What are your companions' favourite activities?

I had to google flirt pole, as my first thought of it being a pole used by dogs to do pole dancing didn't seem very likely. :gsd_wink: It looks like a good way of exercising a dog in a small space, but I'm in two minds with developing a dog's prey drive, if there are a lot of small animals where the dog lives or is walked, in case the game gets transferred to another animal that can be hurt. I can also see how it could be dangerous to the dog in the wrong hands, but I guess that is true for many things if misused.
Weird name for it, I know lol. But, it's just the same concept as a cat teaser but for dogs. Play drive mainly comes from prey drive, most games and toys cater to some part of a dog's hunting instincts. The toy isn't particularly dangerous but, it can be hard on the joints if you're having them jump excessively and take sharp turns excessively (especially as puppies). Though that can be an issue with other toys too. And then you also need to apply the same safety rules as a normal game of tug (especially as puppies) when you're tugging with the flirt pole.
how to dm
Your companions favourite thing is "how to dm?" Well I guess everyone must do what they love. :gsd_wink:

To DM you need to have posted 10 Messages anywhere except in the fun and games section or people's profiles. You have reach this number already so should be able to send a message now by putting your mouse over a users profile picture and then clicking "Start Conversation."
She loves digging herself into snow when i let her out, and jumping on me when i come out to get her ! she also loves cuddles, and being using me as a pillow, usually getting floof in my mouth 😅
She loves digging herself into snow when i let her out, and jumping on me when i come out to get her ! she also loves cuddles, and being using me as a pillow, usually getting floof in my mouth 😅
So does she hide in the snow till you come out and then pounce you, or just play then wipe the snow off on you before she goes back inside?

Being used as a pillow is one of the joys of having a happy affectionate dog, but getting floof in your mouth... Is she sitting on your face?
Throw it Away!!! :gsd_stunning: Unless I am very mistaken someone at your location has an urgent need and longing of any socks you no longer desire to make use of. Reuse is the best kind of recycling. :gsd_happysmile: And bringing a dog happiness, shows them you love them.
NO NO! There'd be no difference btw MY socks, and HIS precious. f i r m b o u n d a r y, Do not make the rules confusing!
Rides in the truck. All you gotta say is the "T" word out loud and if they hear you shit gonna get real especially if you look at them while you say it.
NO NO! There'd be no difference btw MY socks, and HIS precious. f i r m b o u n d a r y, Do not make the rules confusing!
Apart from smell, and location of the object and probably some other stuff too.

If food is on the table or the bench it is off limits, if it's on the floor flying through the air at your nose or in a food bowl it may be eaten. It's all in how the boundaries are defined and then sticking to them. In the case of sock toys if a sock is in the draws, washing basket or on the line it's not for slobber dobbers, but if the sock is in the toy box or out on the lawn that's different. That's also why I suggested tying/knotting a few odd socks together, to make a sort of floppy star shape, if your worried about a single sock left on a bedroom floor being misinterpreted as a toy.

But I accept not all dogs have the brains as the GSDs in my life, so if a complete ban on socks is the only way to be safe I'm not trying to talk you out of it. I just have smart dogs that if I said to a group go get your ball they would all go off and bring their own ball to me despite the fact they all look very similar to each other apart from the Dog's Initials written on them in texter. So dogs can differentiate very similar objects when needed and understand they may touch one object and not another that looks pretty much the same.
Getting up too early.
Finding the softest spot in the room and laying on it.
Peeing on the world.

They are pretty enthusiastic about a few other things, too
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MY pet companion spends her time snuggling with her toys and cuddling with myself. She's a simple soul, we go on walks and it seems to maker her happy.
He enjoys really long walks, playing with his toys and cuddling. Also seems to really love sex.
Why did my heart drop when I noticed your display picture???

My boy loves stretching his legs and running, and smelling everything he can. He likes playing tug, too, but I have to pay attention otherwise he will pull me over. He's a very clever boy but doesn't know his own strength. Walking his for the longest time was a nightmare. I would notice something in the distance and the next second I would be lying on the ground, my dog having seen another dog and tried to bolt while I'm holding his lead. Not fun, especially the wardrobe malfunctions. He's a lot better now and I can walk him without him taking off.
Our favorite activities include lying down on the deck and talking to each other. I tell her what's on my mind, and she listens. Sometimes, I think she really does listen, and at points, she becomes more interested and affectionate. Our other activity is wrestling with each other. Sometimes she wins, and sometimes I win, but she's pretty good at it
I just discovered this haha https://youtu.be/5a6fd-wvIdw
At first I thought it was really a cool idea, then I realised that now when I bump into old friends in the street while in town doing the shopping, not only will they want to show me pictures of their kids but now they want to show me all the photos their dog took recently, how am I ever to get all my shopping done now. :gsd_laughing:
A mí perra le gusta perseguir gatos... No los muerde solo los corre y por las noches ladrar a todo lo que se mueva... Autos personas, otros perritos etc...
My boy loves playing tug! He used to be really confused by it but he's getting older and a LOT stronger. He tugs hard enough to take the wind out of me now but he insists on using toys that are not meant for tugging! He keeps breaking them!
My pup loves sitting in my lap while I’m working on my hobbies, but he’s getting way too big to fit comfortably lol he also seems to be quite fond of sniffing flowers every time we’re outside 🥰 as for actual activities he loves hiking with me and playing with rubber chickens
He adores plush toys. Not hard toys, but plush toys. He's so very gentle with them too, he hardly ever destroys one which is great for my wallet.

He also loves sitting in my lap. Which is funny considering 91lbs. When he was younger (and smaller) I was happy to have him sit in my lap - now it sort of hurts so he has to settle for resting his big noggin in my lap and letting me play with his ears. I've always said he was a lap dog trapped in a big dog's body!