comes from a lack of training.

Granted every dog is different...every dog will have various levels of testosterone and the higher the levels the more likely they are to act on dominance and the urge to spend some of the hormones.

My boy is in tact and he has never tried to jump the fence or leave due to a female being in heat. Most of what happens is at the dog park if someone brings a bitch in heat he will follow them around constantly and be a little more stubborn when trying to refocus his attention.

I've found if you give the dog their time they appreciate it and tend not to take a mile from the given inch. I let him sniff and flirt and play and then when we leave I tend to take care of him if he needs when we get home.

Ever since he was a puppy I've focused on training and teaching him that I'm always the center to refocus to; being consistent and stern and really enforcing positive enrichment when things are going well.

It's worked and he is my first dog...and a big dog at that. 107lb kangal great Pyrenees. He is 3 now.