Now zoo is legal in Spain!



Google (Android 12L)
Ok. Hay un tema de actualidad ahora en España que, dado que tiene lugar por estos lares, quiero abrir este hilo en español. Aunque también me gustaría conocer el punto de vista de todas las personas que hablais inglés; y por eso abro este hilo bilingue jeje.
Google (Android 12L)
Okay. There is a topical issue right now in Spain that, due to it takes place in this country, I want to open this thread in Spanish. However, I would also like to know the point of view of all the people who speak English; and that's why I open this bilingual thread hehe.


Google (Android 12L)
Resulta que el Código Penal español ha recibido una nueva actualización en lo que respecta a los delitos relativos a los animales. Una actualización que, dejando de lado la confusión creada por parte de algunos medios que señalaban que, debido a esta actualización, la zoofilia ahora ya estaba despenalizada en España (lo cual no es cierto), se ha acogido muy mal por parte de practicamente toda la población.

La diferencia con respecta a los artículos anteriores se reduce basicamente a que, si bien antes únicamente eran castigadas aquellas personas que “por cualquier medio o procedimiento maltrate injustificadamente, causándole lesiones que menoscaben gravemente su salud o sometiéndole a explotación sexual" a animales domésticos, amansados, domesticados o que vivan temporalmente con un humano, ahora se castiga a toda persona que “fuera de las actividades legalmente reguladas y por cualquier medio o procedimiento, incluyendo los actos de carácter sexual, cause a un animal doméstico, amansado, domesticado o que viva temporal o permanentemente bajo el control humano lesión que requiera tratamiento para el restablecimiento de su salud”.

La modificación viene a raíz de las diversas interpretaciones que hasta ahora se ha hecho del término "explotación sexual", pues, si bien algunos juristas consideran que la expresión de "por cualquier medio o procedimiento" ya recoge el supuesto sexual, generalmente por explotación sexual se entienden aquellos actos en los que un animal es explotado bajo algún tipo de lucro... Cosa que, no siempre que una persona folla con un animal, viene acompañada de un beneficio económico. Por lo que, esa antigua definición deja fuera a muchas personas que sí están dañando al animal sexualmente pero sin lucrarse.... De ahí la nueva reforma, en donde se señala que ahora lo que está penado es únicamente aquellos actos sexuales que provoquen una lesión al animal que requiera de tratamiento veterinario.

Desconozco las personas que individualmente han estado implicadas en la modificación de este artículo y sus intereses sexuales, pero por mi parte, está muy bien redactado este nuevo artículo y no merece ninguna modificación extra más allá de
- la futura mayor aclaración que han propuesto INTERcids y CoPPAla de eliminar las palabras “incluyendo los actos de carácter sexual” y añadir la siguiente frase: “Con las mismas penas será castigado quien someta a un animal a actos de carácter sexual o a explotación sexual",
- y de la dificultad que quizás resulta luego en la práctica a la hora de condenar a ciertas personas que sí están dañando altamente de alguna manera al animal pero no necesariamente están causando este tipo de lesiones o casos en los que el animal haya desaparecido pero sí haya pruebas gráficas de la conducta, etc........

Sin embargo, ésta no es la opinión de la inmensa mayoría de la ciudadanía quien se alarma por la impunibilidad de todas aquellas personas zoofílicas que mantienen relaciones sexuales sin provocar ningún tipo de lesión de por medio al animal..... De ahí la famosa confusión sobre que ahora el Código Penal Español legaliza la zoofilia... Pero ésto no es así ni mucho menos. Más que nada porque el término "zoofilia" no viene recogido en ningún apartado de este documento, por lo que no es correcto para nada decir que la zoofilia se ha "despenalizado".

El término zoofilia, por lo general, viene acompañado de muchos juicios en donde casi todo el mundo cree que una persona zoofílica es sinónimo de provocar algún tipo de daño en el animal a la hora de tener relaciones sexuales. Sin embargo, se que desde este foro se apuesta por una "zoofilia consciente", en donde no buscamos provocar ningún daño al animal en cuestión.... Y, es que, si se tienen relaciones sexuales desde este punto de partida, a mi parecer es verídico decir que en España la zoofilia es legal.... Aunque sea MUY mal vista.

¿Qué os parece? ¿Qué opináis? ¿Cómo funciona en vuestro país? Cualquier aportación será bienvenida.

Google (Android 12L)
ENGLISH VERSION (I'm sorry but I'm gonna use Google Translator because is late and I still have another important things to do)

It turns out that the Spanish Penal Code has received a new update regarding crimes related to animals. An update that, leaving aside the confusion created by some media that pointed out that, due to this update, bestiality was now decriminalized in Spain (which is not true), has been very poorly received by practically all the population.

