How to "train" your wife (to fuck dogs for you) (HTTYW)


A question to mainly the ladies, what do you think is the best way to slowly introduce your wife into the idea of being with dogs? It is a big interest of mine and I would love to share it with my wife, but I am not sure how to best plant the seed and let it grow in her without risking too much. Maybe also taking it in different "stages" to not make it to overwhelming for her. We do not have a dog so its more about the fantasy to start with.

What do you think and what would you prefer from the perspective of a woman?
A question to mainly the ladies, what do you think is the best way to slowly introduce your wife into the idea of being with dogs? It is a big interest of mine and I would love to share it with my wife, but I am not sure how to best plant the seed and let it grow in her without risking too much. Maybe also taking it in different "stages" to not make it to overwhelming for her. We do not have a dog so its more about the fantasy to start with.

What do you think and what would you prefer from the perspective of a woman?
There is plenty of "how to train your wife" to fuck dogs for you threads around here. Search for it. There are two general opinions one is that making zoos out of non-zoos for your pleasure is not a good idea. To be honest it sounds like emotional blackmail, you push it until she gives up and finally does it for you because she loves you. Sounds lovely right.

Lets say that your wife was really into watching guys suck old man's dicks (or substitute that with something you do not want to do if you like this) and would really like to share this interest with you. Would go to a forum and ask for advice how to get my husband to do this for me, I really want to see it. How do I plant the seed and gradually make him interested in the scent of an old penis and drinking the cum of elderly men?
How would you feel about that?
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It is not about making it for my pleasure, it is to be able to share the fantasy with my wife like every other kink one might have and share in bed. I have no interest in forcing her to do anything for my own pleasure. If her response would be with disgust I would totally drop it and respect it. So please don't assume to know how our relationship works.

The idea and fantasy always has to start in someone right? How else would couples find out about similar interests.
If her response would be with disgust I would totally drop it and respect it.
It does not sound like it to be honest. I sounds like you are going to work her into it slowly and gradually so she has the least amount of resistance.
I am not sure how to best plant the seed and let it grow in her without risking too much. Maybe also taking it in different "stages" to not make it to overwhelming for her.
I also find it amusing how you conveniently completely ignored my question. :D
There is plenty of "how to train your wife" to fuck dogs for you threads around here. Search for it. There are two general opinions one is that making zoos out of non-zoos for your pleasure is not a good idea. To be honest it sounds like emotional blackmail, you push it until she gives up and finally does it for you because she loves you. Sounds lovely right.

Lets say that your wife was really into watching guys suck old man's dicks (or substitute that with something you do not want to do if you like this) and would really like to share this interest with you. Would go to a forum and ask for advice how to get my husband to do this for me, I really want to see it. How do I plant the seed and gradually make him interested in the scent of an old penis and drinking the cum of elderly men?
How would you feel about that?

It is a silly question because you make an example that is not even relevant for how either I or she works. You asume that I would force her doing things she doesnt want to do. If she would show zero interest or even disgust I would drop the idea to share the interest with her. But if I want to try to see if there is an interest in her I most likely wont show her the most hardcore video I can find out there to start with, but rather introduce a small idea slowly to see how she reacts. Which is what I meant with "plant a seed". For me my interest grew over time and I would not have been ready to go all in straight away....
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I was not really expecting that anything negative anyone writes here could actually change your mind about your current goal. It is after all how internet discussions usually work. When someone comes in with their mind already made about something, there is almost no chance of changing that opinion.

You can look forward to other people suggesting showing her videos and stuff like that and eventually borrowing a dog. That is going to resonate with you much better.
Lets hope it does not end in a divorce for you. Such cases are also described on this forum.
I was not really expecting that anything negative anyone writes here could actually change your mind about your current goal. It is after all how internet discussions usually work. When someone comes in with their mind already made about something, there is almost no chance of changing that opinion.

