Do you go on Zooville / watch porn at work

Do you watch porn / go on Zooville at work

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if I'm at work I'm 100% working.

If I'm on a contract I'm 100% focused on that job. Phone stays on silent I turn off the sexual part of my brain fully. I don't even flirt or allow dirty talk.
I don't have that kind of focus.

Probably because I do the same dumb little shit a few thousand times a day and have to zone out and do it on autopilot so I don't slit my own throat.
I'm at work right now.

Yes but I work from home does that count? Lol
I wish I could work from home. Even through all the bullshit of the last couple years, when working from home became super common, I never got to work from home for a single day.

I literally never have, and probably never will
Yes I browse/comment on here but I don't look at/watch any of the spicy stuff, that would be terrible to be walked in on by a coworker or something