Dog Gender Roles


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
We even impose these on dogs, it seems. I buy my girl a blue Carhartt collar, and suddenly all I hear is “what a cute boy!” Or, “what a handsome lab! What’s his name?” Even my in laws, who have known this dog since near birth, are confused by this small, blue piece of fabric around her neck. Come on folks.

At the very least, use your powers of observation please, and note that she lacks a penis and testicles. Girl dogs can wear blue, too. ☹️

That’s my speech. My canine feminism has now been quelled. Have a great night, everyone.
I always ask if they are a male or female if its not obvious as I don't want to look weird gazing at their nether region (even though I'd rather be doing that most of the time!). I've been tricked with the girl looking collar on a male before, but yea generally in see blue I'm thinking it's a male, pink female. Sorry just how the world to me has been in my life. Orange, black,red for example def need to ask as those are ambiguous.
I always ask if they are a male or female if its not obvious as I don't want to look weird gazing at their nether region (even though I'd rather be doing that most of the time!). I've been tricked with the girl looking collar on a male before, but yea generally in see blue I'm thinking it's a male, pink female. Sorry just how the world to me has been in my life. Orange, black,red for example def need to ask as those are ambiguous.
Hey! Asking is perfectly fine, and I do expect that, especially if it’s not obvious to them. But assuming she is a male based on her collar? Yeah, it certainly was pretty telling for me, that’s for sure. Not like it hurts her feelings at all, sometimes I feel like she’s more of a boy than I am. :/
Hey! Asking is perfectly fine, and I do expect that, especially if it’s not obvious to them. But assuming she is a male based on her collar? Yeah, it certainly was pretty telling for me, that’s for sure. Not like it hurts her feelings at all, sometimes I feel like she’s more of a boy than I am. :/
Yea for the most part i always ask nowadays. With my female GSD in the past everyone ALWAYS assumed she was a boy. Even my own father called her a HIM right up to the end. Used to drive me crazy.
Dammit now I'm thinking of sexy female dogs wearing sexy underwear. My brain isn't far from the gutter at all times I guess...

There was this video of a dancing female golden retriever doing this amazing dance routine with her owner on her two rear legs , walking like a human. She was wearing this green dress outfit. Oh man, I watched that vid so many times because a) it was an amazing feat for the dog, b) love the human dog interaction and joy they were experiencing together, and c) the golden was omg soooo hot in that outfit dancing her ass off. My wife was like,.... wow you really like that video. I was OH YEA ITS SOOO CUUUTEEEE!!! :LOL:

Sorry if this is a digression/hijack!
I come from the dog show world and therefore will just look to see whether they are male or female. There is no shame in a group where a GOOD conformation judge will feel every male dog up in the ring to make sure they have both testicles.
My dog doesn't give a shit about being "misgendered" and neither do I. He and I know what we are and what we want.
Thats not really the point of this thread. Sure, of course my dog doesn’t mind being “misgendered”. She has no concept of such human inventions, this is a complaint about a simple color change denoting gender, or perceived gender. I am happy that you two have reached your level of zen, but in the dog world, this is literally the lowest hanging fruit. You can plainly see if there is a cock or a pussy. Powers of observation should be all that is required.