What book(s) are you reading at the moment?

Crucible by James Rollins, Just started on My Hero Academia when I'm just reading a little before bed, and I had started A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes which I should finish - maybe after I finish Crucible.
The department of agricultures pest management book that can stop a bullet.😑
Don't test that on YouTube... They'll demonetize your channel :)

Which reminds me - though I can't explain how - I've been meaning to ask you if you've got an insights on a rodenticide that trades under the name "Rat-X" and/or "Mouse-X"? Near as I can figure out from researching it, it's essentially harmless to basically anything that either (A) can vomit or (B) is large enough that a (relatively) minor salt overdose isn't worse than a slight inconvenience. Principle of action SEEMS to be that Mr. Rodent eats it (it's actually surprisingly tasty) and since they're incapable of puking, and the stuff claims to be about 3% salt, with a gluten base - The salt draws water to the gut, the gluten latches on to it, and the rodent basically dies of dehydration 'cause it can't drink enough water to actually get any significant amount into its system. The theory sounds good, and the demos I've seen seem to support the claims, not to mention the first round of it I tried here at the barn (which has an INCREDIBLE rat population) seemed to make a pretty good dent in the population, but I'm not sure that wasn't just "winter kill" or "wishful thinking".

Don't test that on YouTube... They'll demonetize your channel :)

Which reminds me - though I can't explain how - I've been meaning to ask you if you've got an insights on a rodenticide that trades under the name "Rat-X" and/or "Mouse-X"? Near as I can figure out from researching it, it's essentially harmless to basically anything that either (A) can vomit or (B) is large enough that a (relatively) minor salt overdose isn't worse than a slight inconvenience. Principle of action SEEMS to be that Mr. Rodent eats it (it's actually surprisingly tasty) and since they're incapable of puking, and the stuff claims to be about 3% salt, with a gluten base - The salt draws water to the gut, the gluten latches on to it, and the rodent basically dies of dehydration 'cause it can't drink enough water to actually get any significant amount into its system. The theory sounds good, and the demos I've seen seem to support the claims, not to mention the first round of it I tried here at the barn (which has an INCREDIBLE rat population) seemed to make a pretty good dent in the population, but I'm not sure that wasn't just "winter kill" or "wishful thinking".

Too be honest I’m still quite new to this still. I’ve been backed up more then someone that eats too much cheese. Right now I’m in the middle of working on the mosquito and tick variants of pest control. It sounds just about right though. They can only pass gas in one direction. I’m going to work on the alternative methods of pest control when I complete my basics and advanced at its core to pass the state test. If you have a rat problem I suggest getting one of these. They work like a charm and what ever predatory animal you have around take them away. Birds, owls of the such.
On the prepared side. If you have animals, dogs cats or the like that may get a secondary poisoning from rodenticides that contain anticoagulants keep vitamin k injections on hand if you know how to use it. You don’t always have time to get to the vet in time. It may give you time to though in the end.
Quite often honestly, and with Kalira being lifebonded to Lavan in Brightly Burning they are as close to being lovers as Lackey was willing to write about.
Someone I once knew claimed that he remembered reading in a very early edition of Magic's Promise, that Vanyel and Yfandes "hooked up" in the first few days after the disaster of Tylendel's botched Wyrsa plot and Van's suicide attempt. But despite having been a WAY early Lackey fan, I have no recollection of any such scene. Perhaps it was early slashfic? Maybe even a big part of why Misty has been so hostile to fanfic set on Velgarth until (relatively speaking) quite recently, and even then, "by invitation only", and under her direct supervision?

I first met the Companions through the tale "Stolen Silver" - which (MUCH) later got slightly reworked and expanded to become the prelude-and-part-of-the-first-chapter of "Exile's Honor" - in an anthology book called "Horse Fantastic". Track that one down if you can - Stolen Silver is just one of several EXCELLENT tales in it. Beyond "Stolen Silver", I'm especially partial to "Classical Horses" and "When Lightning Strikes" - The latter leaves me in tears of hope/joy for Hero every time I go through it again, and Classical Horses comes damned close to doing the same, though the emotion that one elicits for me is more about straight-up "YES! After all these years, vindication at last!", I guess you could say) and from there, tracked down the Last Herald Mage trilogy. At the time, I wasn't aware that the Arrows trilogy even existed, and in fact, predated LHM - I had to "circle back" and find the Arrows/HoV trilogy when I encountered the first of the Mage Winds set - the editions of the LHM trilogy that I had initially didn't list the "Arrows" books - just mentions of some of the early Tarma and Kethry tales - before those were gathered into the three "Oath_____" volumes and the followup/bridge book, "By the sword")
Too be honest I’m still quite new to this still. I’ve been backed up more then someone that eats too much cheese. Right now I’m in the middle of working on the mosquito and tick variants of pest control. It sounds just about right though. They can only pass gas in one direction. I’m going to work on the alternative methods of pest control when I complete my basics and advanced at its core to pass the state test. If you have a rat problem I suggest getting one of these. They work like a charm and what ever predatory animal you have around take them away. Birds, owls of the such.
On the prepared side. If you have animals, dogs cats or the like that may get a secondary poisoning from rodenticides that contain anticoagulants keep vitamin k injections on hand if you know how to use it. You don’t always have time to get to the vet in time. It may give you time to though in the end.
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Seen those - got no use for "Yep, the handle's free, but you have to buy our insanely overpriced razor blades for the rest of your life" products.

