Puppy or older dog?

Is it easier to train a puppy or an older dog to make love w you?

Assuming you mean a puppy as in raising them and when they're adults....I don't think it matters a whole lot.

There's a chance with either that they won't be interested, but aside from that there's pros and cons for both. I personally love having a pup around and enjoy watching them grow and explore their world, but some people don't have the time for a pup and so want an adult.
Assuming you mean a puppy as in raising them and when they're adults....I don't think it matters a whole lot.

There's a chance with either that they won't be interested, but aside from that there's pros and cons for both. I personally love having a pup around and enjoy watching them grow and explore their world, but some people don't have the time for a pup and so want an adult.
I raised my German Shepard from a tiny puppy and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I think it has created a closer bond between us - at least on my side lol
you do not train an animal to have sex any more than you would a human. that really is getting into consent violation.
You need time and training about a year u can't just start playing with it like that a strate away as could make them hate u if u rush things and u want love not to get a bite off of it I takes time and if you can't wait don't get a dog for sexual activity and NEVER PUPPY
If it comes down to 'socializing' the dog, its best to start from puppy age. Puppies need to be handled by humans in order for them to act like part of the pack: dogs are, after all, pack animals.
As far as having a dog that won't raise suspicions or be dangerous you want to raise and socialize them from a puppy forwards, and then once fully mature, MAYBE and only then try something sexual, if they refuse leave it the fuck alone and enjoy the fact that while you may not be able to have intercourse with them, you have something alot of other humans don't, someone that really does love them unconditionally...