The difference with respect to the previous articles is basically reduced to the fact that, although previously only those people who "by any means or procedure mistreated unjustifiably, causing injuries that seriously undermine their health or subjecting them to sexual exploitation" of domestic animals, tamed , domesticated or living temporarily with a human, now any person is punished who "outside of legally regulated activities and by any means or procedure, including acts of a sexual nature, causes a domestic, tamed, domesticated or living animal temporarily or permanently under human control injury requiring treatment to restore health".

The modification comes as a result of the various interpretations that have been made so far of the term "sexual exploitation", because, although some jurists consider that the expression "by any means or procedure" already includes the sexual assumption, generally for sexual exploitation those acts in which an animal is exploited for some kind of profit are understood... Something that, not always when a person fucks with an animal, is accompanied by an economic benefit. Therefore, that old definition leaves out many people who are harming the animal sexually but without making a profit... Hence the new reform, which states that now what is punishable is only those sexual acts that cause a injury to the animal requiring veterinary treatment.

I do not know the individuals who have been involved in the modification of this article and their sexual interests, but for my part, this new article is very well written and does not deserve any additional modification beyond
- The further clarification that INTERcids and CoPPAla have proposed to eliminate the words "including acts of a sexual nature" and add the following sentence: "Anyone who subjects an animal to acts of a sexual nature or sexual exploitation will be punished with the same penalties",
- and the difficulty that may result later in practice when it comes to convicting certain people who are seriously damaging the animal in some way but are not necessarily causing this type of injury or cases in which the animal has disappeared but it did there is graphic evidence of behavior, etc.

Nevertheless, this is not the opinion of the vast majority of citizens who are alarmed by the impunity of all those zoophilic people who have sexual relations without causing any type of injury to the animal..... Hence the famous confusion about the fact that the Spanish Penal Code now legalizes bestiality... But this is far from the case. More than anything because the term "bestiality" is not included in any section of this document, so it is not correct at all to say that bestiality has been "decriminalized."

The term zoophilia, in general, is accompanied by many lawsuits where almost everyone believes that a zoophilic person is synonymous with causing some type of harm to the animal when having sexual relations. However, I know that from this forum there is a commitment to a "conscious zoophilia", where we do not seek to cause any harm to the animal in question... And, it is that, if you have sexual relations from this starting point, in my apparently it is true to say that in Spain bestiality is legal.... Although it is VERY frowned upon.

What do you think? What is your opinion? How does it work in your country? Any contribution will be welcome.

Greetingssssss :)
La nueva ley de "bienestar animal" no despenaliza la zoofilia y además en muchos casos obliga a esterilizar a los animales, aparte de que existe la ley sólo sí es sí, y como un animal no puede decir "Sí" verbalmente, una relación zoo seguirá siendo perseguida.

EN RESUMEN: Que la ley de España no nos representa a los zoos, todo lo contrario, seremos cada vez más perseguidos en este país, nuestras opciones son:

1 - Vivir escondidos como hemos hecho siempre.

2 - Infiltrarnos en la política.

3 - Que los zoos hagamos un nuevo estado basado en la libertad individual y con nuestras propias leyes.

4 - Construir una comunidad amurallada (o varias) para zoos en medio del campo, no permitirle el paso a la policía y protegernos entre nosotros, ademas de que los habitantes de la comunidad puedan portar armas para defender la comuna de las autoridades, pero cualquier persona ajena a la comunidad no pueda entrar con armas.

5 - Poner una zoodictadura en defensa de nuestros intereses como zoofilos, porque la democracia no solucionará nuestra persecución.

6 - Alcanzar la anarquía.
I think that the law is made this way, that is punishable to perform procedures so a veterinarian help is needed afterward.
If they had stretched it further it would be illegal to perform any form of sexual procedures!
And this way making it illegal to inseminate the farm animals.
La nueva ley de "bienestar animal" no despenaliza la zoofilia y además en muchos casos obliga a esterilizar a los animales, aparte de que existe la ley sólo sí es sí, y como un animal no puede decir "Sí" verbalmente, una relación zoo seguirá siendo perseguida.

EN RESUMEN: Que la ley de España no nos representa a los zoos, todo lo contrario, seremos cada vez más perseguidos en este país, nuestras opciones son:

1 - Vivir escondidos como hemos hecho siempre.

2 - Infiltrarnos en la política.

3 - Que los zoos hagamos un nuevo estado basado en la libertad individual y con nuestras propias leyes.