Working on a combination bug-zapper/"log-roll"/dunk-the-rat unit that'll sit on top of a rubbermaid garbage can. Plan is to use the guts out of one of those fly-zapper tennis-racket things, feeding to bare wires wrapped on a piece of PVC pipe with a chunk of broom handle run through it, with a beam-break sensor that will wait 10 seconds or so before turning on the "zap", to give Mr. rat time to be on the pipe where the wires are,,where he'll be zapped into jumping/flinching/otherwise losing balance, thus rolling the PVC and dropping him into the waiting foot of water in the bottom of the can. Figure I'll "feed 'em up" for a week or so, to get 'em used to crossing the PVC pipe to get to the chow, then hit the switch and take out a couple dozen the first night. With luck, that'll be most of them...
Don't test that on YouTube... They'll demonetize your channel :)

Which reminds me - though I can't explain how - I've been meaning to ask you if you've got an insights on a rodenticide that trades under the name "Rat-X" and/or "Mouse-X"? Near as I can figure out from researching it, it's essentially harmless to basically anything that either (A) can vomit or (B) is large enough that a (relatively) minor salt overdose isn't worse than a slight inconvenience. Principle of action SEEMS to be that Mr. Rodent eats it (it's actually surprisingly tasty) and since they're incapable of puking, and the stuff claims to be about 3% salt, with a gluten base - The salt draws water to the gut, the gluten latches on to it, and the rodent basically dies of dehydration 'cause it can't drink enough water to actually get any significant amount into its system. The theory sounds good, and the demos I've seen seem to support the claims, not to mention the first round of it I tried here at the barn (which has an INCREDIBLE rat population) seemed to make a pretty good dent in the population, but I'm not sure that wasn't just "winter kill" or "wishful thinking".

The Rat-x works. Its about as safe as anything's going to be outside of a victor M386 with the expanded pedal.
If you Empty and reset the traps instead of chucking them with the corpse, they become more effective with age and catch. They can also be repainted for trap-shy rodents.
Toxics are not high on the recommended list....The FWS is finding that dead raptors increasingly are showing thinners in their systems. If a multi catch device is needed there are easily constucted drowners...no reset needed.
Seen those - got no use for "Yep, the handle's free, but you have to buy our insanely overpriced razor blades for the rest of your life" products.

Working on a combination bug-zapper/"log-roll"/dunk-the-rat unit that'll sit on top of a rubbermaid garbage can. Plan is to use the guts out of one of those fly-zapper tennis-racket things, feeding to bare wires wrapped on a piece of PVC pipe with a chunk of broom handle run through it, with a beam-break sensor that will wait 10 seconds or so before turning on the "zap", to give Mr. rat time to be on the pipe where the wires are,,where he'll be zapped into jumping/flinching/otherwise losing balance, thus rolling the PVC and dropping him into the waiting foot of water in the bottom of the can. Figure I'll "feed 'em up" for a week or so, to get 'em used to crossing the PVC pipe to get to the chow, then hit the switch and take out a couple dozen the first night. With luck, that'll be most of them...
youre overthinking....drown them....it doesnt cost a thing.....shove a mosquito dunk in the can and no electricity is required....
youre overthinking....drown them....it doesnt cost a thing.....shove a mosquito dunk in the can and no electricity is required....
Yep, I admit it - I am overthinking it - intentionally - This particular project is as much about killing time, AND doing a useful "learn how it works" project with an Arduino as it is about killing rats.

