18M femboy furry

Hiii everyone calls me Bunny, I'm biologically male I like any pronouns and I only dress in girl clothes :3
I rly like male horsies and sometimes doggies, I'm pansexual but I lean towards men
I'm 18 but I've been into horsies since I was 15, and a furry for much longer
I'm not really into actual interspecies relationships, I respect it but its not for me I just wanna see nsfw stuff and make friends >w<
Hi Bunny and welcome to zv! Whatever your zoo based interests are, I’m sure you’ll find plenty of like minded people here.
Hi there hope you enjoy your stay here. Try to keep it above 18 , i know many of us had early experiences but its something that can get u banned so its not worth it.
Hi there hope you enjoy your stay here. Try to keep it above 18 , i know many of us had early experiences but its something that can get u banned so its not worth it.
I was worried about sharing that but I'm just being honest about when I got into stuff for time line reasons, I don't think thats a big deal right? X3
Ye its strange its not promoting underage stuff and still sometimes it can cause a problem, the thing is this lifestyle is taboo at least or outright illegal in most places so NOT drawing attention to our selfs requires sone things are taken seriously.
Hi Bunny! Do you have Discord, I'm a tgirl who also enjoys nsfw stuff and wants to make friends >w<
Hiii everyone calls me Bunny, I'm biologically male I like any pronouns and I only dress in girl clothes :3
I rly like male horsies and sometimes doggies, I'm pansexual but I lean towards men
I'm 18 but I've been into horsies since I was 15, and a furry for much longer
I'm not really into actual interspecies relationships, I respect it but its not for me I just wanna see nsfw stuff and make friends >w<
Well bunny welcome to the group and hope to hear from you more we are Central California and looking for more like-minded in the area