4 - Construir una comunidad amurallada (o varias) para zoos en medio del campo, no permitirle el paso a la policía y protegernos entre nosotros, ademas de que los habitantes de la comunidad puedan portar armas para defender la comuna de las autoridades, pero cualquier persona ajena a la comunidad no pueda entrar con armas.

5 - Poner una zoodictadura en defensa de nuestros intereses como zoofilos, porque la democracia no solucionará nuestra persecución.

6 - Alcanzar la anarquía.
I have used a translator.
Don’t know how the writer imagines to ’build a walled community’ and not allow the police to enter.

Well, here it is translated to english :

The new "animal welfare" law does not decriminalize zoophilia and also in many cases requires the sterilization of animals, apart from the fact that the law only exists if it is yes, and since an animal cannot say "Yes" verbally, a zoo relationship will continue to be persecuted.

IN SUMMARY: That the Spanish law does not represent zoos, quite the contrary, we will be increasingly persecuted in this country, our options are:

1 - Living in hiding as we have always done.
2 - Infiltrate politics.
3 - That the zoos make a new state based on individual freedom and with our own laws.
4 - Build a walled community (or several) for zoos in the middle of the countryside, not allow the police to pass and protect each other, in addition to the fact that the inhabitants of the community can carry weapons to defend the community from the authorities, but any A person from outside the community cannot enter with weapons.
5 - Putting up a zoodictatorship in defense of our interests as zoophiles, because democracy will not solve our persecution.
6 - Achieve anarchy.
La nueva ley de "bienestar animal" no despenaliza la zoofilia y además en muchos casos obliga a esterilizar a los animales, aparte de que existe la ley sólo sí es sí, y como un animal no puede decir "Sí" verbalmente, una relación zoo seguirá siendo perseguida.

EN RESUMEN: Que la ley de España no nos representa a los zoos, todo lo contrario, seremos cada vez más perseguidos en este país, nuestras opciones son:

1 - Vivir escondidos como hemos hecho siempre.

2 - Infiltrarnos en la política.

3 - Que los zoos hagamos un nuevo estado basado en la libertad individual y con nuestras propias leyes.

4 - Construir una comunidad amurallada (o varias) para zoos en medio del campo, no permitirle el paso a la policía y protegernos entre nosotros, ademas de que los habitantes de la comunidad puedan portar armas para defender la comuna de las autoridades, pero cualquier persona ajena a la comunidad no pueda entrar con armas.

5 - Poner una zoodictadura en defensa de nuestros intereses como zoofilos, porque la democracia no solucionará nuestra persecución.

6 - Alcanzar la anarquía.
¿En qué influye la ley del sí es sí a los animales? Está claro que la zoofilia no está despenalizada, pues como dije, ni siquiera estaba perseguida anteriormente, ya que ni mención se hace a la palabra "zoofilia" en el CP, pero he concluido así mi mensaje por todo lo explicado previamente.

A parte, estoy de acuerdo con tus dos primeras consideraciones... La cuarta, inviable pero me gusta, jaja... Y con respecto a las demás, demasiado radicales.... No se si las has comentado de broma o en serio xD
I have used a translator.
Don’t know how the writer imagines to ’build a walled community’ and not allow the police to enter.

Well, here it is translated to english :

The new "animal welfare" law does not decriminalize zoophilia and also in many cases requires the sterilization of animals, apart from the fact that the law only exists if it is yes, and since an animal cannot say "Yes" verbally, a zoo relationship will continue to be persecuted.

IN SUMMARY: That the Spanish law does not represent zoos, quite the contrary, we will be increasingly persecuted in this country, our options are:

1 - Living in hiding as we have always done.
2 - Infiltrate politics.
3 - That the zoos make a new state based on individual freedom and with our own laws.
4 - Build a walled community (or several) for zoos in the middle of the countryside, not allow the police to pass and protect each other, in addition to the fact that the inhabitants of the community can carry weapons to defend the community from the authorities, but any A person from outside the community cannot enter with weapons.
5 - Putting up a zoodictatorship in defense of our interests as zoophiles, because democracy will not solve our persecution.
6 - Achieve anarchy.
It is a llittle bit unfeasible to "build a walled community", but is funny to imagine...
thank you for the collection. You highlight the most relevant and well explained articles.
En mi humilde opinión si se trata bien al animal y este no sufre al contrario se siente bien, no veo nada malo en eso para el animal es lo mismo que si lo hiciera con una hembra o un macho de su especie. Mientras no se lastime al animal y este no sufra creo que no debería haber problema, aunque puedo llegar a entender algunas personas que lo ven mal. La zoofilia y la explotación sexual del animal son dos cosas distintas
En mi humilde opinión si se trata bien al animal y este no sufre al contrario se siente bien, no veo nada malo en eso para el animal es lo mismo que si lo hiciera con una hembra o un macho de su especie. Mientras no se lastime al animal y este no sufra creo que no debería haber problema, aunque puedo llegar a entender algunas personas que lo ven mal. La zoofilia y la explotación sexual del animal son dos cosas distintas
Translate to English :
“In my humble opinion if the animal is treated well and it does not suffer on the contrary it feels good, I do not see anything bad in that for the animal it is the same as if it did it with a female or a male of its kind. As long as the animal is not hurt and it does not suffer, I think there should be no problem, although I can understand some people who see it badly. Zoophilia and sexual exploitation of the animal are two different things”
In summary:

