Would You Apear In A Zoo Xxx Movie,

Definitely a "wish I was a girl" moment. I'd be down for it but I'd want to get paid a good sum for it. If my face was gonna be shown then I'd want extra.
I think I would do the same if I was a girl into zoo! Don't blame me but I think it is always easier for girls (zoo or not) to get access to sex
I would love to be filmed without any limits and shown to everyone, but girl, i do not want to get in trouble at the same time. This is not average porn. There are big taboos associated with it.

Be safe.
don4851dc doesn't even dare to put on any avatar, however, claims he (she) would being filmed in a zooporno with face shown! :LOL: 🤭
I would do it. I would maybe at least wear a mask of some sort. I’d do it for free or at least for enough to cover my travel expenses to the recording location. I would just ask that I get to review the footage and I can say what footage stays and what I’m not a fan of. I can often be really critical of myself and I’d just like to have say in what of me is shown and how it looks.
I am a male, so that would never happen for me. The vast majority of people on here are only interested in watching a girl take a dog cock.

But, given a chance, and if I could hide my identity, I probably would. 🤷‍♂️