Have you told anyone about being into zoophlia?

After being in a relationship with my boyfriend for about two years I felt that I needed to tell him. Almost like I was lying to him when he did not know this about me.
I never went behind his back so I was not sneaking around with a dog.
One evening I just came clean to him, told him everything while crying. He even held my shaking body close to him.

Today we are married and have children, so I think it is safe to say that he has accepted this site of me.
He does not share this interest and does not really get anything for himself when he watch me with a dog.
He is one of the wast majority that does not have a zoo interest. And has he has accepted this side of me I have accepted that it is not for him.
I'm glad he's accepting of you! I can sympathize with the crying while coming clean....i was 3 years into my marriage pretty much when i came clean, I bawled my eyes out as I told the hubby. Partially because I was so relieved to get it off my chest and partially because I was so afraid he would leave me.
I told my GF 3 nights ago. To put a long story short, she didn’t take it well and has now asked for time to think because she wants to leave me. She was completely against it and I’m potentially going to have some difficult months ahead.
I'm sorry bud, I hate that for ya. If you feel like chatting just to vent feel free to dm me
I just came back from visiting my dad, I went through the house looking for him and calling for him no answer so I went into his bedroom, he has a computer in there and there was zoo porn on it. My dad lives alone he wasn't home, I was thinking do I tell him I'm a zoo. I was deep in thought and didn't hear him come into the bedroom where I was sitting in front of his computer looking at all his beast porn. He was upset that I found out he liked beast porn. I broke down and told him I was a zoo, we talked he told me when he was a little boy he used to play with the dog and had never lost the that feeling tho he never again did anything about his feeling. I was happy I finally got to tell someone I'm a zoo, but I wish my day would have had the chance to follow is heart. Like I did. I wish I could help him but I'm his daughter so there is nothing I can do. So I'm happy and sad. He is my dad I can't tell him everything about me. lol
That's a wild story! I'm glad it ended it the way it did though! I'm sure it was extremely awkward having that conversation as well.
I would like to meet friends like me , other owners who do it but don't want to do it with my dogs . Just a friend to just you know not constantly have to hide who I am from
Thats understandable, and likewise, if ya ever feel like just shooting the shit and chatting about anything and everything feel free to dm me if ya maybe wanna be friends 😊
I really admire how so many of you can talk about this so freely. I have restarted this post several times and it's not getting easier. I will say this, I am the other person. My girlfriend recently told me that she wanted to be sexual with her dog. And that she wanted me to help her.

Of course, I was shocked at first but deep down I always wondered as the two of them seemed closer than other friends and their pets. So, now I am on here trying to be a sponge and figure out how to help her. I have definitely learned a lot from you guys and am looking forward to learning more. Before her coming out to me my only experience was a handful of beastiality videos I watched in college.

I love her very much and would like to help her fulfill this dream/goal she has. Thankfully I found you. I look forward to learning more.
You are quality boyfriend material if you are so willing to get involved in her dream fantasies and the like. Maybe she is the one for you since ya clearly love her enough to look into what she desires, I wish yall Both a healthy and happy relationship that's long lasting filled with love for one another!
My ex told me she like fucking animals I look at her stupid and I though she was joking at first nope caught her being knot by are pitbull he was jackhammer her and cum alot of cum so I got hard from so I fuck her right after I cum so hard it was much cum but I made her go to work with are cum in her tho she leak for about full day from there we was closer
That's hot...and what I'm dreaming of happening to me one day when me and the hubby finally have a canine companion/lover. Odd question, but since dogs are a higher temperature did her pussy feel hotter when you went after the pittie? And sorry for the horny question just curious and you don't have to answer! 😅
I have only told one person in my whole life, only because of how close we were and I knew their kinks so went out on a limb. Luckily it was positive and although they were not necessarily into they did not shame, which is all I wanted. To be able to tell another human being in person who I was. It felt freeing to let it out. I wish I felt like I could tell me people.
I've told my hubby and people online...but that's it, and you hit the nail on the head as far as it feeling freeing to let it out to someone, I was expecting the worse when the hubby found out and i opened up to him.
Nope. Doubt I ever will. I don't want to lose any of the few people I would call friend. Some might be accepting, but it doesn't seem worth it. That's one of the reasons I came here. To be hopefully meet people that I know are into zoo, like I am.
Likewise, that's why I'm here as well...we're I live even being LGBTQ+ can be hit or miss with some folks, thankfully it's not death sentence bad but still. Albeit I wouldn't put it past a bunch of anti LGBTQ+ folks were i live to still kill someone for being anything other than a heterosexual.
I'm trying actually I've gotten a few reactions just waiting on some actual messages and stuff. I'm working on being more active here as well so hopefully I'll eventually find a friend group that will accept me for who I am and not try and convince me that somethings wrong.
If you just wanna chat as friends that share your zoo-Ness feel free to chat with me. I'm always down to meet new friends into zoo, be them male or female.
Being in the furry fandom its kind of awkward to bring up as I feel like I'm part of the reason furries are often compared to zoophiles, because some of us actually are lol. I try to remain ambivalent if the subject comes up.
I feel you there...it's such a touchy subject in the furry community as well. it's like walking through a minefield. Some furs are into it others aren't and they tend to be more...well I'd say aggressive about furs who are also zoo.
I've told to my wife about my desire for animals but she is not into it. She told me that is better not to mention something about it again. I feel so alone on this.
I'm sorry bud, and I hate that for ya but if you ever wanna shoot the shit with someone about it feel free to dm me on here if yad like!
Well, that was a nice long read....hopefully OP and the mods don't mind me commenting so much 🤣 just got involved in the thread is all.
I feel you there...it's such a touchy subject in the furry community as well. it's like walking through a minefield. Some furs are into it others aren't and they tend to be more...well I'd say aggressive about furs who are also zoo.
That was always so strange to me. We're furries because we find what are essentially animal people hot. How does that not even remotely extend to actual animals. And then there's the 'feral' content (like my profile banner), which is just literal animals, fantasy creatures or otherwise.
That was always so strange to me. We're furries because we find what are essentially animal people hot. How does that not even remotely extend to actual animals. And then there's the 'feral' content (like my profile banner), which is just literal animals, fantasy creatures or otherwise.
Yeah it never set well with me either, I'm just glad I found this community to be a part of....I've tended to stay away from furry groups for the most part. By the way if ya want someone new to chat with and possibly become friends with feel free to shoot me a message!
That was always so strange to me. We're furries because we find what are essentially animal people hot. How does that not even remotely extend to actual animals. And then there's the 'feral' content (like my profile banner), which is just literal animals, fantasy creatures or otherwise.
I prefer fantasy ferals due to it being colorful/lustful of a more ideal world than actual animal in attraction HOWEVER... It lopsides into the actual animals once I understand the animal as a "person".