Spain's Zoos are saying "Yay! Zoophilia is legal!!!"

In reality: The law(s) now on the books after this revision of the law don't specifically say "fucking your dog is illegal", which, at least under USA jurisprudence (no clue how Spain's legal system works), means that there's nothing that can be DIRECTLY charged if you get caught with your pecker in Fido's fun-hole. At first glance, this means "Yay, Zoophilia is legal". But it just ain't so, and anybody who gets busted and tries to use this logic is going to be sorely disappointed.

In practice, what this actually means is that the charge they'll hit you with won't be "dog fucking", but something like "cruelty to animals", "animal abuse", "crimes against nature", or some similar charge that doesn't directly say "We caught you fucking your dog" - Instead, it will be something that boils down to "We caught you mistreating your dog". This may or may not be a "lesser evil", so far as how much time in prison you get sentenced to is concerned, but you can bet your last whatever-you-use-as-money over there (Pesos, isn't it? Or have you switched over to the Euro? I honestly don't know) that you *WILL* lose your dog to "the system", probably never to be seen again, quite likely because it will be killed as "contaminated", or some similar sentiment. At the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, count on the dog coming back to you (assuming it ever does at all) without his balls/her sexual innards - for his/her own good, of course - and you with some sort of court order that boils down to "you may never again be within 50 feet of an animal at any time unless you're under the constant supervision of an approved chaperone - violate this order, and off to prison you go!"

So no, this isn't what I'd call a "win". It isn't even "zoo is legal". It's simply "zoo activities are not DIRECTLY addressed by the current law, so we'll just have to get a bit more creative than calling you "dog fucker" to find a way to dump your worthless animal-fucking ass in the slammer." And trust me - despite not being a lawyer in Spain, I can absolutely guarantee that they *WILL* find *SOMETHING* that they can throw you in the clink for, even if they don't straight-out say "You're in for animal fucking".
Había visto un mapa hace tiempo del estado legal de la zoo alrededor del mundo, sólo que ni idea cuánto haya cambiado la situación desde que hicieron el mapa hasta ahora.

Sino me equivoco hoy en día hay varios países en los que no es ilegal siempre y cuando no se fuerce ni se dañe al animal de ninguna manera. Acá en Argentina existe una ley de maltrato animal que se llama Ley Sarmiento. Intentaron hacer una enmienda de la ley hace varios años para prohibir la zoo sin excepciones, pero por suerte quedó en la nada.

En resumen, si el animal no es forzado y/o dañado, la ley Sarmiento no se aplica.


I had seen a map a while ago of the legal status of the zoophilia around the world, I just have no idea how much the situation has changed since the map was made until now.

If I'm not mistaken today there are several countries where it's not illegal as long as the animal is not forced or harmed in any way. Here in Argentina there is a law on animal abuse called the Sarmiento Law. People tried to amend the law several years ago to ban the zoophilia without exception, but luckily it came to nothing.

In summary, if the animal is not forced and/or harmed, the Sarmiento law doesn't apply.
In summary:

Spain's Zoos are saying "Yay! Zoophilia is legal!!!"

In reality: The law(s) now on the books after this revision of the law don't specifically say "fucking your dog is illegal", which, at least under USA jurisprudence (no clue how Spain's legal system works), means that there's nothing that can be DIRECTLY charged if you get caught with your pecker in Fido's fun-hole. At first glance, this means "Yay, Zoophilia is legal". But it just ain't so, and anybody who gets busted and tries to use this logic is going to be sorely disappointed.

