ZooVille Influence Poll

Has ZooVille.org influenced you in these ways?

  • Accepting your zoophilia.

    Votes: 477 47.7%
  • Becoming a zoo ally and/or legal supporter.

    Votes: 163 16.3%
  • Convinced you to try bestiality.

    Votes: 254 25.4%
  • Made you more informed about zoophilia.

    Votes: 609 61.0%
  • Has allowed you to meetup with other zoos.

    Votes: 150 15.0%
  • Form independent opinions of the "zoo community"

    Votes: 247 24.7%
  • ZooVille.org has had no influence on me.

    Votes: 138 13.8%

  • Total voters
Largely unaffected. I accepted my Zooey side years ago and I had my canines before I had joined.

I have learned that more zoos are right leaning politically then I had initially suspected, I figured it would have been far and few in between. Although, I don't judge people on politics and more on their character as a whole. I have also learned that a minority of us zoos really do have a problem with the trans community, while a small number it's been more than I would have initially suspected.

But for the most part I just like to relax and chat here on the forum.
To tell you the truth I was lost when I came here but have learned so much since and have everyone here has helped me so much that I can't begin to thank all of you enough. Unlike most people my attraction toward animals didn't start until later in life and to sway I was lost is an understatement. It's great to have a place where you can come and ask questions without being judged.
Casted my vote for "Accepting my Zoophilia."

I lament not being able to check the "allowed me to meet up with other zoos" since I simply do not have enough in funds to go visit anybody.
I'd pretty much "accepted" my zoophilia long before I visited this website. What it has done is given me a larger space to talk more in depth about this stuff than anywhere else. It has given me validation in a sense knowing that people are fighting very hard for our rights legally and that I'm so, so far from the only one who can't help but love animals.

I likely would have become a zoo ally/supporter anyway even if I hadn't found this site, but connecting with like minded people has advanced my initerest in it somewhat.

This site has convinced me to try bestiality strongly enough that I voted for such. I mean I probably would have tried it anyway but the information available on this site on how to do such ethically and safely really makes me more confident and ever more eecksited for my first encounter! As such I also voted for the one that says made me more informed about zoophilia.

Not gonna say it's let me meet up with other zoos, as I live in a fairly remote region and I highly doubt anyone from around here lives up here, if so that'd be funny lol. Besides I'm very paranoid about meeting people IRL through the initernet, I know most of the time it's probably safe, but especially with something like this...... I don't know, I just can't help but think some poser would catch me and out me or do something terrible to me given the incredibly sensitive nature of this topic.

Haven't been here long enough to form an independent opinion of the zoo community, so nah.

It's definitely influenced me in more than one way so no to the last one too 😅
For years I have struggled accepting who I am. Over the years this has had a negative affect on me mentally. Within the past year I decided to embrace it and I honestly feel better about myself. I am thankful for this website to have so much helpful content and being able to connect with like minded people. I am open to talking to anyone but won't meet up at this time.
Originally thought it might have just been beastiality, but seeing other people’s posts on different parts of the site I’ve come to realise and accept my zoophilia
I had come to terms with my zoo side long before I ever found BF and it's previous iteration so coming to ZV was a progressive step when BF folded. I have from both forums learned there are ppl actually working on our legality status. I don't expect we will ever be "legal" but I would settle for decriminalized so long as it does not actually (as opposed to some persons perception) harm the animal I have also really redirected my desires from what I hoped to find in the forums when I joined over 25 years ago. WAY back then I joined hoping it was a means to hook up with a female pet for a one night stand but quickly found my fellow zoos are much more (appropriately) protective of their girls. Until I get lucky enough to find someone that trust me enough to share a girl I must be content to enjoy the pics and vids shared here
I'm glad to be here, met some nice friendly people, and would be up for trying out some bestiality in the future if my circumstances change and I'm not too old. The thing that worried me when I came on here hasn't happened ie I've not seen or heard anything to put me off. I'd still be worried about how society in general views zoo oriented folk but as I get older I care less what society thinks. You have all accepted me even though I'm technically not one of you yet, and for that I thank you all. Take care, Newt.😘
i'm new here but i think the forum is really useful, i like browsing through it and reading posts, most of what i wanted to know was discussed somewhere already so i would say it already helped me after just 2 days, so it did have some influence on me (but still not really accepting it)
i'm new here but i think the forum is really useful, i like browsing through it and reading posts, most of what i wanted to know was discussed somewhere already so i would say it already helped me after just 2 days, so it did have some influence on me (but still not really accepting it)
It’s completely youre choice on whether you’re into this or not. Feel free to keep browsing the forum or talk to members and see if you are interested in zoo, I’m sure there’s plenty of people happy to answer your questions like me :)
Whilst I find the forum helpful and informative, I primarily use it to chat/message with others. I know of no one, other than my partner, in real life, who is a zoo, so having this platform is extremely useful.

I accepted my sexuality years ago and have never had an issue is knowing or taking responsibility for what I am. So, in that respect, Zooville has not influenced me at all. I just find it a valuable meeting place.
First off, I'm really happy to see the top two answers on this poll are people being more informed about zoophilia, and people accepting their zoophilia. Heck yeah.

For me, I made multiple selections. I have met people from here, talking to others helps though I have accepted myself for years now, and I have learned a lot. When BF died I abandoned the internet and the zoo community for years. I'm very happy I came back and found the people I did. I hope to add more of every selection I made to my life here too. I feel lucky someone made me join here and for everything that's happened since
Not zooville, I’ve been around since the Beastforum days, but it did make an impact on me accepting my own sexuality. It was also great to find out that there are so many more of us. As I’m sure a lot of you guys can attest, it’s a huge relief not to feel alone.
Not a direct influence, since I already accepted who I am when I was on beastforum, years ago, but it's a good place to share opinions, or talk with other zoos (and also to argue with them xD) or, in my case, to live the dream indirectly by watching and commenting the experiences of active zoos who share their loving sessions 😁
More in the way that I've become more aware how fucking delusional people truly are. I knew that to be a fact, I guess it's just more apparent in some ways than it was before, and in particular about this topic. I can't say the influence has been negative, though my response may sound like it's negative.

Just to be clear though, I AM glad I found this site, and glad it exists. There really is a LOT of information about a wide range of things you'll find HERE, and no where else, so I think that's a good thing.