Sex-related injuries


Dumpster Diver
A couple of folks have posted in regards to possible sexual injuries from being knotted recently, so I thought I might throw in my own 2 cents' worth of personal experience on a very closely related subject.

Back around the third week of June we had a heatwave that broke every temperature record in the books for the area, three days in a row.

During this little bit of weather-fun, I apparently managed to let myself get dehydrated to the point where... well, let's leave it polite and say I found myself a tad bound up. When I finally offloaded that shipment, a hemorrhoid popped up, and the "freight" hit the bulged out wall hard enough to cause a small anal tear. Hurt like a mad bastard, and left the paper with a serious streak of fresh blood. Ouch. No-fun farm, baby. Worse, it kept hurting on and off - one day nothing, a day or two later, somebody with really bad aim was trying to shove a hot knitting needle up my arse to the beat of my heart but never hitting the hole, A couple days later, seems like it's healing, but then 2-3 days after that, the knitting needles are back, lather/rinse/repeat until mid-September.

Now, I'm saying this because an anal tear like mine is identical to the sort of thing such as could easily be experienced if a fully-engorged knot leaves a human poop-chute forcibly and/or prematurely.

Long story short(er), last month I finally reached the point of pronouncing in my best Popeye the Sailor Man voice, "I've had all I can stands, an' I can't stands no more!" and doctor, doctor, gimme the news - I had an anal fissure, almost certainly a result of the initial tear failing to heal, and without surgery, the chances of it healing spontaneously were now somewhere between slim and none, and Slim had been seen boarding a Greyhound out of town yesterday afternoon.

On the other hand, with a relatively minor surgery, the chances shot up to around 95% of a complete recovery, and with application of some sort of cream I haven't picked up yet, but intend to when the pharmacy opens in the morning, that number would go up to about 98%.

Well, lemme tell ya - it's been a miserable little while, and today I finally got in for the surgery. So far, so good. As reported all over the place online by various people on various sites, some degree of relief is almost instant. Now, instead of the knitting needles jabbing, they've stopped making new holes, even though the existing ones still smart right proper.

The bad news/good news is that I'm told I shouldn't be surprised if the pain gets worse over the next 36-48 hours or so before fading completely over the course of 6-8 weeks.

The moral of the story: Be careful out there! An anal tear can turn into a fissure, and those ain't no friggin' fun at all! Set yourself and your pup up for maximum stability, and don't try playing the size-queen until you're sure you're ready for it.

Voice of experience sez "You don't want no anal fissure!" :)

Whether it's from coping with constipation, or Fido going "fucka-fucka-fucka-SQUIRREL!", it's something I highy *DIS*recommend!
Get well quick.
Yes, this sort of thing is no fun. Even worse if your intestine anatomy has a faiblé for stressing out your internal cavities all by nature itself.
.. and if you forget to drink sufficient for two days, real fun begins. Hooray.

Little hint on the side: if you want to make your next two weeks somewhat more enjoyable, try to eat food which generates acceptably soft waste, but in a manner that does not result in either fluidity or smearing. Problem with this hint: each organism reacts differently on the food.