Re: your message before the one I'm replying to, Yes, drowners work, but not as well as I'd like - Had too many escapes and bypasses, and after they've defeated a trap once, it's damn near impossible to get them anywhere near it a second time. I want to train 'em to DIE, not evade traps, doncha know! As far as Victors, we've got 'em, and I've *NEVER IN MY LIFE* tossed the trap with the carcass! Talk about throwing away the baby with the bathwater... And you're absolutely right - the grungier they get, the better they work.
I know Im right....I ran a string of 45 of those in DC for three years and took 'em with me when I left. They had been red blue green, pink, and a weird yellow, as eell as the natural base color.

The garbage can sized trap should work well...if youve had a couple smart boys get away, try greasing the interior edge of the can with crisco....its edible so no alarm bells.
Im sure the feed you keep for your stock is the reason the rats are around... Try to eliminate any access to food and water, but especially to water. Rats will often camp on a watersource and walk quite a distance to feed.
I know Im right....I ran a string of 45 of those in DC for three years and took 'em with me when I left. They had been red blue green, pink, and a weird yellow, as eell as the natural base color.

The garbage can sized trap should work well...if youve had a couple smart boys get away, try greasing the interior edge of the can with crisco....its edible so no alarm bells.
Im sure the feed you keep for your stock is the reason the rats are around... Try to eliminate any access to food and water, but especially to water. Rats will often camp on a watersource and walk quite a distance to feed.
Yeah, we've got the chow locked down, other than what the horses spill in their stalls, and I take care of that when I'm picking out. The water is the problem. Got a hundred gallon rubbermaid tank, and they just climb up the downspout from the ground, or run down it from the roof. 🤷‍♂️ Gonna be a stone bitch to relocate either the tank or the downspout. Can't move the downspout without cutting the gutter, and can't move the tank 'cause it drains into the same pipe as the downspout when it needs cleaning, and the water spigot to fill it from is right next to the downspout at about shoulder height.
The hunting season by dean vincent carter (a werewolf story)
The boy who was raised by a dog by Bruce D Perry( (stories from a psychiatrists notebook. To teach about trama and actions to take to care for it)
And I want to get ravenous by ray garton (That one is supposed to be a werewolf story where the curse is transferred by sex?)
Say what? I hadn't heard she'd kicked off. And I've been under the impression that Painted Caves was the last of the series. It sure SEEMED like she'd wrapped it all up, and everything I'd heard after reading it suggested that even SHE was tired of writing prehistoric porno.
She was, there’s a partial manuscript for one last book
Seen those - got no use for "Yep, the handle's free, but you have to buy our insanely overpriced razor blades for the rest of your life" products.

Working on a combination bug-zapper/"log-roll"/dunk-the-rat unit that'll sit on top of a rubbermaid garbage can. Plan is to use the guts out of one of those fly-zapper tennis-racket things, feeding to bare wires wrapped on a piece of PVC pipe with a chunk of broom handle run through it, with a beam-break sensor that will wait 10 seconds or so before turning on the "zap", to give Mr. rat time to be on the pipe where the wires are,,where he'll be zapped into jumping/flinching/otherwise losing balance, thus rolling the PVC and dropping him into the waiting foot of water in the bottom of the can. Figure I'll "feed 'em up" for a week or so, to get 'em used to crossing the PVC pipe to get to the chow, then hit the switch and take out a couple dozen the first night. With luck, that'll be most of them...
Seen those - got no use for "Yep, the handle's free, but you have to buy our insanely overpriced razor blades for the rest of your life" products.