In practice, what this actually means is that the charge they'll hit you with won't be "dog fucking", but something like "cruelty to animals", "animal abuse", "crimes against nature", or some similar charge that doesn't directly say "We caught you fucking your dog" - Instead, it will be something that boils down to "We caught you mistreating your dog". This may or may not be a "lesser evil", so far as how much time in prison you get sentenced to is concerned, but you can bet your last whatever-you-use-as-money over there (Pesos, isn't it? Or have you switched over to the Euro? I honestly don't know) that you *WILL* lose your dog to "the system", probably never to be seen again, quite likely because it will be killed as "contaminated", or some similar sentiment. At the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, count on the dog coming back to you (assuming it ever does at all) without his balls/her sexual innards - for his/her own good, of course - and you with some sort of court order that boils down to "you may never again be within 50 feet of an animal at any time unless you're under the constant supervision of an approved chaperone - violate this order, and off to prison you go!"

So no, this isn't what I'd call a "win". It isn't even "zoo is legal". It's simply "zoo activities are not DIRECTLY addressed by the current law, so we'll just have to get a bit more creative than calling you "dog fucker" to find a way to dump your worthless animal-fucking ass in the slammer." And trust me - despite not being a lawyer in Spain, I can absolutely guarantee that they *WILL* find *SOMETHING* that they can throw you in the clink for, even if they don't straight-out say "You're in for animal fucking".
Every one of these people who dance around and rejoice about zoo being legal somewhere, needs to read that.
No anti-zoo laws? Doesn't matter! You'll be nailed HARD for what they will call animal abuse, and it won't matter whether you're male or female. In court, everything will be laid out by the prosecution. To the jury, that will be among the worst things they've ever heard in their sheltered lives, and you will get the MAXIMUM without chance of parole for they consider to be abuse.
Thank-you for bringing this out, UR20Z, and thank-you to anyone else on the thread saying the same thing.
Every one of these people who dance around and rejoice about zoo being legal somewhere, needs to read that.
No anti-zoo laws? Doesn't matter! You'll be nailed HARD for what they will call animal abuse, and it won't matter whether you're male or female. In court, everything will be laid out by the prosecution. To the jury, that will be among the worst things they've ever heard in their sheltered lives, and you will get the MAXIMUM without chance of parole for they consider to be abuse.
Thank-you for bringing this out, UR20Z, and thank-you to anyone else on the thread saying the same thing.

Legal or not illegal, they are different, but they work very similar in several places.

It may be so in the United States or in other countries. But in places like Latin America or South America most of the time nothing happens in terms of the law. Who denounces you needs a lot of proof. Even a video of you fucking or being fucked by a dog is usually not enough, and you can defend yourself without much difficulty.

Take a look at certain places in Colombia, for example, where they have the known habit of fucking donkeys to lose their virginity.
"outside of legally regulated activities and by any means or procedure, including acts of a sexual nature, causes a domestic, tamed, domesticated or living animal temporarily or permanently under human control injury requiring treatment to restore health".
what would a "legaly regulated activity" be?
In summary:

Spain's Zoos are saying "Yay! Zoophilia is legal!!!"

In reality: The law(s) now on the books after this revision of the law don't specifically say "fucking your dog is illegal", which, at least under USA jurisprudence (no clue how Spain's legal system works), means that there's nothing that can be DIRECTLY charged if you get caught with your pecker in Fido's fun-hole. At first glance, this means "Yay, Zoophilia is legal". But it just ain't so, and anybody who gets busted and tries to use this logic is going to be sorely disappointed.

In practice, what this actually means is that the charge they'll hit you with won't be "dog fucking", but something like "cruelty to animals", "animal abuse", "crimes against nature", or some similar charge that doesn't directly say "We caught you fucking your dog" - Instead, it will be something that boils down to "We caught you mistreating your dog". This may or may not be a "lesser evil", so far as how much time in prison you get sentenced to is concerned, but you can bet your last whatever-you-use-as-money over there (Pesos, isn't it? Or have you switched over to the Euro? I honestly don't know) that you *WILL* lose your dog to "the system", probably never to be seen again, quite likely because it will be killed as "contaminated", or some similar sentiment. At the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, count on the dog coming back to you (assuming it ever does at all) without his balls/her sexual innards - for his/her own good, of course - and you with some sort of court order that boils down to "you may never again be within 50 feet of an animal at any time unless you're under the constant supervision of an approved chaperone - violate this order, and off to prison you go!"

So no, this isn't what I'd call a "win". It isn't even "zoo is legal". It's simply "zoo activities are not DIRECTLY addressed by the current law, so we'll just have to get a bit more creative than calling you "dog fucker" to find a way to dump your worthless animal-fucking ass in the slammer." And trust me - despite not being a lawyer in Spain, I can absolutely guarantee that they *WILL* find *SOMETHING* that they can throw you in the clink for, even if they don't straight-out say "You're in for animal fucking".
It is now officially legal, but I would like to know how Spain’s police base their interpretation of that law, for example you both can have intercourse but your animal partner has to show consent and cannot be restrained ie. no leash.