Why do you like zoo and bestiality?

Exactly as dartel said. It's affection, it's love, these are not neceserely thigs that can be explained. Sure, I can talk about atributes like the physical appearance of a canine, their shape, fur, claws, their honest mentality, but is it really an explanation? Why do you love your wife? You just do. You just know. It's same with us. I can be friends with any reasonable and kind man, woman, animal, whatever, but I feel love and affection to only certain kind.
Exactly as dartel said. It's affection, it's love, these are not neceserely thigs that can be explained. Sure, I can talk about atributes like the physical appearance of a canine, their shape, fur, claws, their honest mentality, but is it really an explanation? Why do you love your wife? You just do. You just know. It's same with us. I can be friends with any reasonable and kind man, woman, animal, whatever, but I feel love and affection to only certain kind.
Pretty much this :)
Why do you like women? Why do lesbians like women? Why do gays like men? Why do pedophiles like children? The only answer is "because", you can't describe why an attraction exists to someone who doesn't share that attraction, it just is.

That’s a totally interesting premise, by which negates the foundations of Language and communication. It might be hard, confusing, emotionally draining and revealing but flies in the face of 11,000 years of Art, Languages and The social contract called civilization.

Language exists because of the yearning of language users to communicate, share experience and understand primarily one another, only thereafter the non language using world around them. The creature called Humankind exists solely because it uses language and communicates. Without language and communication we cease to exist as a creature. Isolate a child from communication of any kind and it dies. It ceases to be a human even if it physically survives, which it won’t.

AS TO the OP
The social bonds and interactions of this creature speaking is strong even between species. As I don’t define other Humanoids into divisions “Humans I CAN have sex with” vs “Humans I can NOT have sex with” I don’t define the sentient creatures into said camps either. (Aside-my choice is reliant not on physiology but consent) Sexual interactions are a form of communications, a physical primal early communication, like Art, like Sign, like Breathing and menstruating in unison. It’s a numinous interaction pre-religious.
Interesting, but untrue. The physical creature exists, whether it can communicate or not.
Untrue. The physical creature would be, is, fundamentally changed, in habitats and construct‘s such as interactions, social, predator, prey, herd....

To survive, in this form, the creature Human, the social creature that relies on some form of communication beyond that of a herd, requires language communication. Otherwise we become so transformed, if it’s possible, we become something else.

I’ve never seen, heard of, found reliable documentation of any kind of a wild, non communicative creature identical to humans anyplace. Show it. Same weak physicality, same brain constructs, you name it. Show it.
Untrue. The physical creature would be, is, fundamentally changed, in habitats and construct‘s such as interactions, social, predator, prey, herd....
Do I understand correctly that according to you a creature is defined by its environment, and without this environment ceases to exist?
poor premise.
1- separation of environment to not include the creature, remove the creature from the environment it’s not the same environment.
2- try gaining the information you are here without language, let me know how that works for you.
3- you presuppose that an environment is a collection of totally discrete non interactive components, which would NOT be an environment.
I understand you define a human as "a creature who has human language", and therefore it is obvious that without human language, according to this definition it would not be a human. I agree with that.

Without language, the creature would physically exist but could not be called human.

I'm not sure I follow you on point 3. Can you show me where I make that presupposition?
Oh. Sure
”without this environment” which in non formative I think is the term, (Sorry up 63 hours here) an environment is a collection of all its parts. You can’t therefore remove a part and have the same environment. It’s tricky for most folk to consider that currently there is no environment on the surface of the earth that does not include Humans as a component if only because of our 3,000+ years of altering the environment. That can argueable include the depths of the ocean to near space.
Well this got more philosophical than i would have thought, the other bailed thread just turned into a shit post!

Either way i feel like its overcomplicated attraction a bit, i tend to think of my attraction to the same way straight people think of theirs.
"What do you mean why, look at her shes hot as fuck!"

Granted my attraction is out there compared to normies, but fuck em' its none of their business anyway.
This is the second thread ive been on today where someone deleted their own post... what does it achieve exactly?

As for the question come on dude, how could you not love dogs, their entire existence revoles around being hqppy with you!
It didn't add anything of value to the OP and the question was simply good enough as it was.
A little background, i am a 98% vocally transparent person. I will answer any question anybody asks me truthfully (within reason) seriously, TEST ME, i love to share lol
This happens to be one of only 5 secrets I keep to myself... it's the perfect secret. You get to have your guilty pleasure and your um "partners" don't tell anyone. It's an easy secret to keep. Its satisfying as a transparent person to finally have a secret...
That and it sounds hot af! Primal in all ways. It just sounds so gut wrenchingly amazing!