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When did zoo 'ruin' you

I don't think zoo ruined me so much as I've always been introverted and a bit on the autism spectrum. I get annoyed with people really fast, even people I like I start feeling very tired of their company after awhile. I feel like animals provide the right amount of companionship without being a bother.
I don't think zoo ruined me. What is hard for me is to separate the social "taboo" and the need to hid everything and keep it to myself but coming here helps with that somewhat. When I am spending time alone with my dog I dont think about any of that and just enjoy our time together. I have always been an introverted person so being alone and just having him there makes me feel comfortable and happy.
A guy on an anonymous chat site opened my eyes to it by showing me a video of a girl getting licked and the moment she moaned and said “good boy” I was hooked and instantly imagining it was me.. from there the interest and exploration grew. Just the look of a knot gets me gushing now
Ruined? Lol funny you'd imagine any of us feel ruined by zoo. For me there was never a hey that human man or woman looks nice. Being with a human like that is going against my true nature. It would be lying to myself. Forcing myself into attraction that simply isn't a part of me. Never was. Only then would i truly feel broken. I love dogs. I love kissing them. I love their company, I love cuddling with them, I love the individual personalities, Im especially attracted to certain builds and unique fur patterns, although any dog is beautiful in my eyes and even if society has a stick up there ass about it IDC I enjoy sex with them just as much as they have with me 💞
It didn't ruin me in that way because I'm still attracted to women, but it was my parents getting a stallion. Seeing him drop when they were doing work on his teeth sent me into a fit. I was already zoo-curious throughout my life, but being around him put me on the path.
I used to let my dog lick me when I had my first boyfriend. I never considered it cheating, even though it clearly was. For three years. So many times I thought about, fantasized about rolling onto my hands and knees for my boy and letting him take me any way he wanted. But at the time, to me, that would have been cheating, would have been crossing an extreme line into a realm of tabooness I wasn't entirely comfortable with. I was still experimenting with zoophilia and learning who I was, what my sexual identity was. 16 years later and that identity has gone every direction but the one I expected it to. After much persistence I gave my virginity to that boyfriend only to find out weeks later he had been cheating. That was the catalyst. This entire time I could have been fucking around and exploring myself and my fantasies but chose to be a good girl and do what was expected of me. Duck that noise. Be yourself. As long as you're happy and no one gets hurt, do whatever the fuck you want. So we broke up. I dumped him. Yet still, somehow, was labeled a slut. If he had only known the extent of what he was setting free. 16 years later and over 30 dogs. I rebounded on that cheating piece of shit with my boy who I had driven wild, and been so patient, letting him lick me for 3 years. When I finally turned over for him, wiggled my ass and called his name for encouragement, let him mount my rear, grab my hips, and just go at it over and over and over for hours across an entire night. That is when that switch flipped for me.
Dogs aren't assholes. They don't brag to their friends how they fucked a girl. They're always happy to see me and make me feel loved. And, most of all, unlike guys, dogs can make me cum.
Nothing against you at all, because I do know where you're coming from, but it seems that humans are just assholes to each other, regardless of sex..

I feel the same way about women in general...

Although I try to not feel that way because I know that not all of them are assholes..

Just the ones I was unlucky enough to get involved with and expose my heart to...
Anyone here that's zoo exclusive was there a specific moment you had with an animal that "ruined" humans for you aka make you see animals as a better life companion? If you did I'd love to hear about it sexual or otherwise
I’m not zoo exclusive, but when it comes to emotional intimacy and intelligence…men fall short in every regard. Even with a language barrier, I feel understood and seen. 🐕
Anyone here that's zoo exclusive was there a specific moment you had with an animal that "ruined" humans for you aka make you see animals as a better life companion? If you did I'd love to hear about it sexual or otherwise
I’ve been a zoo babe ever since I can remember. I remember as a young girl pulling my panties to the side and letting our family dog lick me EVERY chance I got
When the overwhelming rush of adrenaline and excitement washed over me at the sight, smell and taste of the first dog cock I put in my mouth.

