Anonymous Drug Use Poll

What types of drugs do you use to get the high you desire?

  • Uppers/Stimulants, , , , ,

    Votes: 133 39.1%
  • Downers/Barbiturates

    Votes: 30 8.8%
  • Pharmaceutical

    Votes: 36 10.6%
  • Natural

    Votes: 197 57.9%
  • Toad Licking

    Votes: 5 1.5%
  • Cross faded

    Votes: 41 12.1%
  • psychodelic

    Votes: 142 41.8%

  • Total voters
It's a psychedelic, but way more potent than LSD, and way shorter too.
It's mainly visual, but people have had emotions too, 15 min duration and the first times you can't move so much because of the massive input you got.
Some people report alien abductions, seeing/speaking with entities, living their own death...
I haven't experimented any af that yet, but you can go on forums like psychonaut for example; and read some trip reports, there is good writers, and it's good if you want to really have an idea about that.
If you read I advise you the book "DMT, The spirit molecule", by Rick Strassman.

Why so salty?
The "spiritual" aspect is partially what interests me about it. :)
The "spiritual" aspect is partially what interests me about it. :)
So, get this book.
It's the guy who made the only one experimentation with DMT on humans.
Worth the price. But if you don't read, there is a documentary about it on youtube. It's really not as good as the book, but if you can't/don't want to read it, there is an option
Pot, coke, crack, heroin, mushrooms, oxy, hash. Would like to try ecstacy and a psychedelic. Snorted, shot up, smoked. It's been some time. Now is mainly pot and alcohol. Would like to try liquor in my pussy.
Would love to try DMT, but sadly haven’t had that experience yet!!

Drugs I use all the time: alcohol and weed

drugs I love, but use more moderately: acid, shrooms, and molly (MDMA)

drugs I either dislike or don’t plan on using: cocaine, meth, heroin, crack, pills (of any kind), cigarettes

sooooo basically on some hippy shit.Something about psychedelics are just so beautiful and eye opening. I truly believe we’d be better off if everyone experienced them at least once. And they’re the least addictive and harmful to your body (not saying it’s impossible as you can get addicted to anything such as food, sex, etc.). However, I think I could stop doing everything if I wanted to at any time except for weed. That will always be my favorite because that’s something you can do everyday and at least for me makes no difference in my life or the outcomes. If you ask me, weed just enhances who you naturally are. If you’re a lazy person off pot, you’ll just be even lazier on it.
Never seen the. I've seen people ruin their lives doing so and thought what a waste.
Bud, booze, acid, shrooms, Salvia, cigars. I call that my good time safety zone. With moderation and common sense all pretty harmless.

Crack, Opium, DMT. Drugs I want to try. Try being the key word, I want to experience, not ruin my life.

Meth, Heroin, Synthetics, cigarettes or pills. Danger zone, Avoid, This shit will ruin your life or make you the worst president ever!
DMT is fucking intense. Won't ruin your life, but it's a helluva trip. Short lived but absolutely bonkers.
I actually enjoy drugs as a way to get in touch with myself or others around me.
However, I've only done weed, MDMA, Speed and Alcohol.
I'm abstinent atm (not really. After stopping taking weed, I started to smoke cigarettes. A lot.)

My last joint was last year on October the 18th I believe. I really love weed but I abused it. I smoked way to much, way to often. I smoked to the point, where it doesn't get you high anymore and being sober was the new high ?.
I am going back to smoking pot, but just not as abusive as I used to do.
I wanna experience the weed, not numb myself with it.

In the future I'd really love to get my hands on shrooms, acid and DMT.

Probably not gonna take speed again. I only took it "once". That night I probably sniffed 5-7 lines of it. Or more, I don't remember.
I don't enjoy not being able to sleep or rest.
Never seen the. I've seen people ruin their lives doing so and thought what a waste.
It depend on what you take.
With meth, or any exciting drug, you don't leave with an experience, you just had a good time.
With psychedelics, it's way different, in the sense you will be totally out of your normal you, and take a look from somewhere you don't have normally access.
You can look back to when you took it, and say, ok, I have learned something. It's hard to explain, but you don't have all this craving and addiction like other drugs, for exemple, I havehad LSD with me a lot of times in my life, and I never wanted to take it all day, every days.
I don't know if you understand that, or if it's a good explanation, but this is my 2 cents
Thanks for the heads up. I forget about that stuff. x
Extract it with butter, or cook it with some greasy stuff. Don't just make a cake with weed in it, it's not as efficient as if you make first the butter, and then the cake. As said many recipes exist, don't burn your hands!
I’ve done the following (no particular order, some more than the others):

cocaine, speed, nicotine, heroin, kratom, alcohol, poppers, dmt, salvia, marihuana, shrooms, 1p-lsd, ald-52, xtc, mdma powder
Ok the last one was a joke but you people think you get hi? Come talk after you take 21+grams of hydroponic mushrooms to tha face. It was an accident. I bought a quarter and they gave me an ounce and i ate the whole bag. I knew i fucked up after 10 min. The things i saw and felt werent registering in my brain properly. the first couple hours melted my reality and took me to a very dark and insecure part of my brain. I picked an outside noise i knew to be real clung to it like a mantra and clawed my way out of that bad trip with my war face. the rest of the trip was fucking legendary. The things i saw and experienced just wow. I legitimately believe micrdosing certain hallucinogenics will pave the way to the future of
Ok the last one was a joke but you people think you get hi? Come talk after you take 21+grams of hydroponic mushrooms to tha face.
I get you’re probably joking but I just want to say I hate the notion of “competitive drug use”. I used to know a lot of people from the scene who were always bragging about how much they did and that anyone doing less than them was a ~~~p o s e r~~~. Respect drugs.

Look up Brendan Vedas/ripper. “i told u i was hardcore”