You can look forward to other people suggesting showing her videos and stuff like that and eventually borrowing a dog. That is going to resonate with you much better.
Lets hope it does not end in a divorce for you. Such cases are also described on this forum.
😂😂 he could always try going woof woof on the vinegar strokes
You comment on my post assuming things about me, my wife and our relationship you have no clue about. Of course I don't get convinced by such comments.
Reality Check: this little hobby is illegal almost everywhere. Most people in the civilized world have problems with bestiality on quite a number of levels. You've been a member for about 6 weeks; have you not read anything that isnt porn? Your interests may be hers too, but do you have an idea what the odds are, if you havent been given a hint by now?....By all means, breach the subject....if you're prepared to lose her, prepared for a very ugly divorce, prepared for possible arrest if she gets offended enough.
Those are the potential outcomes. If you have to ask strangers for relationship advice, youre doing the relationship wrong. It isnt what you want to hear, but the truth can be painful.
Edit: I misread your join date. So its a year and six weeks. That makes your not reading even sillier.
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Or either you approach things more openly or don't respond instead of projecting your own relationship issues onto others.
Youre really not paying attention, are you? The facts are what they are. There are probably FIFTY threads here with discourse on the subject. Read....THEN perhaps you might have a clue what questions you want to ask. Your wife isnt here to speak for herself. Why not?
Or either you approach things more openly or don't respond instead of projecting your own relationship issues onto others.
This is priceless. :D I am zoo exclusive (apparent from my profile), I do not have a human partner nor have I ever wanted one. I fully expect someone to say that because of that I am not allowed to comment on such topics. :D But then we are going back to the pointlessness of:
It is after all how internet discussions usually work.
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Hi everyone, i just want some advices to understand if i can get my gf to try something.. i told her about this fetish and she doesn't feel uncomfortable, she told me that accept it and also she allows me to watch some animal porn while she blows me, but she told me that she is not interested to. But sometimes also she asks me to show it and she keeps watching silently. Do you think that she will develope some intentions?
Hi everyone, i just want some advices to understand if i can get my gf to try something.. i told her about this fetish and she doesn't feel uncomfortable, she told me that accept it and also she allows me to watch some animal porn while she blows me, but she told me that she is not interested to. But sometimes also she asks me to show it and she keeps watching silently. Do you think that she will develope some intentions?

There are two general opinions one is that making zoos out of non-zoos for your pleasure is not a good idea. To be honest it often sounds like emotional blackmail, you push it until she gives up and finally does it for you because she loves you. Sounds lovely right.

Lets say that your girlfriend was really into watching guys suck old man's dicks (or substitute that with something you are not interested in) and would really like to share this interest with you. Would go to a forum and ask for advice:
"How to get my bf to do this for me, I really want to see it?",
"Is there a way to get him to come around to a similar way of thinking and making him interested in the scent of an old penis and drinking the cum of elderly men?"

How does that make you feel? What do you think she would think about you for asking this question?
Just a little thought experiment.

Now your case is a little bit different as she seems to have her own although small interest in it. I suggest no doing anything and continue to watch it yourself or with her if she wants to. But do not push her into anything and let her freely choose what she wants to do with it.
I was not really expecting that anything negative anyone writes here could actually change your mind about your current goal. It is after all how internet discussions usually work. When someone comes in with their mind already made about something, there is almost no chance of changing that opinion.

You can look forward to other people suggesting showing her videos and stuff like that and eventually borrowing a dog. That is going to resonate with you much better.
Lets hope it does not end in a divorce for you. Such cases are also described on this forum.
Reality Check: this little hobby is illegal almost everywhere. Most people in the civilized world have problems with bestiality on quite a number of levels. You've been a member for about 6 weeks; have you not read anything that isnt porn? Your interests may be hers too, but do you have an idea what the odds are, if you havent been given a hint by now?....By all means, breach the subject....if you're prepared to lose her, prepared for a very ugly divorce, prepared for possible arrest if she gets offended enough.
Those are the potential outcomes. If you have to ask strangers for relationship advice, youre doing the relationship wrong. It isnt what you want to hear, but the truth can be painful.
Edit: I misread your join date. So its a year and six weeks. That makes your not reading even sillier.

Divorce is possible but not very likely if you have have a real marriage based on real love and compassion or have been married for any real length of time. Unless ur marriage is in shambles anyway or your other half is already looking for any way out of the marriage possible he or she could uses your fantasy as an out..

I truly laughed a the possible arrest statement though. LOL uhhh ever heard of freedom of speech. you can’t simply be arrested for having a discussion no matter what the subject. If that was the case 90% of the people in the United States would be arrested for offending some snowflake somewhere on some bs charges. It would also be considered hearsay Unless she got you on recording and on that recording you state your name date and time of the recording before you begin to talk it could never be used in the court of law. Reason being if it was that easy to get somebody arrested all you would have to do to get somebody you didn’t like arrests would be tell the nearest cop said person was talking about fucking an animal. Talking about beastiality/Zoophilia isn’t illegal it the actual act itself that’s illegal just like talking about Heroin or methamphetamines isn’t illegal it’s doing that Heroin or methamphetamines that’s illegal. You can talk about whatever you want. That is
your first amendment right.
Personally if it were legal and I didn’t have to worry about being arrested I wouldn’t give a shit who knew. It’s my life I don’t force anything and I’m not harming anyone I wouldn’t care what anyone else’s opinion was or is.
Youre really not paying attention, are you? The facts are what they are. There are probably FIFTY threads here with discourse on the subject. Read....THEN perhaps you might have a clue what questions you want to ask. Your wife isnt here to speak for herself. Why not?

LOL here’s a thought. his wife might be on here and she doesn’t have a clue he is on here.