The LOVE ❤️ Thread - say sth nice to user above :)


Heeeeey guys :D
I don't know. Sometimes I suddenly feel good. I am happy and then feel the need to say something nice to anybody. But where to put it when you are alone and online at Zooville ?! You can make a fool of me for it, I don't care. But I thought, well there is a dumbster fire thread, where is the opposite? Show the community that there is another way! :)

The following concept is intended for this thread: Visit the profile of the user who recently posted something. Find something in his profile (avatar, signature, the personality, last postings, anything) that you like and tell him / her! :)

I would start, but I don't want to seem self-indulgent 😂
Thanks 😂
I like that you admit that you don't have any drawing skills and asking people for help to give your two own stories (figuratively) a life 🌱
Didn't knew there is a thread like that already exist! 😚

Because this thread is probably going to die (sadly), visit the thread linked above. People are more likely to go to the booth where there is more going on