Working on a combination bug-zapper/"log-roll"/dunk-the-rat unit that'll sit on top of a rubbermaid garbage can. Plan is to use the guts out of one of those fly-zapper tennis-racket things, feeding to bare wires wrapped on a piece of PVC pipe with a chunk of broom handle run through it, with a beam-break sensor that will wait 10 seconds or so before turning on the "zap", to give Mr. rat time to be on the pipe where the wires are,,where he'll be zapped into jumping/flinching/otherwise losing balance, thus rolling the PVC and dropping him into the waiting foot of water in the bottom of the can. Figure I'll "feed 'em up" for a week or so, to get 'em used to crossing the PVC pipe to get to the chow, then hit the switch and take out a couple dozen the first night. With luck, that'll be most of them...
the only thing that’s replaced from what I seen was the CO2 cartridge when it’s empty. But if your making dunk tanks they work too. Add soap to the water. They drown faster that way
Seen those - got no use for "Yep, the handle's free, but you have to buy our insanely overpriced razor blades for the rest of your life" .
King Gillette's Fortune came from exactly that. His safety razor was serious cheap, but you had to buy his Blades. Eventually his Company was the prime sponsor of the Friday night Fights. Beer brought us Football and Baseball, but Blades brought us Boxing....
All that was before there was REAL MONEY in those things.
King Gillette's Fortune came from exactly that. His safety razor was serious cheap, but you had to buy his Blades. Eventually his Company was the prime sponsor of the Friday night Fights. Beer brought us Football and Baseball, but Blades brought us Boxing....
All that was before there was REAL MONEY in those things.
Yep, precisely what I was referencing.
Ay, nice to see a Mercedes Lackey fan here! I'm reading the Wine Bible right now until I finish the chapter on France, then I'm gonna pick up Black Sun or Lightbringer.
Dunno why, but I've repeatedly bounced - and bounced *HARD* - off of everything other than her Velgarth/Valdemar stuff. Which is kinda strange, since I generally enjoy the "not-quite-cyberpunk elves" type material. Not hers, apparently. And after just about breaking my nose on the first volume of the "Joust"/"Alta" books, I decided to simply steer clear of the "cockeyed fairy tales" volumes.

She does Valdemar and the Heralds well, but her other material just doesn't do it for me. Damned if I can say why...
the only thing that’s replaced from what I seen was the CO2 cartridge when it’s empty. But if your making dunk tanks they work too. Add soap to the water. They drown faster that way
True enough, though frankly, I don't much care how long it takes them to drown. THe only thing I care about when it comes to vermin is that they cease being alive. Less mess is a plus, and quicker means I can dump the carcass in the shitpile and reset the trap sooner, but other than that... 🤷‍♂️

Drowners and Victors are effective more-or-less "forever" - no consumables to have to replace. Same reason why, given the option, I chose the "pump up" style BB/pellet guns over the CO2 powered ones when I was a kid. They didn't need anything but pellets/BBs, and elbow-grease to keep 'em running practically forever. The CO2 ones were good for a couple-few dozen shots, then you had to go buy new CO2 cartridges, and even if you had sixteen bazillion BBs or pellets, they weren't worth diddly-squat (except maybe as paperweights) until you did.
True enough, though frankly, I don't much care how long it takes them to drown. THe only thing I care about when it comes to vermin is that they cease being alive. Less mess is a plus, and quicker means I can dump the carcass in the shitpile and reset the trap sooner, but other than that... 🤷‍♂️

Drowners and Victors are effective more-or-less "forever" - no consumables to have to replace. Same reason why, given the option, I chose the "pump up" style BB/pellet guns over the CO2 powered ones when I was a kid. They didn't need anything but pellets/BBs, and elbow-grease to keep 'em running practically forever. The CO2 ones were good for a couple-few dozen shots, then you had to go buy new CO2 cartridges, and even if you had sixteen bazillion BBs or pellets, they weren't worth diddly-squat (except maybe as paperweights) until you did.
ept that Umarex makes hell of a collection of replica Bb and pellet guns these days....The peacemaker is a six shooter, loads six thru a gate via a shell with a liner that seals the chamber under the hammer but which look like .38 size. The things are a blast to shoot. Theres a broomhandle mauser, a couple of versions of 1911 s Smith number three frontier...all the eay up to a schmeisser mp40 . Some incredible items. Accurate enough for the rodents.
Finished this book called Battle Royale cause I heard it was better and bloodier than the Hunger Games. I was not disappointed! Time to go see the movie :gsd_love:
True enough, though frankly, I don't much care how long it takes them to drown. THe only thing I care about when it comes to vermin is that they cease being alive. Less mess is a plus, and quicker means I can dump the carcass in the shitpile and reset the trap sooner, but other than that... 🤷‍♂️

Drowners and Victors are effective more-or-less "forever" - no consumables to have to replace. Same reason why, given the option, I chose the "pump up" style BB/pellet guns over the CO2 powered ones when I was a kid. They didn't need anything but pellets/BBs, and elbow-grease to keep 'em running practically forever. The CO2 ones were good for a couple-few dozen shots, then you had to go buy new CO2 cartridges, and even if you had sixteen bazillion BBs or pellets, they weren't worth diddly-squat (except maybe as paperweights) until you did.
I know your old school. But god damn do they make killer PCP pellet guns now. Run a bull pup version with a bike pump or get a big CO2 tank and could get around 200 shots out of it. Full barrel suppresser as well. Can’t hear a thing. I used to really put a hurtful beating on starlings at my uncles place. 200 yards is no longer a dream for old air guns.