Nothing to this day and probably nothing again ever will give me that level of rush again.
I would never describe it as Ruined... More like enlightened and awoken to the many more pleasures yet to be experimented with, the moment I was introduced to that hidden side of my sexuality was the true test of just how far i would allow myself to submit to my Mistress or lover.
i agreee
It helped me realise that there are things I can get from a male animal rather than a male human, things that I probably wouldn't of even bothered to try and experience. So not really ruined, just opened up a new avenue to explore.
yessss i totally agreee
so this is probably very telling but my dad was a trucker so he was gone 2 weeks at a time each month and i was visciously beaten (not spanked like beaten bloody and bruised with closed fists and objects) and starved by my mother 3 older half siblings and maternal grandparents the only person in my life that treated me nicely was a black lab and my dad so when i went through puberty while being abused and becoming socially awkward my dog was there for me she was so sweet and loving that i started to fall for her now im 25 with no idea how to talk to women and im no longer attracted to my own species
Either the day my ex left me unexpectedly, or the day (a couple months later) I found out I had an STI she left me as a parting gift. Had sexual contact with numerous dogs and no infections or anything... but the first legit relationship I had with a woman and had REAL sex, that happens. Left a very bitter taste in my mouth to say the least.
I don't like to think of myself as being ruined but there have been many times lately when I've been in a club or bar chatting to a perfectly good guy but all I can think about is sneaking off and jumping in the first taxi I can find to head home and get fucked. I don't know if that means I'm ruined or not but I do think to myself, "How on earth did it end up like this?"
Humans aren't ruined for me, but like animals, I'm not just gonna find any person to have sex with. There has got to he a connection, a friendship, a bond in some way. I pretty much only have sex with other zoos I'm lucky enough to meet because that shared bond over the ultimate beings means so much to me. I'll always have a prefrence with dogs because they are my world but I can't deny the want for companionship and intimacy with close zoo friends.
Anyone here that's zoo exclusive was there a specific moment you had with an animal that "ruined" humans for you aka make you see animals as a better life companion? If you did I'd love to hear about it sexual or otherwise
my problem is i was already sexually attracted to male horses and male dogs and i found humans boring i dont get aroused by humans and humanoid penises

but show me a big thick hung horse or a dog with a huge knot and im soo turned on by them

and i have always been "ruined" by it because humans physically are "meh" for me
Either the day my ex left me unexpectedly, or the day (a couple months later) I found out I had an STI she left me as a parting gift. Had sexual contact with numerous dogs and no infections or anything... but the first legit relationship I had with a woman and had REAL sex, that happens. Left a very bitter taste in my mouth to say the least.
Man that is rough, hope your canine companions past and future help to wash some of that taste out so to speak
Man that is rough, hope your canine companions past and future help to wash some of that taste out so to speak
It sure did. Now that I re-read that, I think humans ruined me and not zoo... it made me turn zoo as a result. Guess I should've worded it different. *shrugs*
It sure did. Now that I re-read that, I think humans ruined me and not zoo... it made me turn zoo as a result. Guess I should've worded it different. *shrugs*
That's good. I'm not completely zoo exclusive but the more people I meet the more I teter to that side of the fence
I had been pansexual/zoo all my life, and I wanted to prove that to myself, I guess. So the moment i had my first dog dick I suppose I was pretty ruined! I thought to myself "wow, his dick is really inside me! That means many kinds of dicks could fit inside me probably!" Since then I've really only wanted my sweet boy's cock, and I've stayed zoo exclusive
Well… observing how cruel other people could be, how passive those of authority were towards those people, seeing how manipulative some people were, and experiencing how one person could twist everything and treat you and your emotions like a cheap toy that could be replaced once broken… i had my first zoo experience back then and look back on it with fondness. Some years back i had gotten my beautiful canine girl. She and I haven’t been apart for very long. One or two instances of being gone for a day or two. Now… now she’s an old girl… tbh animals have shown me one thing that most humans have failed to really show… pure true love with zero strings, conditions, and none of the emotional train wreck that most humans come with. With our beloved animal companions the train wreck comes later when they pass away… for me that day is gonna suck.