Usually when you see their choices, you can see their values.
I'm not sure that's possible for me :( I have been viewing this subject since the late 90s on stephans.dk (which I think is gone). I don't think anyone in my sphere of influence would get it.
I actually told my husband like a year into us being together. Kind of. More or less just told him what the “darkest & weird” stuff was that I get off to. I don’t know if he took me serious or not but now 5 years later he still will make jokes about it. Like do we pass a horse he will make a comment saying “stop looking at his dick” or a dog and he will be like “don’t get any ideas” it’s not all the time, but it’s occasional and it’s uncomfortable when he does make the comments. I wish I wouldn’t have even brought it up to him. I also sometimes wish I could actually explore this side more. My only experience was being a teenager about 12 years ago and having our family dog eat me out.

My advice is just keep it to yourself unless they bring it up and express solid interest. 🙃
(first post sorry if i did something wrong)
Have you told anyone about your lifestyle? If so, how did it go and how did it change your relationship?
For me, this is a secret i’m taking to the grave
Same here, have thought about telling my wife but i am too scared even though one time when we had sex she was licked by our dog and came instantly and shooshed the dog away. But no haven't told anyone
I don't plan on telling it to my family, they're the old school middle class, I think it's enough for them to hear about my homosexuality. As a part of the Furry community, lot of my friends are really judging towards Zetas, I think if I ever told them, I'd get immediately blocked. Just today, I was talking to my puppy friend, we talked about our general kinks and things we like, he told me there was one thing that was taboo, I asked what was it, he told me it's zoo. Now I was in the hard position, to just respect him and tell him it's not my thing (I wouldn't ever block a fellow Zeta) or tell him, I like it too. I decided to tell him the truth, we bonded a bit over our 'little secret', it's nice to know someone I can talk to about my love towards animals. Guys, it can be hard, we're constantly persecuted, people see us as "disgusting deviants who molest animals", and I know we can never be too careful, but there are people who keep it locked inside of them as a secret, they suffocate, if any of your friends tell you about their preference, support them! Even the smallest help, only the few words of appreciation, can help them! Take care!
We have some close friends we have regularly fun with and we all try to find new ways to make our sexual interactions more interesting. We love to share our fantasies and expierences. So I told them that I'm in love with Bruno (our German Shepard) and my wishes to go further in a sexual way. Some like the idea and are as courios as I am, some don't. But we are all respceting our way of sexuality as it is.

💋 Karla
Damn they are soooooo lucky to know a couple like you two.
I haven't told many. The play partner that got me into it was a trusted friend that I grew up with that we just kinda happened onto the topic one day when talking about kinks, and she admitted she was active. I've told maybe 3 people privately, then obviously friends I made on AoZ and you all here. I never even told my ex wife or gfs. But that is a topic that I carefully choose to share. I test the waters with people first. I'm sure we all have the same approach.
I've told three people.
First one was years back to a girl I was in an online relationship with, and was actually well received.
The second was my second wife after she kept asking me about any kinky thoughts I had. It came about after/during a romp in bed while the dog was in the room, and decided that he was going to try and join in. At that point in time, I had never been with a dog, but had thought about it here and there, but dismissed the idea because I didn't think a male dog would even be interested. (Boy, was I wrong!)
But that experience led to a deep philosophical train of thought.

Things like "If they want what they want and it's clearly evident, and I want what I want, and it happens to be the same thing that they want, and nothing harmful or negative comes out of it for either one of us, then what business is it of anybody else's? And how is it "wrong" in the grand scheme of the universe?
Anyway, that event and train of thought led to discussion with my wife, who at the time led me to believe that further/deeper discussions were welcomed. Later on, she held it against me, however in her defense, we later found out that she was going through medical problems that caused hormonal problems, that caused mental issues. So at this point, it's difficult to nail down her exact position on it, although I think the relationship is now broken beyond repair because of broken trust on that (because she ran and told anyone that would listen about that and other intimate matters in an effort to shame me into doing what she demanded.) and other matters.
I'm starting to think that for one, I do not want to live the rest of my life with someone that would judge me if they knew, or that I would have to hide it from.
So for me, I'm either going to be single where humans are concerned, or if I do get into a relationship with a woman, it will have to start in a place like this or something and be with someone that at least accepts me, preferably is also into it themselves.
I couldn't have said it any better